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How to double post when making a release thread?


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  Steven Mading said:
You know perfectly well that's false.

Hmm lets see now...

Link to post #2

Link to your post.

Link to another post.

Looks like I know it to be true because I just did it three times in this very post, you can link to any post from an OP so those posts can be anywhere.

  Steven Mading said:
Pretending I suggested something other than what I did

Nope, you're misrepresenting the truth there.

You have options for formatting your opening post, you have the ability to link to other posts you make in a thread, it looks like you're trying to make this seem like some kind of attack on your rights to post here and you're getting upset over nothing, frankly this is making you look bad.

The Yemo asked how to doublepost, the answer is you don't, you have other means to format your posts.

If you had hoped to change anyone's mind on this then I'm sorry to say all you have done is the reverse.

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Proponents of this and the mods seem to be talking around each other.

The mods ask why you want it, and the proponents say they want it to make 2 consecutive posts. Then the mods ask why they want to make 2 consecutive posts, and the proponents say so they can have 2 consecutive posts.

What purpose is there in having that 2nd post? Other than it's nice to have? What exactly do you want to put in that post that can't go in the original post?

Note: I say this as someone who has a thread with 2 consecutive first posts and I use them to hold distinctly different information. So I know it's nice to have, but I still don't know why it's NECESSARY to have. Why would it be so bad if there was a "oh cool this looks fun!" posts between my first and second posts?

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  Alshain said:
Not to hijack this thrilling debate, but while we are on that subject, is there a way to do that so it jumps down like your Goto/Line code rather than opening a new tab.

I don´t think thats possible, as every post has its own link if you do it, and goto doesn´t.

  5th Horseman said:
Note: I say this as someone who has a thread with 2 consecutive first posts and I use them to hold distinctly different information. So I know it's nice to have, but I still don't know why it's NECESSARY to have. Why would it be so bad if there was a "oh cool this looks fun!" posts between my first and second posts?

I agree. Its still possible to link the 3rd or 4th post as sal_vager demonstrated before. Another demonstration: He demonstrated what I demonstrate in this post.

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  Kerdinand said:
I don´t think thats possible, as every post has its own link if you do it, and goto doesn´t.

The funny thing is if you click the post # it does open in the existing window. Same exact URL, different behavior.

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I don´t know what browser you use, but mine does change the URL. (But I think we´re getting off-topic. Isn´t there a thread about post linking?)

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It's in the vBulletin code to do that. If you're writing your own webpage you can pass it as a parameter to the anchor tag. It's been a while but let me see if I can find it...

...ah here it is, if you add target="_blank" to an "a href" link it'll open in a new page, or a new tab if your browser was written after about 2002. vBulletin for whatever reason puts that in [noparse][link][/noparse] tags but not in the "#30" links on the right side of our posts.

Of course that's more a how it happens, and not a why it happens :)

- - - Updated - - -

  Red Iron Crown said:
If you use the post tags it doesn't spawn a new window, example:


makes this:


Oooh very cool. This old dog has learned yet another new trick.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
If you use the post tags it doesn't spawn a new window, example:


makes this:


Thanks! That will help.

  Kerdinand said:
(But I think we´re getting off-topic. Isn´t there a thread about post linking?)

This would seem to be it. The mod response to the double posting is to use Goto and linking instead.

Edited by Alshain
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  Steven Mading said:
It may be true to say it rubs the moderators the wrong way, but it's false to claim there's no need to do it. The OP gave exactly the precise case where there is such a need. When first STARTING a mod thread, the first post of that mod thread has a special meaning that is quite *different* from a normal comment post.

What. There is no need. If you want to put documentation just stick it in the OP and you're done. I really don't get what this fuss is about.

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@Yemo: I feel bad for you being trolled... but I just read the topic and it was kinda funny. I suggest you go ahead and publish your mod (we could always use more modders!) in case you haven't already done so, take a breath, enjoy the game for a while, then come back and read it as if it wasn't yours. You might get a laugh!

Anyway, that was just a suggestion (and an off-topic one, too. Sorry about that). I also hold my grudges on non-important stuff, so I'm not here to judge you...

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  stupid_chris said:
What. There is no need. If you want to put documentation just stick it in the OP and you're done. I really don't get what this fuss is about.

I know youve done mod releases, so you must know how large posts can get.

Spacecraft release threads get even bigger (these are the other scenarios double posting is useful in) I have in fact hit the character post limit before (granted this was back when I could in fact make a double post for organization & brevity).

Sal, for the love of God stop. We get that your excited about your new post linking feature, but in practice it creates more of a tangled, complicated mess for the reader than is necessary. Either they end up with 50 tabs in random places hunting down different tidbits or jumping back to the OP, constantly reloading pages, and being unable to have all the info in one nice concise place.

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Double posting, and even triple or quadruple posting by overeager members has been reported many times, often the poster is unaware of the edit button, or they feel that their words would be noticed more easily as a new post directly below their existing one (or 3), this annoys many members and often results in warnings or infractions.

Moderators had to select all offending posts and merge them, and when a member does this repeatedly in the same thread this can become a problem.

Post squatting below the OP can also be annoying, as a number of empty posts below the OP doesn't only look bad, most of the time these squatted posts are never used and it's against the rules to post contentless messages.

Moderators remove squatted posts when they find them, and it is mentioned in the Good Conduct Guide that the practice of post squatting is something we'd rather not see here.

Thankfully for moderator sanity and forum presentation, vBulletin can check for and handle double posts automatically, so members aren't bothered by 3 or 4 posts in a row by the same person, it also stops the [Reserved for X] post spamming.

I don't want to say "Well, we're stopping this, you'll have no recourse if you want to organise your posts" so with help I set up the tags so members would still be able to have sections for leaderboards, downloads, whatever.

Without having to spam up the forums with empty post after empty post, just in case they wanted to have a subsection "for later".

Post spamming and squatting was never something expressly permitted on these forums, and it took a not inconsiderable amount of moderator time dealing with it, multiposting especially was a drain and frequently flagged by members as a problem.

So now what was once done manually is automated, and rather than leave you stuck, you have options to make your posts better without annoying other members.

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