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[0.90] Kerbol Minor Bodies (1.3)


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The Minor Bodies Mod is a mod for KSP which adds 2 asteroids, 2 small moons, 1 dwarf planet and a comet. The idea behind this is that there are a few areas of the Kerbol System which are just a bit barren, and I think the only one that has not been added by other mods is small bodies.


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Now, let's meet the 6 new bodies


Infen is a small (Bop sized) world orbiting stupidly close to Kerbol, 2 times closer to Kerbol than Moho in fact. This close proximity plus its tiny size makes it a real challenge to get to, and it also has an inclination of 7.5 degrees, further adding to the challenge. So you'll need a REALLY beefy rocket to get here.


This is the Comet, with a ridiculous with a periapsis just under Moho's orbit, and a apoapsis above Jool's orbit. It's nucleus it a tiny little thing, just 8 kilometers in diameter, and it's gravity is absolutely stupidly small. Unfortunately, it doesn't have a trail when it swings by its periapsis, but it's still a great challenge to get to.


Jastu is the large (80 km in diameter) Near Kerbin Object (NKO) asteroid, similar to Apophis. It's orbit is really close to Kerbin's with it's apoapsis a little above Kerbin's altitude and a periapsis a little below. Because of it's close orbit, it can be easy to get to, as it starts in a good location for getting to in the early game.


This is the second moon of Duna, with an orbital altitude 1.5 times higher than Ike. It is, like Zem-Po, a tiny little thing being just 13 kilometers in diameter, about half of Gilly's diameter. I can be quite a challenge to land on, because it's basically nothing gravity makes it hard to stay firmly on the surface.


Inspired by Vesta, Rafera is the now the 3rd Dwarf Planet (Or asteroid, if you prefer) in the Kerbol System. It is about 3/4 the size of Dres, has a lower inclination and has a lower orbital altitude than Dres. It is, however not an that much of an interesting place to be honest.


Berdim takes the place of a moon of Eeloo, the outermost body in the Kerbol System. It is a somewhat small moon, being 84 kilometers in diameter, so it isn't that much of a challenge compared to the other 3 bodies, with a surface gravity of about 0.07 g. (There's an optional .cfg file for people who use OPM, which makes it a moon of Plock)

DOWNLOAD (Attempting to make a Kerbal Stuff download too)



Liscence: CC BY-NC 4.0

Things To Do:

I May, or may not add another Kraun Belt Object like Eeloo, maybe something like Haumea.

Edited by Nicholander
Version 1.3
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  Nicholander said:
Hmm... Perhaps I could also add a little optional .cfg that makes it either a moon of Plock.

that could solve it

If OPM is installed, Berdim becomes a moon of Plock

@referenceBody = Plock

Berdim is standard a moon of Eeloo

Edited by Olympic1
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Hmm... I'll try to do that tomorrow, but for now there's a download link, for those who haven't noticed. Here

EDIT: For those who really can't wait until tomorrow, go into "Berdim.cfg" and change "referenceBody = Eeloo" to "referenceBody = Plock". You can also change the description to have the 2 times it says "Eeloo" changed to "Plock".

Edited by Nicholander
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Firstly, thanks for this fantastic mod. This and OPM are by far the best thought out planet packs I've used in KSP.

Unfortunately I have a small problem in that the sunlit-side for all 4 of these bodies is rotated 90 degrees (anticlockwise when viewed from 'North'/'top') as seen in the tracking station and map view in flight. I haven't got far enough in the game to go and view one of them close up yet so I'm not sure if this just a map view problem.

I have quite a few visual mods installed - including EVE, ATMbasic and Astronomers Visual Pack but can't see any obvious problem or conflict. This does not occur with any of the bodies from OPM and I'm confused as to how to fix it.

Any ideas?

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Oh. Also, I can't really decide what I want the next body to be. I already have a texture, it's a small 140 km diameter asteroid from Space Engine, but I don't know what it should actuallybe.

So here's my ideas:

Small, asteroid moon of Jool, but It's closer, within the orbit of Laythe.

Eccentric Moho crosser asteroid like Icarus.

Large NKO asteroid, like Apophis.

Kraun (Kuiper) Belt Object, like Eris or Makemake.

Krojan (Trojan) asteroid near Jool.

Dwarf planet 2 times closer to Kerbol than Moho. (Like Ablate)

So, which one should I make?

Edited by Nicholander
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  Nicholander said:
Oh. Also, I can't really decide what I want the next body to be. I already have a texture, it's a small 140 km diameter asteroid from Space Engine, but I don't know what it should actuallybe.

So here's my ideas:

Small, asteroid moon of Jool, but It's closer, within the orbit of Laythe.

Eccentric Moho crosser asteroid like Icarus.

Large NKO asteroid, like Apophis.

Kraun (Kuiper) Belt Object, like Eris or Makemake.

Krojan (Trojan) asteroid near Jool.

Dwarf planet 2 times closer to Kerbol than Moho. (Like Oblate)

So, which one should I make?

It's Ablate, not Oblate, but I would say an NKO.

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  Nicholander said:
Yeah, it is compatible with all (I think) Kopernicus Planet Packs.
  Olympic1 said:
except for Jool+

That planet pack changes Eeloo into a comet

The Outer Planets mod also changes Eeloo's position to a moon of Sarnus.

If I install this mod would the other three moons and comet show up but Berdim wouldn't show or would it just mess up Outer Planets mod completely?

  Nicholander said:
Oh. Also, I can't really decide what I want the next body to be. I already have a texture, it's a small 140 km diameter asteroid from Space Engine, but I don't know what it should actuallybe.

Well if you want something that is challenging to get to, put it into a retrograde orbit around the sun at an altitude of 1,500,000,000 meters.

Edited by Tommygun
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  Tommygun said:
The Outer Planets mod also changes Eeloo's position to a moon of Sarnus.

If I install this mod would the other three moons and comet show up but Berdim wouldn't show or would it just mess up Outer Planets mod completely?

Well if you want something that is challenging to get to, put it into a retrograde orbit around the sun at an altitude of 1,500,000,000 meters.

There is a file included in the download if you use OPM. Just copy the "Berdim" file (the one NOT in GameData) and overwrite it with the one in Kopernicus/Config

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