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What are the feats that you've accomplished in KSP?


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Hello, forums!

So, I was keeping track of my KSP achievements, until I realized how amateur I was at the game, seeing people sending colossal space stations to different planets, While I only managed to send landers to the Mun and Minmus. ;.;

Anyway, the title says it all: What are your KSP achievements?

Here's my list (in order):

Launched a rocket.

Managed to design a flying aircraft.

Sent rocket in to space.

Sent one in to Kerbol Orbit.

Sent another in to Kerbin orbit.

Sent a Satellite in Kerbin Orbit.

Launched my first space station in orbit.

Landed on the Mun and back.

Flew to North Pole.

Landed on Minmus and returned.

Sent working rover to the Mun.

Sent Space Station to the Mun.

Working on:

Docking two spacecraft in Kerbin Orbit.

Planning to send Rover to Minmus.

Planning to send probe around Eve.

What are your achievements in Kerbal Space Program?

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My older projects are in here:

Made floating Laythe bases

This is the colony, designed to be modular. It has a marine science module, a landing platform and several housing bays.


On the landing platform we perform routine maintenance of VTOL SSTO aircraft and refuel them as needed.


Here is the single housing module


And the quad housing module for more colonists. It's designed to resemble a small village.


Here is the science bay where Laythe's water, atmosphere and other relevant experiments are carried out.


Another angle of the layout. Feels quite cosy. :)




Brought a giant space station around Jool



Rode a Dune Bike on Duna

Made an Interplanetary transfer ring for my SSTOs

Older Prototype ring:


Landed an asteroid:



Combined Stabojet technology with my SSTOS to prevent asymmetrical flame-outs


Made a decent Constellation mission



Now, my latest project is deploying a monorail system on the Mun to link up a Mun Base I have built. Then after that, make a floating monorail system to link my floating Laythe bases together. Challenge accepted!!! :o


Edited by Levelord
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I stated playing KSP last July. Since then there's not much I haven't tried yet within the Kerbin system, having successfully completed most of the common Mun/Minmus missions, i.e. unmanned landings, manned landings, bases, rovers, etc. I've also launched and manned an orbiting space station, though it was pretty small. I haven't yet undertaken any really large in-space construction projects. I've gotten pretty good at rendezvous and docking, though I still need more practice at performing pinpoint landings. I've fulfilled most of the contracts that are available around the Kerbin system.

I've successfully landed an unmanned lander on every planet except Moho and Jool. My trip to Moho was supposed to be a landing but I messed up and didn't have enough propellant to land after I got there, so I only managed to orbit. Of course it's not possible to land on Jool, but I did orbit and I sent an unmanned probe on a descent through Jool's atmosphere. I've also landed unmanned landers on Gilly, Ike and Bop. The only planet that I've landed on and returned from is Duna, having done it first unmanned and then manned. Duna is also the only planet to which I've sent Kerbals outside of the Kerbin system. I also pulled off a successful rescue mission when my first manned mission to Duna inexplicably exploded (apparently the deep space kraken got me). I've also captured an asteroid and placed it in an orbit around Kerbin. I've fulfilled several of the planet/moon exploration contracts.

So far everything I've done has been using expendable rockets. I don't use any of the mods that allow recovery of rocket parts*. I also haven't done anything with jet engines or SSTO. So far I've shown no interest in planes or spaceplanes, other than briefly playing around with a few of the stock planes in sandbox.

* I've actually used only a couple modes (most specifically KER). I also use stock aerodynamics (I downloaded NEAR but decided against installing it). My plan is to wait until version 1.0 is available before I consider if and what additional mods I want to try.

Edited by OhioBob
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I haven't done any of the really pro stuff (like Eve land and return), but I have done some great things, like

(Entered the SOI of every planet and moon)

(Did a major mission to Jool, kinda went the way of apollo 13 though, considering I trashed my only lander on Bop...)

(Captured a large asteroid)

...I'm currently working on a huge project though, making a self-sustainable base with a lot of mods on Moho, turns out it's really hard, I found water... in ONE spot. And that spot happens to have no Karbonite. Well, I suppose I can turn the water into fuel using the MKS/OKS Extraplanetary Launchpads fuel refinery... I'll wait and see if there's another spot with water using ScanSAT, though.

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Landing on Minmus with the jetpack and returning to the spaceship in orbit, without any instrumentation mods.

I've done grander and more complex missions since, but that is still one of my proudest achievements. EVA landings are a doddle with mods like KER and NavHUD, but without them they're a serious seat-of-the-pants challenge.

