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KSP 1.0 General Thread + All the new features


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  5thHorseman said:
They were supposed to be androgynous but - like most other things that are created by humans - they look far to distinctively male to be reasonably considered anything but male. So after much pressure from the community (myself very much included) and a lot of thought and work, they have added female Kerbals as well.

Did we ever actually have confirmation that they were supposed to be androgynous, or did people just assume that?

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  Nobody_1707 said:
Did we ever actually have confirmation that they were supposed to be androgynous, or did people just assume that?
Maxmaps talked about it in a Squadcast. But to perpetuate some ambiguity, even with the revelation of boys and girls, some things... we may never know. (See this comment, over on reddit ;) )
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Here is some detail on how the updated Science Lab functions (copied and pasted from reddit):

  \ said:

Lab description sounds a bit confusing. Did I get it right? I need to put in the lab




And get science until experiments disappear or lab overloads, right?

Now, here's some assumptions:

•"Better" experiments will let it generate science faster/longer.

•Experiments from different places will provide different amount of science.

•Lab outcome will depend on the location of the lab.

Are these correct?

  \ said:

You're right on almost all counts.

However, you don't get science immediately. The lab still has to transmit its research data for you to earn science. This is done like any other transmission (but with lots more data).

Higher value experiments do allow labs to generate more science and for longer. And yes, the source of the experiment data still has the same variation in value as usual (i.e., a surface sample off Eeloo is worth tons more than a surface sample of the runway).

The location of the Lab itself having an effect is something we've discussed here, although I can't remember off the top of my head how exactly it turned out. It is a factor, in any case.


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Currently I use my labs to store redundant data(3x surface samples, gravity, seismic, materials, goo, atmosphere), wonder if there will be an alternative or if I will need to start bringing along extra pods.

Would be nice if larger pods could hold redundant data(perhaps 1 copy of the same test per seat?), especially now that scientists can clean experiments...

(I foresee collecting 4 copies of each experiment and leaving 1 copy of each in a capsule attached to a lab, transferring it over whenever the lab runs low on data to process... I suddenly have a good reason to leave those stations with labs in place instead of bringing them home afterwards, at least for a while)

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  Daze said:
I want to make a thread with all the possible news that will come with 1.0, tell me if i forget something and i will add it to the first post!

News with referenced links. I thank you.

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  WWEdeadman said:
Well ,as of the latest devnotes we know that the Lab will now generate Science from collected Science over time. And it also will not be "timewarp your way to infinite science" either.

Quote from devnotes:

Yes. That is the announcement my post was responding to, but as the specific thread for that went down, I decided to post in the general features thread.

This is definitelly a positive step. Still doesn't deal with many of the science system's issues, but a positive step.

  Nobody_1707 said:
Did we ever actually have confirmation that they were supposed to be androgynous, or did people just assume that?

I'm pretty sure it was just that they weren't going to give them any sort of gender. They pretty clearly designed male looking characters though, and that was the issue.

Androgynous designs need to be close to the border between masculine and feminine:


Computer generated androgynous faces, via MakeHuman, FaceGen, and Blender

Kerbals weren't androgenous.

Their faces were too blocky, and they show a few male secondary characteristics.

We are still at a point in time, where when human-esque character is being designed, they often end up males by default. This plus, the fact that gaming is still to an extent, a "boy thing", and Squad themselves being all guys, ended up in us getting a male looking kerbal.

But, soon the prophecy will be fulfilled, and Valentina and friends will bring balance to the force the ksp roster, and all will be well.

Edited by Tw1
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  EtherDragon said:
Here is some detail on how the updated Science Lab functions (copied and pasted from reddit):

Ok so you feed experimental data into the lab, experiments can either be done by ship or transferred in by kerbals as it has to be done with samples and eva reports anyway.

Lab process data over time, this can give an multiplier who is larger than even return data to Kerbin. probably depend on level of scientists too.

It also looks like location of lab matter, if your lab is on Laythe surface it will return more science than its in orbit, even less in Jool orbit or Kerbin orbit.

Lab can get overloaded but you can store more data in any crewed module and then move to lab after need. I do not like this as it require more micromanagement.

Rather have an queue of data who is processed while you wait for next task to handle.

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I hope they add a little bit of autonomy to the higher level crew members. It would be cool to be able to have them preform simple maneuvers, or auto-land, possibly dock even? That would cut back on all the micromanagement you have to do when running a large colony or station.

