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[1.2] OSE Workshop - KIS Addon: (v1.1.0 - 2016.11.03)


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1.1.0 - 2016-11-03

  • Updated to KSP 1.2
  • Update to KIS 1.3
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when you navigate the Workbench
  • Added missing categories to workbench filter
  • Removed Module filter
  • Workbench will show the currently filtered category in the title
  • Fixed a bug that caused NRE when starting a new game

0.14.0 - 2016-06-12

  • Compatible to KSP 1.1.2
  • Compatible to KIS 1.2.11
  • Updated all included dependencies to latest version
  • Removed resource scaling to compensate for part costs
  • Removed configurable part size limit for the workshop
  • Removed "All" filter in workshop menu
  • Removed all category filters except for "none" in workshop menu
  • Added funds requirement for parts where the parts cost is more than the resource costs in career mode
  • Added CategoryAddon module that unlocks part categories in the workshop menu
  • Added CategoryAddon for all categories except "Science" to Workshop
  • Added CategoryAddon for "Science" to Mobile Processing Lab

0.13.0 - 2016-04-26

  • Updated to KSP 1.1
  • Updated to ModuleManager 2.6.23
  • Updated to CommunityResourcePack 0.5.0
  • Updated to Firespitter 7.2.1

0.12.1 - 2015-12-12

  • Fixed a bug that caused more than three items in the recycler to stack like solitair (thx to Kowgan for reporting)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Workshop to only show two pages after switching the category (thx to Kowgan again)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Workshop to show empty pages when switching categories
  • Fixed a bug that caused the recycler to remove complete stacks of items from their inventory while only recycling a single one

0.12.0 - 2015-12-06

  • Fixed the recycler and re-added it's module to be usable again
  • Added new fextures provided by Angel-125 for the ose3000 and ose6000 to be able to use FSTextureSwitch
  • Added MM patches to add ExoticMinerals and RareMetals to the stock scanners and drills

0.11.1 - 2015-11-19

  • Buffed the MaterialKits converter to have the intended efficiency that is in line with stock
  • Buffed the production speed of the workshop to account for the higher resource needs due to cost compensation

0.11.0 - 2015-11-17

  • OSE Workshop is no longer dependent on a specific version of KIS. => Updating KIS should no longer break OSE Workshop
  • Implemented multi resource system
    • Parts can require multiple resources to be created
    • Default recipe is still MaterialKits only
    • Introduced RareMetals and ExoticMinerals as new Resources to support the multi resource system
    • Introduced Dirt as new mineable resource. Dirt can be converted to RareMetals and ExoticMinerals using the Material Extractor
    • Ablator and SolidFuel can be 3D printed using Ore as resource. That means, that parts containing those two resources will be printed with the MaxAmount of those resources available.
    • Engines require MaterialKits and RareMetals to be constructed
    • Command Modules require MaterialKits and ExoticMinerals to be constructed
    • Science Experiments require MaterialKits, RareMetals and ExoticMinerals to be constructed
    • It is no longer possible to make money with the workshop
    • Resource costs will always be at least as high as the part costs by scaling up the units needed when the mass conversion does not use enough resources on its own
    • A new system to make money by using a dedicted factory module and dedicated recipes and parts is currently in the planning phase.
  • Recycler is temporarily disabled until I have time to fix it (it is broken due to the new recipe system)
  • New dependency to FirespitterCore to use FuelSwitch for the new resources on the OSE Tanks (individual textures not yet included)
  • New dependency to CommunityResourcePack, that holds the new resources as well as MaterialKits

0.10.2 - 2015-08-17

  • Only parts that are unlocked and purchased will be available for printing
  • The tooltip in the Workbench will show you the costs of the part itself and the costs of the resources used in the printing process => I need this for the career mode balancing but thought you might enjoy it as well

0.10.1 - 2015-08-15

  • Compatibility to KIS 1.2.2
  • Fixed NRE in the VAB of the new inventory preference module

0.10.0 - 2015-08-09

  • Fixed a bug that caused Workshop to determine the wrong maximum part size
  • Added category filter for "none" to show mod parts in custom category filters
  • Added inventory preference module to all inventories to allow the selection of favoured invetories. (All Inventories except the crew will have a "favor inventory" context action if a workshop is present on the vessel. When storing a finished part the Workshop will try to place the item in the favored inventories fist and than try the others)

