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Ion Engine Renamed by Ted.

Whirligig Girl

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Obviously it was Dawn, the spacecraft going to Ceres.

I wondered what 6315 meant. I searched in google, no result. Probably just a random number. Nope! It's actually the sixth of the third month of 2015, when Dawn spacecraft enters orbit around Ceres. Pretty proud of myself for finding that out, before release even!

So we have the following now:

- IX-6315 "Dawn" Xenon Ion Engine

- LV-909 "Terrier"

- S1 SRB-KD25k "Kickback" (Gesundheit!)

I wonder what other names he's come up with.. 48-7S "Chihuahua"? Rockomax BACC "Price Fixer"? LV-1 "Voyager"? Heh. ;)

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I call it the "Patience" engine, but "Dawn" is probably a bit classier.

It has half the trust of the LV-1, not too shabby. If you use it on a small probe, you can get pretty good TWR out of it. Certainly higher than some insane LV-N designs. You can even use it on Manned craft if you design it well.

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EDIT: Also, does the "IX" in the ion engine name mean anything?
Ix translates to "boy who is not able satisfactorily to explain what a Hrung is, nor why it should choose to collapse on Betelgeuse Seven"

...though I'm not really sure how that applies to an ion engine.

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It has half the trust of the LV-1, not too shabby. If you use it on a small probe, you can get pretty good TWR out of it. Certainly higher than some insane LV-N designs. You can even use it on Manned craft if you design it well.

Yes, with ions you want minimum weight, probe core, some batteries (the small are massless), some struts for solar panels, antenna and science equipment.

You could also use an stage with an 48-7S for the initial boost if you do crazy stuff like doing a 4 km/s burn to Jool.

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The one I'm really looking forward to is the KR-2L. Every mega engine needs a good nickname, and it will never truly replace the Mainsail without a nick of it's own.


Headsail? Spinnaker? Though as more of an upper stage counterpart to the S3 KS-25x4 I guess it should follow the canine theme. Rottweiler?

Then I'll be disappointed if S3 KS-25x4 isn't nicknamed the Square Rig.

Edited by monophonic
+"I guess"
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