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  DwindlingSovereignty said:
I hope they add a little bit of autonomy to the higher level crew members. It would be cool to be able to have them preform simple maneuvers, or auto-land, possibly dock even? That would cut back on all the micromanagement you have to do when running a large colony or station.

I don't think squad would include autopilots, considering their usual stance. Tbh, I was suprised - but not disappointed - when they added 'hold node/prograde/etc' functionality to SAS.

You might want to take a look at mechjeb, tho. The mod is actually nicely integrated into career, since most features require research.

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Nothing against Das, but I was hoping for more of a rundown on all the new items in an efficient and planned fashion for the live streams this weekend rather than a "Look I just downloaded it!" kind of thing. Does anyone know if any of the streamers are planning on an organized runthrough?

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  WanderingKid said:
Nothing against Das, but I was hoping for more of a rundown on all the new items in an efficient and planned fashion for the live streams this weekend rather than a "Look I just downloaded it!" kind of thing. Does anyone know if any of the streamers are planning on an organized runthrough?


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Been watching the preview videos and the live stream. While the new update looks great and there are lots of awesome new features, there's still a bunch of things missing, IMO:

- Clouds. Why don't we have them? Visual Enhancement is always the first mod I install with new KSP updates because Kerbin and the other planets with atmosphere's just look so stale and dead without them.

- Procedural craters. Only the Mun seems to use this feature and it looks awesome. So why don't the other planets incorporate this? Their terrain is so smooth and boring and unrealistic.

-Axial tilt. I know Squad has said they haven't been able to figure this one out with Unity. That's too bad.

- An engineer report. Yes, we are able to see the ships dimensions while we build it and now have a checklist that shows what parts or resources we might be missing. But why can't we see thrust-to-weight ratio or estimated delta-V? If Squad thinks that's too much info that a novice player might get overwhelmed by, then why not make that info accessible late in career mode with the final VAB upgrade?

-New planets. Don't see any from the preview videos. Sad that we don't have another gas giant, especially a ringed gas giant.


-Terrain scatter around the KSC. Even some shrubs or patches of tall grass would be nice.

-Terrain scatter collision detection for rocks.

-A radar altimeter part. Yes, in the manned vessels we can see the altitude above the terrain in IVA mode... so why not have a radalt part that lets us see altitude above terrain when landing probes or from the external view?

-Life support. Urg.

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  smjjames said:
Why were you expecting life support in 1.0?

I wasn't expecting that based on anything that was said about what was coming for 1.0, especially in the last few months. In fact I would have been totally surprised if they included it in this updated. It just seems to me that it's such a basic requirement for manned spaceflight that it's something that should have always been planned to be included in an official release version of the game.

  Temeter said:
Half of that isn't even a 'things ksp misses', but a 'things I want in KSP' list.

Maybe. But nearly all of those things have been talked about by someone from the dev team at some point in the past few years that I've been keeping up with the game...perhaps with the exception of the radalt.

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  check said:
- Procedural craters. Only the Mun seems to use this feature and it looks awesome. So why don't the other planets incorporate this? Their terrain is so smooth and boring and unrealistic.

Not all planets endure the same amount of asteroid bombardment, especially ones close to gas giants.

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  DwindlingSovereignty said:
Not all planets endure the same amount of asteroid bombardment, especially ones close to gas giants.

Actually it has very little to do with the amount of asteroid bombardment (since on geological time scales of billions of years, little bombardment vs a lot of bombardment will still yield very heavily cratered surfaces). It has way more to do with how young a surface is. Surfaces that are heavily cratered are going to be generally, way older than surfaces that are nice and smooth (assuming no atmosphere). So take a planet like Mercury, for example, which doesn't ahve a lot of surface activity going on. Nothing to weather the craters and really little geological activity. It's covered in craters. Compare that with Io which has tons of volcanism constantly reshaping the surface. Both have probably been hit by billions of asteroids, but one has a lot of stuff going on geologically while the other doesn't.

In general, old surfaces are much more prevalent in the solar system than new ones.

In KSP, only the Mun looks like an old surface, while all of the other planets/moons look like they have surfaces that were laid down just yesterday.

Not only do craters make it the worlds look more interesting and realistic, they're also way more fun to explore.

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