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Preferred vehicle and aerodynamics


Which combination do you prefer.  

224 members have voted

  1. 1. Which combination do you prefer.

    • Stock and Rockets
    • Stock and Planes/Spaceplanes
    • FAR or NEAR and Rockets
    • FAR or NEAR and Planes/Spaceplanes

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Can we deduce that a very significant number of players enjoy the simplicity ( and the fact it """"works"""") of stock aerodynamics?

I didn't think that would be correct but after looking at these results, well, thats a chunk!

Well, no actually. That's exactly what LongHairedHuman was talking about. We don't know from this poll what the reason for using Stock aero is, just that they prefer it among the available options. They may not enjoy stock at all, just that they prefer it over using mods.

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Stock and Spaceplanes. I have nothing against FAR, actually, but I always forget to install it until I'm about halfway into a run. That, and I somewhat appreciate the simplicity of stock aerodynamics, despite it being like flying through pea-soup, and despite the obvious bugs (infinigliding, mostly) because it means I can just about grab anyone's craft and fly it if need be.

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They really don't perform that differently.

Well the reason why I said it was because I've noticed that quite a few planes fly well in NEAR while the same designs can't fly at all in FAR and vice versa. So I thought that because FAR is simply a more complicated version of NEAR it's causing a marked difference in plane performance.

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Well the reason why I said it was because I've noticed that quite a few planes fly well in NEAR while the same designs can't fly at all in FAR and vice versa. So I thought that because FAR is simply a more complicated version of NEAR it's causing a marked difference in plane performance.

Yes, you can go from NEAR to FAR but you must right click on each wing and control surface and set the Wing Strength to approximately half the default value. That is the only reason you had trouble, the plane was too heavy after importing. NEAR has infinite wing strength so it doesn't calculate wing mass based on it.

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As of right now, "Stock and Rockets" because that's all I've done. I'll probably eventually try out FAR/NEAR, but I've been holding out to see what Squad comes up with in their new aero model. I've also been holding out on playing around much with planes/spaceplanes until the new aero model is released. I'll probably always have a preference for rockets, however.

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I'm not very good with planes, because I never really spent much time with them, because I knew how dodgy the stock aerodynamics were. I didn't want to put effort into building unrealistic planes, and I didn't want to break all my rockets by switching to FAR.

Now I have switched to FAR - a new update and a new main savefile made that a much easier step. I find it much more engaging for rocket launches, but I still haven't done that much with planes.

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Have tried FAR & NEAR but ended up going back to stock, and will wait and see what Squad come up with in the next update. I want so much to enjoy spaceplanes, but in all honesty I find them a bit of a slog to get into orbit so at the moment it's all rockets for me.....


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Yes, you can go from NEAR to FAR but you must right click on each wing and control surface and set the Wing Strength to approximately half the default value. That is the only reason you had trouble, the plane was too heavy after importing. NEAR has infinite wing strength so it doesn't calculate wing mass based on it.

I didn't realise FAR and NEAR had tweakable wing lift values. That's nice to know. I'll give it a try!

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I don't think it changes the lift, just the wing mass and strength.

That's right, it's just strength. Of course, a lighter plane has a better lift/weight ratio~

I hope some of that tweakability makes it in to stock though. The FAR/NEAR control surface tweakables would actually make a good standalone mod for stock all by themselves.

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Rockets represent! :cool:

I'm just not a plane person, they don't come as natural to me. I am generally not patient enough to fiddle endlessly over a plane's balance in the SPH, then fly a long and uneventful ascent, then fly a long and uneventful descent, then screw the landing approach up four times, then get frustrated, make a mistake and lose the "reusable" craft and its payload and its pilots and all the science it gathered. I can fly three successful missions with rockets in the time it takes me to fail one with a spaceplane.

However that's not to say I don't ever use planes. Sometimes I do, for atmospheric science and contracts. I've even launched satellites with spaceplanes before (once...). They're just not my favorite.

I'm also one of those "weirdos" who runs FAR despite being a rocketeer. I've played entire saves with stock and didn't mind it too much, but given the choice, I ultimately prefer an atmospheric model that acts more believable. I want my arrow-shaped rockets to benefit from being arrow-shaped, and point in the right direction as a result of it. I like the concept of using fairings, and the challenge of stuffing payloads into them. It irks me if I have to fly up several kilometers before I can start to pitch over, or if I can essentially turn the rocket sideways mid-flight and it won't even do anything. Breaks my immersion, if you know what I mean.

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Just for the interesting challenges, I build spaceplanes in FAR a lot nowadays. I've learned a great deal in the process about why various features are included on commercial airplanes, such as the iconic "cruciform tail" and "T-tail" configurations. Hint: they make it much easier to steer in thicker atmospheric conditions! Just... don't try to over-pitch. You will have a bad time.

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Interesting poll results so far. I thought that people use FAR primarily for planes, but there's a lot more FAR rocket builders than I thought.

Also interesting that it's roughly half-half stock/FAR.

Currently stock souposphere pilot here. But that changes often.

I have tried both FAR and NEAR in the past but on each new KSP version I start stock again and begin the "add more and more mods" game again.

Soon it's FAR time again.

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FAR rockets usually and once in a while a shuttle. I don't like the reduced delta-v requirements, but stock aero is just not my cup of tea. After trying out FAR there was no turning back for me

edit: thinking about it, flying planes in FAR was the decisive point. But in career I can't use em as much since they are unlocked rather late and I couldn't stop myself from starting a new career with every new release...

Edited by prophet_01
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