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STS-7/E Space Shuttle (Stock NASA Replica) Still Flies in KSP 1.4.3 - Re-enters Like the Real Thing!


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Would this be of interest to you Inigma?

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It's about as small as I can make an RCS pack. Contains docking port, RCS tank, battery, torque wheel, probe core, 2 x RCS thruster block, 4 x RCS linear ports, (2 on each side so lateral thrust equals other directional thrust), solar panels and of course a seat. I think it is 16 parts.

Craft file.

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That's how I "landed" STS-107 during the rescue mission. Neat feature!

I'm gonna try launching the 42 ton refueling module aboard Ares V, will report back with what that thing can do.

EDIT: So I'm able to crash it into the Mun after a brief powered descent Had to tap into the fuel reserves a bit to actually "land" it. That means a LKO payload of about... 126 tons?



It has a habit of falling over, though:


Also, revamped Ares V a bit (basically made it less prone to disassembling itself on the way to orbit) and stretched the SRBs up to five segments:


Finally, did some proof-of-concept work with delivery into atmospheres via the upper stage:


Then I built a monster of a vehicle (four five-segment SRBs) that I call Ares Vc. Can't see it well (it's identical outside of the number of SRBs), but screenshot:


Craft files:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/uak7ashg1qksq43/Ares%20V%20mk%20II.craft?dl=0 (Improved Ares V)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/3wo6mzvqio2pnw6/Ares%20Vc.craft?dl=0 (This... thing.)

OP updated. What is the cargo rating on the Ares Vc?

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So I'm making this. I'm still putting together a nice album with some cool snapshots and an hefty backstory, but for now i wanted to hear what you guys think of it.


It's wawesome! post craft and short description and let us know when your screenshot series is done!

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Inigma? do i have permission to use your wings for the moment? honestly i'm to lazy to build my own wings for my shuttle :D

Absolutely! No credit needed. Inigma Industries Shuttle Class Composite Wings are public domain. :)

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Would this be of interest to you Inigma?


It's about as small as I can make an RCS pack. Contains docking port, RCS tank, battery, torque wheel, probe core, 2 x RCS thruster block, 4 x RCS linear ports, (2 on each side so lateral thrust equals other directional thrust), solar panels and of course a seat. I think it is 16 parts.

Craft file.

I love it! I'll test it out shortly and add it to OP!

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No, as far as I can tell, no one has flown it there legit yet. Still waiting for Yukon to get back to me with his pass on Galileo.

Until then, I've already started working on another subassembly to appease my low attention span...

Sorry I took so long to get back to you on this.

Sorry bout that, have been distracted by other projects, will get back to it ASAP.

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Would this be of interest to you Inigma?


It's about as small as I can make an RCS pack. Contains docking port, RCS tank, battery, torque wheel, probe core, 2 x RCS thruster block, 4 x RCS linear ports, (2 on each side so lateral thrust equals other directional thrust), solar panels and of course a seat. I think it is 16 parts.

Craft file.

Can be done with ten :P


Rune. Now without excess torque so it's not as crazy to pilot, even without fine controls.

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For some reason, the stupid new imgur album won't let me read the entirety of each caption for each picture. Using the "read more" link available always takes me to some ad for a Blu-Ray disc.

It looks like a cool mission nevertheless. It's too bad the space shuttle was delayed too long for it to fly to Skylab. President Nixon and his apathetic attitude towards spaceflight must be rolling in his grave right now.

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Can be done with ten :P


Rune. Now without excess torque so it's not as crazy to pilot, even without fine controls.

Redshift and Rune MMUs... quite the competition!

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Thank you! posting this too shortly in the OP when I get a moment!

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Awesome album by the way! :D I LOVE it!

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I like how you incorporated the Skylab rescue into your flight. GMTA too! I'm doing something similar in my STS mini-series/challenge:

I like the TRS module you built, it looks pretty close to the real thing. :)

Responded here for ya: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/112399-STS-Space-Shuttle-Challenges-PROVE-YOUR-PILOTING-METTLE-Earn-a-Badge!?p=1835934&viewfull=1#post1835934

well done. very well done. I will update the OP with your video shortly as well. Was gone on vacation last week.

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All ur subs r belong to OP. new subs posted, and OP updated! You guys rock!

Word of note: if you post your sub craft files to KerbalX.com (and maintain them there), I can associate them with the STS Hangar, so others can peruse your craft when searching through the STS library.

