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Mk3 Space Shuttle with Solid Boosters, Monopropellent OMS, and Easy to Fly!


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Updated for KSP Version 1.0.4!

This is a simple stock Mk3 space shuttle with working OMS and other accurate space shuttle characteristics. The boosters will lean you towards 45 degrees as they burn out. Separate boosters and burn through main tank to 100km apoapsis. Use OMS for orbital insertion, maneuvering, and reentry. Seats 8 kerbals. I took it to LKO and delivered a small interplanetary science probe.

The shuttle flies easy!

Craft File

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Edited by Westi29
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  astropapi1 said:
Looks nice, very realistic!

Are you going to use this one instead of the KSO from now on?

Still trying to get all the 0.23.5 mods to start the KSO series back up but this was just because I had to get in on that stock shuttle action! haha

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Westi29, please forgive me, but I could't resist. With all these shuttle threads and plane threads, this was bound to happen...


She's taking off for her maiden test flight.

See This Thread for the craft file, more pics, and video.

Feel free to bundle the I-80 carrier + Shuttle craft file with your original post. :)

edit: I also flew your shuttle. Either I'm just a good pilot, or your craft is superb in its newbie proof design. 1st time, got into orbit, launched the sat, put the guys in the cargo bay for a free fall party, deorbited, and glided to KSC runway right on the center line. Stock. no mods. wow. excellent craft. my first ever shuttle flight. I am very impressed. I hope my I-80 craft file below (with your shuttle on it) is adequate compensation for my thanks. We really should bundle our craft files together. All we need now is a chase aircraft.


Edited by inigma
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Westi, here is your shuttle delivering a station core into orbit.


All I had to do was add fuel to your existing tanks, and remove fuel from some of the solids, and simply fly it. Makes 128k orbit easily with fuel to spare.

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I used this shuttle to deliver Node 1 to my ISS replica. The station orbits at 51-something degrees, which made me worried about landing, especially since the shuttle wasn't known for its gliding capabilities in the first place, but I was able to fly it in and line it up just fine. I just crashed into the shore only a few hundred meters from the edge of the runway. A very nice craft nevertheless!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This shuttle is amazing. I was even able to make some modifications to the cargo bay and it still works great. Currently using it to build a space station. Lifts modules to orbit with ease. Lifted 20 tons as my heaviest payload so far and could probably get more up there. Just tweak the fuel in the ET and it works perfectly. You my friend have alot of skill.

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I really love this shuttle but I am having some difficulties with it -- as-is it will completely topple over before the booster stage is over and go into an uncontrollable dive, I addressed this by removing just a bit from the boosters and adding a bit more fuel to the tanks. I've watched the video many times but the biggest problem I run into is that most of the time I simply don't have enough time to make orbit with the OMS and am plunging back into the atmosphere. The few times I have made it into orbit there is very little monoprop to do much of anything.

Any suggestions or if possible a step-by-step list of how you successfully fly it

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I am quite impressed that you managed a 100% stock shuttle that actually flies and behaves somewhat like a real one.

I might grab this and use them to see how it flies.

Btw, what is the dV on this thing? Is it mostly to LKO and return, or can you go to duna or even jool with it?

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