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[1.2.2] TestFlight - v1.8.0 - 01 May 2017 - Bring Flight Testing to KSP!


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I am using RP1 and see a lot of ignition failures. I'd like to understand better how the probabilities for this are calculated. I am trying to get the log file messages where there should be messages about testflight ignition failures if debug mode is turned on. (At least that's what the source code suggests to me..)

I cannot find those log messages in output_log.txt (Win64, KSP131, RP1). - Any tipp?



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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

I see the Dev branch referenced above is "16 commits ahead of master" and a report that it works in 1.3.1 -- has anyone tried it with RO/RP-1 (RP-1 is an alternate name for the Dev branch of RP-0)?  I'd like to have simulated failures in my RO career, but with 45 mods already installed, there are always potential compatibility issues...

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Confirmation that the Dev Branch of Test Flight seems to work in 1.3.1 with RSS/RO/RP-1.  Had a couple A-4 engines fail to ignite (back in 1942, that used to lead to a blob of jelly falling out of the nozzle, composed of a highly explosive mix of LOX and alcohol fuel), had some Aerobee/WAC Corporal engines shut down with fuel still in the tanks, and I could see the flight test data accumulating for engines I'd launched a few times.

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  • 5 months later...

When simulating in RP-1 ksp 1.3.1 , sometimes TestFlight starts sending lots of messages, growing my log file quite large and dropping fps.
[LOG 00:37:16.144] 1/16/2019 12:37:16 AM,TestFlightCore,Setting HideUI = False
[LOG 00:37:16.146] 1/16/2019 12:37:16 AM,TestFlightCore,Setting HideUI = False
[LOG 00:37:16.148] 1/16/2019 12:37:16 AM,TestFlightCore,Setting HideUI = False
[LOG 00:37:16.150] 1/16/2019 12:37:16 AM,TestFlightCore,Setting HideUI = False

lots of those messages.

Edited by Agustin
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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I have an issue with the Castor 2 boosters from Ven Stock Revamp mod. I have a Delta 2914 copy which ignited three of the boosters in the air but they always fail to ignite for some reason. I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with dynamic pressure, I'm not sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/20/2019 at 8:47 PM, romanasul said:

Hello, I have an issue with the Castor 2 boosters from Ven Stock Revamp mod. I have a Delta 2914 copy which ignited three of the boosters in the air but they always fail to ignite for some reason. I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with dynamic pressure, I'm not sure.

I'm reasonably certain that aerodynamic pressure has an effect on engine ignition chance. I was recently flying a Castor-based sounding rocket which got up to pretty tremendous aerodynamic pressures of nearly 200 kPa. My second stage failed to ignite multiple times until I learned to wait a few seconds first, until the aerodynamic pressure dropped below about 20 kPa.

Two things occur to me here:

1) It would be nice if the cause of the failed ignition was shown as "Aerodynamic pressure too high!" instead of "Nominal". That would give players feedback on why their rocket failed.

2) While this is something more for the people writing the Test Flight configs, perhaps SRBs should have less penalty to ignition chance based on aerodynamic pressure?

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  • 3 weeks later...


Is it possible that,t if you check in disable Test Flight in the Simulation Start window in VAB it disables Test Flight for your game?

In my new RP-1 career I have played 4 years game time without even a performace loss. I thought there is a bug somewhere with my install. Just for trying unchecked the disable Test Flight in the simulation start window and started a simulation. In the next three real launches my engines failed. Even though they had around 6000 data and never failed before. It seems to me somehow Test Flight was disabled until I uncheked that option in the simulator.

Do you think I was just luky or could it be a sign of a bug?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

In case anybody's interested, I recently published some TestFlight configs I've been tinkering with for Stock KSP and some Stock-alike mods I play with. They're available from GitHub and CKAN. The config pack includes a config-simplification system based on the one used by Realism Overhaul's TF configs, so in principle it should be easy to add configs for more mods.

Now for the disclaimer: these configs are in beta at the moment. I'm basically testing them by using them in my career game and seeing how they  work out, so there are likely lots of balance issues, especially for jet engines and the higher-tech rockets. Use at your own risk, no warranty express or implied, etc. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/21/2019 at 7:43 PM, Starstrider42 said:

In case anybody's interested, I recently published some TestFlight configs I've been tinkering with for Stock KSP and some Stock-alike mods I play with. They're available from GitHub and CKAN. The config pack includes a config-simplification system based on the one used by Realism Overhaul's TF configs, so in principle it should be easy to add configs for more mods.

Now for the disclaimer: these configs are in beta at the moment. I'm basically testing them by using them in my career game and seeing how they  work out, so there are likely lots of balance issues, especially for jet engines and the higher-tech rockets. Use at your own risk, no warranty express or implied, etc. :)

I'm having a hard time getting anything to work with stock KSP.

KSP 1.7.3, MM installed, testflight cor 1.10, and your config files.

Any advice is welcome. 

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22 hours ago, seanth said:

I'm having a hard time getting anything to work with stock KSP.

KSP 1.7.3, MM installed, testflight cor 1.10, and your config files.

Any advice is welcome. 

Sorry, but can you give a little more detail? I just tried a fresh install with those versions and everything worked (or rather, didn't work :sticktongue:) just fine.

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19 hours ago, Starstrider42 said:

Sorry, but can you give a little more detail? I just tried a fresh install with those versions and everything worked (or rather, didn't work :sticktongue:) just fine.

Mmm. I'm embarrassed. Did a clean install, only MM, TestFlight, and your configs...and it works fine. I don't know what the problem was, but things seem fine now. :blush: IGNORE ME

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  • 6 months later...

Struggling to work out if this works 'out-of-the-box'. I have KSP v1.9.1 and MM and this (and MechJeb). Does this mod work as-is or does it need config files? It's not really clear.

It seems to work in v1.9.1 (i get icons etc) but it doesn't do any tracking/testing on any vessel. Cheers.

Edit: worked it out. The original author has been absent for 3 years so I guess there is zero chance of having the OP updated.

Thanks Strider for your efforts - trying your config now ...  :)

Edit2: is it easy to include more parts that are not already covered? Can I do landing legs and moving antenna etc? Either for myself or to contribute to another project? I'm a whiz with notepad ++.  :cool:

Edited by togfox
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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 month later...
On 5/2/2021 at 1:47 AM, ZAJC3W said:

Did the option to hire research team got removed or is my install broken?

I get  du in flight ad reliability increases with it but no "engine r&d" menu in VAB - RO/RP-1  install

Yes, that feature got disabled because it wasn't balanced at all.

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I THINK this mod is working, because I had two engines turn orange and then fail without any warning.


But, this is my problem. I seem to see no interface of the mod whatsoever. When I build a rocket, I don't see % of failures. I don't know how or where to track the progression for each engine, etc. In other words: where am I suppose to SEE the data from the mod?

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