0.9.6 - 2015-08-01

  • Compatible with KIS 1.2.1
  • Fixed a bug in the Recycler that caused an Exception when an Item was added to the Queue
  • Fixed animation setup for the 3D printing lab

0.9.5 - 2015-07-28

  • Complete rework of the workshop GUI
  • 3 x10 Grid for item selection without a scrollbar
  • Paging of available items (this should reduce memory usage a lot and hopefuly prevent freezes and crashes)
  • Mouseover tooltips with larger preview, mass, volume and available resources as well as cost (MaterialKits) and duration for the crafting process
  • Maximum volume of craftable parts in the Workbench title
  • 7x4 Grid for the workshop queue that also uses the tooltip feature
  • work and hotness animations on the 3D printing lab now start and stop automatically when you print something

0.9.4 - 2015-07-22

  • Fixed physics Issue with converter
  • Reworked part list loading to fix "Empty Workbench" Issue or make it more obvious what went wrong (more logging info)

0.9.3 - 2015-07-21

  • Fixed a bug that caused the displayed amount of recycable MaterialKits of a part to be higher than the actual result
  • Fixed a bug that caused an exception to be thrown when parts where removed from the queue
  • Fixed potential memory leaks in the GUI and made the code in general more robust (I hope the freezing some of you expected is now gone)
  • Moved the containers from FuelTanks to Utility category

0.9.2 - 2015-07-12

  • Updated to KIS 1.2
  • Items in the Workshop menu are sorted by title

0.9.1 - 2015-07-09

  • New textures for containers
  • Fixed MM config files for optional USI Parts

0.9.0 - 2015-07-07

  • Update to be compatible with KSP 1.0.4
  • Removed dependency to MKS (Part configs and assets are still available in the _Optionals_ folder)
  • Removed tech tree progression for part size limit and made it configurable per module (Existing printers do not grow in size when technology advances)
  • Added new MaterialKits ressource that will be used by the workshop
  • Added new parts for workshop (part size limit of 2000), resource processing of Ore -> MaterialKits and storage for MaterialKits.
  • Added workshop module to Mobile Processing Lab (part size limit of 300 liters)
  • Placed all workshop parts in the science branch of the tech tree starting with the small storage container and the Workshop module inside the Processing Lab in the advanced exploration node.

0.8.0 - 2015-06-08

  • Added Recycler Module to Workshop, to allow scrapping of Inventory Items
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Workshop to crash when there is enough space but no free slots in an inventory to place a built part
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Workshop to place parts in pod inventories, which where not occupied by a Kerbal

0.7.3 - 2016-05-22

  • Updated KIS reference to 1.1.5

0.7.2 - 2015-05-22

  • Fixed display of item recipe in build menu
  • Added tech tree upgrades for maximum volume of craftable parts
    • Advanced Construction unlocks 300 liters (Kerbal Inventory)
    • Specialized Constructions unlocks 1000 liters (SC-62 container)
    • Advanced metalworks unlocks 20.000 liters (IMC-250 container)

0.7.1 - 2015-05-21

  • Fixed invalid version file

0.7.0 - 2015-05-20

  • Compatibility with KIS 1.1.4
  • Updated CRP to 0.4.2
  • Complete rework of the Workshop Build Menu
    • Thumbnails of Items
    • Display number of RocketParts needed
    • Progressbar
    • Filter for Category & Modules (currently ModuleKISItem only)
  • Added OKS version of the Workshop
  • The part list in the build menu only contains parts with a volume smaller than the largest inventory on the vessel
  • Added OseModuleRecipe to _ALL_ parts

0.6.0 - 2015-05-14

  • Compatibility with KSP 1.0.2
  • Added MKS as new Dependency
  • Removed KAS as Dependency
  • Replaced Hitchhiker placeholder model with the Generic MKS Module and a custom Decal
  • Added custom editor category to find Workshop Parts easier
  • Removed toolboxes, because MKS already provides tanks for RocketParts
  • Required resources for each item are now configurable with MM on a per part base and it is possible to require more than one resource with different ratios (This is the part that took me so long to finish this release ;-)).
  • You can highlight all inventories on your current vessel from the Workbench. This is an unfinished feature for future releases, but I did not want to remove it for this one. Just ignore it

