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[WIP] K-Radiation (Space radiation!) (Media is up!)


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DISCONTINUED: If anybody wants to keep working on the mod, contact me.


Do you want another way to kill your kerbals?

This (WIP) mod includes a new game feature: Space Radiation.

Kerbals will die after long term exposure to high levels of radiation, so you better have some way to keep them shielded!

Work done so far:

- Textures and models of capsules

- "Keiger" counter sounds

- Procedural generation of radiation (Compatibility with planet packs)


Space radiation gets calculated from multiple factors: (Factors with "*" are not implemented yet)

- Distance from the Sun

- Distance from the surface of the planet

- Latitude (On most planets, radiation is higher at the poles)

- Atmosphere (Most atmospheres block radiation)

- Planetary magnetism (Jool has an extremely powerful radiation belt)*

- Solar Status (Solar Flares)*


There are multiple ways to keep Kerbals (and equipment) safe from radiation:

- Radiation blocking fluid:

- It's fairly expensive

- Lasts almost forever, but there is certain decay (Depending on ammount of received radiation)

- Radiation blocking capsules:

- VERY heavy

- They block a very big percent of the received radiation (From 30% to 80%)

- Very expensive

- Radiation blocking plates

- The best way to protect equipment

- Not very expensive

- A bit heavy

- They only work on the covered part (Not sure how)

- Radiation blocking fairing

- Addon to procedural fairings?

- They are a bit heavy

- They can protect anything inside from about 30%/50% of the radiation

- A bit expensive



A Kerbal will slowly get contaminated with radiation.

If a kerbal gets too much radiation inside his body, he will get damaged.

Also, extreme radiation can damage almost instantly.

The damage can range from killing him, to making him unable to do his job (For example, stopping a pilot from piloting)


Certain electronical parts can get damaged from radiation, most of these can be repaired by an Engineer:

Science experiments: Stop working.

Antennas: Stop transmiting information.

Solar Panels: Stop sun-tracking

Batteries: Lose some or all stored energy

Lights: (Only under extreme radiation) Stop working.

Ion Engines: Start eating fuel like crazy, with no generation of thrust.

Unmanned pods: SAS stops working. Under extreme radiation, completely stop working.

Dangerous Places:

- Almost all of inner Jool System:

Thanksfully, Laythe will keep as an almost radiation free enviroment (Gameplay reasons, in RL laythe will be extremely radioactive)

- Any place near the sun:

Including Moho, the levels of radiation around Moho are very high, and also, you shall not get to these holes at the poles, they seem very radioactive!

- Any re-entry enviroment: * This is not realistic and may not be implemented!

Thanksfully, you only re-enter for some small period of time, but that kerbal you always sent to Laythe surface base alpha may get some radiation problems after a few re-entries! (You can always heal him back keeping him in a low radiation enviroment, like an adapted capsule)

- Close to the space kraken (i mean the easter egg, not willing to spoil anything :P)

You knew that thing was dangerous, but you could even walk inside it! This mod will fix it, making being anywhere close it a Kernobil enviroment! So beware!


Anti-Radioactive 4 Kerbal storage can:


Anti-Radioactive fluid canister:



Not done yet! The first release will be ready once the major features are working!

Github (Warning, messy code): https://github.com/tatjam/Radiation-Mod

Cheers! :)

Edited by tajampi
Discontinued... :(
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any plans to tie-in with the incomplete radiation exposure system from KSP Insterstellar? It tracks rad exposure but doesn't do anything with it AFAIK. Freethinker and Northstar would be good people to ask about it. Perhaps you can use that code for help as well with your system depending on the license.

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I finally got the radiation atmospheric calculation working, now i just need to convert the atmospheric density into a percentage for a more stable code (If i don't do, under certain circumstances the result of the calculation is negative)

With that done, the next big difficulty becomes passive management of radiation (Being able to kill Kerbs while the vehicle is not on focus)

Cheers! :)

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  tajampi said:

- It's fairly expensive

- Lasts almost forever, but there is certain decay (Depending on ammount of received radiation)

Sounds like Rad-X from the famous fallout RPG, except way too overpowered. I suggest to make it last for only several hours, and add redraw effects, like higher sensitivity to radiation. It should be required when you need to refuel a nuclear reactor in a on EVA (preferable in a LEAD suit). I suggest you make a special module you can put on anything radioactive like nuclear reactors and nuclear fuel. Depending on the distance to the object, kerbals on EVA should receive more of less additional radiation. Even better, you could try to work together with other modmakers, for example I could make a small extension to ORS which allows you to read out the current radiation level. This should also teach players not to point their nuclear engine at another nearby ship.:sticktongue:


Edited by FreeThinker
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This looks really cool! One thing I would suggest is splitting the radiation calculation and the Kerbal damage functionalities in to two separate mods. I'm sure there are a lot of people that would like an open and extensible system for progressive Kerbal damage.

For example, mods based on 0-g fitness degradation, mental health, et cetera, would benefit from a common system of tracking Kerbal damage. Potentially integrate with CrewFiles?