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So I'm making this. I'm still putting together a nice album with some cool snapshots and an hefty backstory, but for now i wanted to hear what you guys think of it.


Whats the tonnage on that bad boy subassembly so I can update the OP?

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TG626 made a really cool looking Buran based on design principles he learned from the STS-4:



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Ya, I wish they made a way to fine tune SAS torque and RCS thrust in stock.

Btw, I love Flack Badgers (on reddit) shuttle wings:


it has me thinking... I wonder if I could design STS-5 with wings rooted to the engine core so the bay and cockpits can be swappable... :)

This way sub assemblies could have more permanent build outs for certain bay configurations rather than having to do all the fancy hidden panel tricks of previous subassemblies thus further reducing part counts...

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Not claiming any of the "architect" achievement here, but playing a little modded KSP, I was just in mind to be here to share my "slightly modified" K.A.S.A. Shuttle, based on yours, Inigma...

... I'm working on a MIR-replica from Tantares parts (here: Araym's K.A.S.A. - Kerbal Administration of Space Adventures), and, as it's already consuming to plan that, your Space Shuttle (for later MIR-Shuttle program rehearsal) comes really handy :D

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Thanks for your creation :D

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Not claiming any of the "architect" achievement here, but playing a little modded KSP, I was just in mind to be here to share my "slightly modified" K.A.S.A. Shuttle, based on yours, Inigma...

... I'm working on a MIR-replica from Tantares parts (here: Araym's K.A.S.A. - Kerbal Administration of Space Adventures), and, as it's already consuming to plan that, your Space Shuttle (for later MIR-Shuttle program rehearsal) comes really handy :D



Thanks for your creation :D

Glad to hear it! You are welcome to take an Engineer badge for the effort, since you did modify the cargo bay, and cockpit into something personally useful!


I am hoping to make the engine core the root that the wings attach to in STS-5 so swapping out your cargo bay and cockpit should make for an interesting subassembly, hence the Engineer classification. :)

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Ya, I wish they made a way to fine tune SAS torque and RCS thrust in stock.

Btw, I love Flack Badgers (on reddit) shuttle wings:


it has me thinking... I wonder if I could design STS-5 with wings rooted to the engine core so the bay and cockpits can be swappable... :)

This way sub assemblies could have more permanent build outs for certain bay configurations rather than having to do all the fancy hidden panel tricks of previous subassemblies thus further reducing part counts...

Whoseever thing that is, it inspired me. Big time! This is more promising than the Dao.


Rune. Thank him for me, would you? :)

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Rune, that is kinda all I ever wanted... :)

The Dao is wonderful, but I was using STS-4 because I feel like I need every SSTO to be vaugely shuttle-shaped...

Well, this thing is promising to do pretty much the same thing, but with a lot less parts (IIRC, the Dao was close to 250, this one is 165). In payload bays, after all, the payload is rarely as dense as a fuel tank, and rarely goes over 20mT for a big payload bay. And yes, the shape is downright beautiful, the shuttle's aerodynamic lines are a clear example of "it it looks right, it'll fly right".

I was needing a short of "utility truck" to haul up and down stuff like Drive and Klaw pods (right now I have about 10 old-version Drive pods without torque sources that need to be retired and/or replaced, and they are about √10k a pop so totally worth it), plus making crew rotations while I'm at it which is a nice touch, and the Dao was a bit overkill, not to mention it brought the lag on big stations into the "seriously bothersome" category. This should become my next space truck and fill that niche.

Rune. To say that I'm expecting big things out of it is probably an understatement...

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Well, this thing is promising to do pretty much the same thing, but with a lot less parts (IIRC, the Dao was close to 250, this one is 165). In payload bays, after all, the payload is rarely as dense as a fuel tank, and rarely goes over 20mT for a big payload bay. And yes, the shape is downright beautiful, the shuttle's aerodynamic lines are a clear example of "it it looks right, it'll fly right".

I was needing a short of "utility truck" to haul up and down stuff like Drive and Klaw pods (right now I have about 10 old-version Drive pods without torque sources that need to be retired and/or replaced, and they are about √10k a pop so totally worth it), plus making crew rotations while I'm at it which is a nice touch, and the Dao was a bit overkill, not to mention it brought the lag on big stations into the "seriously bothersome" category. This should become my next space truck and fill that niche.

Rune. To say that I'm expecting big things out of it is probably an understatement...

Have you tried it with FAR? do you expect it to survive the aero update?

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