0.5.0 - 2015-04-17

  • State of the current production and items in the queue will now be saved and restored when you leave the vessel and come back later
  • Added support for COmmunity Tech Tree. The Mobile Workshop and the Toolboxes are placed in the orbital Assembly node
  • Added support for MKS. The MK3 Fabrication Plant will become a Workshop. In addition to that, the Mobile Workshop and the two Toolboxes will be made unresearchable IMPORTANT: Disconnect your Workshop and Toolboxes if you have MKS installed or you may loose your vessel when the Workshop part becomes unavailable
  • Changed the name of the action in the context menu to *Open Workbench*

0.4.2 - 2015-04-11

  • Fixed a bug introduced in 0.4.1 that prevented parts created in the "Mobile Workshop" from being dropped or attached.

0.4.1 - 2015-04-11

  • Updated KIS Reference to Version 1.0.2
  • Fixed description of Toolboxes to show that they contain Rocket Parts

0.4.0 - 2015-03-23

  • Added KIS integration and made KIS a new dependency
  • Added OseModuleRecipe to the mod, which allows a part to be constructed by the workshop
  • Added Modulemanager configurations to add recipe module to all previous KASGrabbable parts from KAS and Squad as well as all the KIS parts
  • Removed dependency to Regolith
  • KAS is only needed for the toolboxes, which are deprecated and will be removed together with the KAS Dependency in 0.5.0 IMPORTANT: Use KIS to scrap the toolboxes and the connectors to prevent loosing your craft in the next release
  • The Workshop will put items into its own inventory only. If it is full, the item will be hold in queue and production is paused IMPORTANT: Since the KAS Storage is removed, items stored inside will be lost. Remove them before you update

0.3.0 - 2015-02-20

  • Added new UI, similar to the KASeditor window inside the VAB
  • Added KSP-AVC support
  • Added a production queue to the Workshop, that allows to built multiple items in sequence. As long as the production of an item did not start you can remove it from the queue
  • Fixed some spelling errors in the Toolbox descriptions
  • Further reduced ElectricChargeto 250, which allows a production of 10 seconds without external power or batteries
  • Reduced max amount of RocketParts in the Workshop to 25

0.2.0 - 2015-01-26

  • Fixed scaling problem with hitchhiker model IMPORTANT: This might cause problems with your crafts already in flight -> backup your savegame!
  • Added KASModuleContainer with size 20 to Mobile Workshop
  • Added 25 RocketParts to Mobile Workshop
  • Reduced ElectricCharge in Mobile Workshop to 2500, which allows a productio of 100 seconds without external power or batteries
  • Finished Items will be kept until free space is available and not get lost anymore
  • Cleaned up context menu



This mod is not in a final release state yet and everything you see is subject to change. I will do my best to make every update compatible with your savegames from the last version, but cannot guarantee it.

This mod is science mode ready. All parts are placed at there correct node in the tech tree.

This mod is career mode ready. The parts and the printing process itself (cost of MaterialKits plus EC) is scaled so that costs of MaterialKits and other resources match the cost of the printed parts.

What does it do?

The OSE - Workshop is a new Part that is meant to be used together with Kerbal Inventory System (KIS). It allows you to create parts in flight.

Current Features

  • Queueing of items for production
  • All Items require MaterialKits, ElectricCharge and a crew of two Kerbals to be created
  • The amount of MaterialKits needed is depending on the mass of the created item => To create an item with the mass of one ton you need one ton of MaterialKits (not one unit)
  • Recycling of items stored in your vessels inventory
  • Processing of Ore into MaterialParts
  • Cancelation of item production
  • Selection of target inventory
  • Efficiency based on Crew Traits

Planned Features

  • Specialized Workshops for different categories

Known issues and restrictions

  • N / A

Requird mods

Recommended Mods


OSE Workshop is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, which means

  • You are permitted to use, copy and redistribute my work as-is.
  • You may remix your own derivatives (new models, alternative textures, etc.) and release them under your own name.
  • You may not use the material for any commercial purposes.
  • You must use the same license as the original work.
  • You must credit the following people when publishing your derivatives in the download and forum posts: ObiVanDamme and Enceos (OSE Workshop), KospY and Winn75 (Kerbal Attachment System).