Another that again is maybe not my outright most impressive mission but is certainly special for me is my Smith 2. It's hardly a fancy build, but by using a whole string of gravity assists that little guy flew past every planet, while its near-twin skipped Eeloo and instead plunged into the Sun. After a mission like that I think I can count myself as an expert on gravity assists.

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Well I have done a lot of things.

Built an ISS style space station, built a NASA style shuttle, landed on a lot of the planetary bodies in the Kerbol system (except Jool, Gilly, Ike, Moho and Dres), done rescue missions, satellites, rovers, bases.

Things I want to do: An Eve return mission (landing was successful, ascent not so far), doing the Eve Rocks and Jool 5 challenges, diving as closely as possible into kerbol orbit.

Edit: I am quite proud of being able to construct a launch vehicle that can lift 1100 tons to robit.

Edited by ShadowZone
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Setting aside the standard stuff...

I have designed and executed an Apollo mission using a notepad and sliderule.

I have created an entire STS interplanetary infrastructure like Von Braun envisioned.

I have created an SSTO reusable booster with a mass ratio over 100%.

I have created a spaceplane that can shuttle 4 kerbals between KSC and my space station 3 times without refueling.

I have put an ion glider into orbit without infiniglide

I have created a kraken drive infiniglider that landed and returned from Eve, Duna, and Laythe in a single trip.

And this morning I put a satellite in orbit for a total vehicle cost of $1,200.



Edited by GoSlash27
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It's been just over 3 years since I started playing KSP, so the list of what I haven't done is actually shorter at this point...

- I haven't done a FAR-installed Eve land-and-return mission yet

- I haven't "landed" on Jool (which I'm pretty sure hasn't been possible for several versions anyway; it was a glitch that you even could!)

- I haven't run a Jool-5 mission yet; mostly waiting on an official TAC Life Support 0.90 update before I do

That's about all that comes to mind.

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Most of this was done in previous versions of KSP - I'm still getting my career going in .90.

I've landed Kerbals on every planet and moon possible, but I've only returned them from the Mun, Minmus, Duna, Ike, and Gilly so far. I've placed science satellites around every body in the system. I've also made exactly two successful spaceplane designs, but I am now a pro at designing planes that don't fly. And I have created dozens of fiery explosions, watched dozens of spacecraft run out of power permanently, and destroyed so many rockets on the launch pad that I lost track a long time ago.

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My biggest accomplishments are those I haven't done yet. Every time I finish something I am proud of, I take a screen shot, show my kid, and then try something new.

Right now I am building a set of ships that will capture two large asteroids in LKO and then dock them together.

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Achieved (roughly in order of accomplishment, based on my memory; notable achievements in bold):

Launch a rocket

Launch a rocket and recover the crew

Achieve orbit

Achieve orbit with an SSTO

Land on Mun

Rendezvous two ships in orbit

Buy KSP full version

Build a working boat

Land on Minmus

Dock two vessels in orbit

Dock two vessels on the ground

Build a cannon

Build a space station

Build a base on something other than Kerbin (Mun)

Multi-dock (dock two vessels at multiple points. My record is nine ports simultaneously)

Send an unmanned probe to another planet (Eve)

Visit another planet with a crew (the Eve system and Gilly)

Release the Kraken

Rescue stranded Kerbals

Achieve an escape trajectory from the Kerbolar system

Redirect an asteroid

Build and fly a plane

Find an Easter Egg

Build and fly an SSTO spaceplane

Use one or more mods

Develop a mod (Para-Sci Jump Drive)

Construct an interplanetary vessel in orbit

Destroy a planet/moon with a Klaw (Mun)

Build a military vehicle (tank)

Dock without using RCS

Land on another planet with a crew and return (Duna)

Build a vehicle capable of landing on and ascending to orbit from Tylo

Perform multiple docking operations concurrently

Not achieved:

Land an asteroid on Kerbin (or anywhere)

Build a vehicle capable of ascending to orbit from Eve or Jool

Actually go to Tylo or Eve and return to orbit without using HyperEdit

In progress:

Visit multiple planets other than Kerbin in one mission (The Jool-5 Challenge)

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  Columbia said:
Woah. You guys are professional. I can't even dock two spaceplanes on Kerbin.

docking on the surface of a planetary body is actually a lot harder than docking in space. Weight, slightly misaligned parts placing and minute terrain differences all make it so that docking ports become slightly misaligned. Best thing I think of (haven't tested it though) is to use a couple of half-full fuel tanks as ballast and shift the fuel around as needed when you're trying to dock.

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