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  FreeThinker said:
Sounds like Rad-X from the famous fallout RPG, except way too overpowered. I suggest to make it last for only several hours, and add redraw effects, like higher sensitivity to radiation. It should be required when you need to refuel a nuclear reactor in a on EVA (preferable in a LEAD suit). I suggest you make a special module you can put on anything radioactive like nuclear reactors and nuclear fuel. Depending on the distance to the object, kerbals on EVA should receive more of less additional radiation. Even better, you could try to work together with other modmakers, for example I could make a small extension to ORS which allows you to read out the current radiation level. This should also teach players not to point their nuclear engine at another nearby ship.:sticktongue:


I will try to add some kind of parts emitting radiation, i suppose is not very hard :)

And also, the radiation tracking system is internal, so i have the numbers already!

  Headhunter09 said:
This looks really cool! One thing I would suggest is splitting the radiation calculation and the Kerbal damage functionalities in to two separate mods. I'm sure there are a lot of people that would like an open and extensible system for progressive Kerbal damage.

For example, mods based on 0-g fitness degradation, mental health, et cetera, would benefit from a common system of tracking Kerbal damage. Potentially integrate with CrewFiles?

I'm thinking on separating the kerbal damaging thing into some kind of API, as i'm developing it as a external class, it should not be very hard :)


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  tajampi said:
I will try to add some kind of parts emitting radiation, i suppose is not very hard :)

And also, the radiation tracking system is internal, so i have the numbers already!

Yes but it's not a constant, the amount of radiation also depends on the reactors activity level and some reactors like antimatter reactors convert a large part of their mass directly to gamma rays. Aim it at low orbit to Kerbin, activite and should be enough to make a large part of Kerbals at the surface get radiation sickness!:sticktongue:

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Ahh, just discovered that there is a class in the KSP API named CelestialBody, so all planet packs will be compatible. The problem is that i need to do some more work on the radiation calculation class :o

Anyway, it will make every planet pack compatible, so, it's better to do it :)


- - - Updated - - -

  Nicholander said:
This. THIS IS FANTASTIC!!!! When will this be released? (I mean like with implemented features and it doesn't crash all the time. In other words, what you mean by "First release" in the OP)

When i have all the major features ready:

- Working radiationt tracking system (Almost done)

- Realistic way to kill kerbals (Not even started)

And, well that's it for the first release, later will come passive kerbal killing and other stuff :)

  FreeThinker said:
Yes but it's not a constant, the amount of radiation also depends on it's activity level and some reactors like antimatter reactors convert a large part of their mass directly to gamma rays. Aim it at low orbit at Kerbin, activite and should be enough to kill a large part of Kerbals on a continent!:sticktongue:

Ah, that's true, it will be awesome to have all of the Interstellar stuff working with this! :)

(I have never played with Interstellar so not very sure how all that stuff works ;))


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Got it, should be working, but the code is untested, and will not be tested until tomorrow :P (Here at GMT+1 is 1 AM)

Now the code extracts all the data from the game, so, all planet packs (But ones which add stars) should be compatible.

Also, the code is even faster, and compatible with moons.

I have started to write the "Keiger" counter code, but not yet complete, so it's not at Github.

Cheers! :D

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  Gaiiden said:
any plans to tie-in with the incomplete radiation exposure system from KSP Insterstellar? It tracks rad exposure but doesn't do anything with it AFAIK. Freethinker and Northstar would be good people to ask about it. Perhaps you can use that code for help as well with your system depending on the license.

I'm curious about this too or if it may cause a mod conflict.

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Hey, got some implementation with procedural fairings going, it seems to work, but is not very tested.

Basically, every part that has a radiation module on it will raycast every (RL time) minute in 6 directions, if all they hit an object at less than a certain distance (It's actually set to 0.5m) it is under certain shield of radiation, if the part it hits is my custom radiation protective fairing, then it gets a big ammount of shielding.

Only have a small problem, in some situations, the ray just does not hit the fairing for some reason, will try to track that bug down.

(That code is not at Github yet)

Also, i have been balancing some stuff:

- Every capsule has a "Keiger" counter, but a low-tech one:

That counter only gives integer readouts (1, 2, 3...).

- The "Keiger" counter part gives very precise readouts (2 decimals, could add more), and will let you graph the data.

Also, it tracks its local radiation, so if you pack it inside a fairing, the fairing will take some of the radiation away, making the counter give the readout of what is inside the fairing.

EDIT: Oh, it does not conflict with KSPI radiation in any way, just that they are separate modules, so the radiation you get in a KSPI module is different than the one you get with a k-radiation module.

Cheers! :)

Edited by tajampi
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Awesome! looking foward to seeing this in action.

Skimmed the thread to see if this had be answered already but didnt see anything, but might have missed it.

What about accumulated radiation on kerbals? Will the accumulated radiation kerbals have received persist and increase from mission to mission? (So when we know when to retire them. Or possibly send them on one more mission to permanently retire them. :P)

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from the OP:

Thanksfully, you only re-enter for some small period of time, but that kerbal you always sent to Laythe surface base alpha may get some radiation problems after a few re-entries! (You can always heal him back keeping him in a low radiation enviroment, like an adapted capsule)

This IMO implies a mechanic that indeed does track exposure over time with detrimental effects

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Sorry for inactivity! Lack of time ;)

I have been testing the new procedural radiation generation, tracking issues, balancing, etc... I will upload the new code to github soon.

Also, i have got the Kerbal killing, but is very unbalanced, does not track when the vessel is inactive, and is not persistent, so a lot of work needs to be done!

EDIT: Will update main post with the persistence of radiation, forgot it...

Cheers! :)

Edited by tajampi
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