Credits and Thanks

The included plugin Community Resource Pack (by RoverDude) is distributed under it's own license.

The included plugin ModuleManager (by ialdabaoth & sarbian) is distributed under it's own license.

The included plugin FirespitterCore (by snjo) is distributed under it's own license.

Portions of this codebase include source by taniwha, used under GNU general public license.

KIS is the original Work of KospY and Winn75 - Thank you for creating this awesome mod.


ObiVanDamme: mod idea and C# programming

Enceos: 3D models and textures

Angel-125: Maintenance during absence

Edited by ObiVanDamme
New Version
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Hi ObiVanDamme, and welcome to the forums!

Unfortunately, I had to remove the link to your download and lock the thread as KospY's license does not permit redistribution of parts without a license waiver. If you contact KospY and obtain such a waiver, please contact me or one of the other moderators by private message and we can reopen this.

Edit: OP clarified that the mod .cfg edits the parts in an existing KAS install, thread reopened.

Edited by Red Iron Crown
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Interesting! I wanted to build something like this, nice to see it done. If the part that has the workshop module code has a KAS container built-in, will the workshop store the parts in the built-in container? I'd love to build a Multipurpose Colony Modules template that utilizes your parts workshop.. :)

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Interesting! I wanted to build something like this, nice to see it done. If the part that has the workshop module code has a KAS container built-in, will the workshop store the parts in the built-in container? I'd love to build a Multipurpose Colony Modules template that utilizes your parts workshop.. :)

all that can be did with simple MM cfigs angel

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Interesting! I wanted to build something like this, nice to see it done. If the part that has the workshop module code has a KAS container built-in, will the workshop store the parts in the built-in container? I'd love to build a Multipurpose Colony Modules template that utilizes your parts workshop.. :)

The module checks all KAS containers on the vessel and stores the item in the first one with enough space.

Edited by ObiVanDamme
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The module checks all KAS containers on the vessel and stores the item in the first one with enough space.

Ah ok. Any chance that it could look to the part first for a KAS container module and then look throughout the vessel? That would make it really convenient to find the parts you make, especially for stations and bases with lots of storage. :)

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Ah ok. Any chance that it could look to the part first for a KAS container module and then look throughout the vessel? That would make it really convenient to find the parts you make, especially for stations and bases with lots of storage. :)

that sounds like a good idea. Would you mind creating an issue on git hub, so I don't forget?

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  • 2 weeks later...


I m the author of the SETI-BalanceMod (link in signature).

Your workshop for KAS parts looks very useful, and I m planning to support it in one of the next updates.

I m also planning on making something like procedural KAS tanks (based on ProceduralParts) for carrying around resources and attaching them to already built vessels/rovers.

It there a way you could allow users of your workshop to have access to some of the VAB right click options for the parts to build?

The procedural KAS parts would be fixed in size (and thus usage of KAS space) but users would need to select the various TANK_TYPE_OPTION of the MODULE[TankContentSwitcher] to select for what resources they want to build the portable tank.

Eg they want to have a liquid fuel tank for liquid fuel and oxydizer. They would thus select the new Procedural KAS Liquid Tank (which is based upon the Procedural Liquid Tank, but with fixed dimensions) and would then select the tank type option "Mixed".

Choosing a particular texture would be nice, but my primary concern is with functionality.

Thank you very much for the great mod and your help!

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Awesome mod for MKS and EPL players! I've been struggling with making KAS parts via EPL, but now we can make small things without the need of root parts and VAB prefabs. Extremely useful!

Edit: ObiVanDamme, You're using an outdated Regolith version.

Edited by Enceos
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This looks really cool; bookmarked. :)

this is awesome, is it possible to have the workshop output finished products to KAS containers attached to it?

Apparently it places the part in the first attached KAS container with enough space.

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This looks really cool; bookmarked. :)

Apparently it places the part in the first attached KAS container with enough space.

If that's the case wouldn't it just fill all the empty slots in a base that would be linked to it? for instance all MKS lander bases have KAS storage built in, it would be a nightmare hunting down where thee output is if the workshop itself is full, or if you made a change to the base.

I wonder if there is a way that you could define the output container... like in.. clicking a button in the rightclick menu that says, Output, then clicking on any part on the same vessel and having that part the output, but by default have it set to the workshop?

anyways, still love it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I m the author of the SETI-BalanceMod (link in signature).

Your workshop for KAS parts looks very useful, and I m planning to support it in one of the next updates.

I m also planning on making something like procedural KAS tanks (based on ProceduralParts) for carrying around resources and attaching them to already built vessels/rovers.

It there a way you could allow users of your workshop to have access to some of the VAB right click options for the parts to build?

The procedural KAS parts would be fixed in size (and thus usage of KAS space) but users would need to select the various TANK_TYPE_OPTION of the MODULE[TankContentSwitcher] to select for what resources they want to build the portable tank.

Eg they want to have a liquid fuel tank for liquid fuel and oxydizer. They would thus select the new Procedural KAS Liquid Tank (which is based upon the Procedural Liquid Tank, but with fixed dimensions) and would then select the tank type option "Mixed".

Choosing a particular texture would be nice, but my primary concern is with functionality.

Thank you very much for the great mod and your help!

So you want the people to be able to select the Type of the Tank before actually building it in the Workshop? That seems to be a bit trick to me, since that would involve some kind of hierarchy in the selection mode, since not all parts would have this option. I need to investigate how procedural tanks implement the Type selection for the items and basically replicate it in my own menu. If it is possible I will try to implment that. Thank you for the Idea.

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Thank you for the compliment and the feedback regarding the stpring procedure.

If that's the case wouldn't it just fill all the empty slots in a base that would be linked to it? for instance all MKS lander bases have KAS storage built in, it would be a nightmare hunting down where thee output is if the workshop itself is full, or if you made a change to the base.

I currently do not pick a specific container for storing the parts. I just take the list with all available containers and place the item in the first container with enough free space. With a MKS station in mind where every base has a container this might result in some searching for the built part. I think in the current state where you can only build one item after the other it is not a big deal, since I expect the item will be build when needed and taken out of the container immediatly. The first idea that came to my mind about this is, that you can switch the storing mode. By default the workshop will than place the part in the first free container. If you choose "workshop only" the item will be kept in the queue until there is room in the workshops container itself and parts will only be placed there. When I implement the queueing feature I will take a look at the storing procedure again.

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So you want the people to be able to select the Type of the Tank before actually building it in the Workshop? That seems to be a bit trick to me, since that would involve some kind of hierarchy in the selection mode, since not all parts would have this option. I need to investigate how procedural tanks implement the Type selection for the items and basically replicate it in my own menu. If it is possible I will try to implment that. Thank you for the Idea.

Yes, thank you very much for investigating this!

It would basically reduce much of the clutter for TAC life support (all the HexCans for the different resources and combinations). Also there is an effort to add the MKS/OKS resources to procedural parts. So you would eg select the "Procedural KAS/TAC life support" part and then select the tank type option for it, eg water. That would allow you to make KAS containers for the 8 TAC combinations (food/water/oxygen, food, water, oxygen, waste/waste water/carbon dioxide, waste, waste water, carbon dioxide), while only using up one part slot.

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So cool! I was wishing for something like this.

It is there a way to configure it to require nothing to create parts? And make them instantly?

Not completely. You can change the amount of electric charge that is used per second during the build process, by adding the ElectricChargePerSecond property to the OseModuleWorkshop config in the parts config file. In addition to that you can speed up the building process by adding the RocketPartsPerSecond property to the OseModuleWorkshop config in the parts config file. However, you will still need the RocketParts available to make the item, since you cannot "magically" create Items out of nothing.

The instant creation of parts without the requirement for energy can be explained if you have Jeb in your Workshop, because he is just awesome :D. I doubt that I will remove the requirement for RocketParts in any upcoming release. If you desperatly need that change, you can PM me and I can tell you where you can remove the RocketParts consumption in the code so you can use your own modified Version of the Workshop.

Edited by ObiVanDamme
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello ObiVanDamme, could you please make an alternative Workshop.dll which uses Spare Parts from MKS to build KAS gadgets. Manufacturing rocket parts on site is almost at the end of the Tech Tree when playing CTT. Spare Parts, on another hand, are easier to make and require less MK3 modules involved in the production chain. I find unlocking the ability to make KAS parts earlier than Rockets much more reasonable for the purposes of CTT progression.

Edited by Enceos
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