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what kind of ksp DLC would you like?

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I'd buy almost any DLC for ksp, just to further support and extend development of the game. I've had far more than my $25 worth of fun with ksp.

The types of DLC I'd like to see would be:

1.Additional/Alternate solar systems: Wouldn't it be awesome to send Jeb from Kerbol to Sol, or to other systems?

2.A deeper science system, possibly a combination of what Tw1 and Frank_G suggested:

  Tw1 said:
Serious science mode, where science is about detailed examination of each planet, with well programed geology, atmosphere, and xenobiology aspects.* This is expressed through charts and planetary overlays accessible in the science center. You get tools like drills, ground penetrating radar, geiger counters, magnetometers, theodolites, lasers, and chemicals you can mix with samples to thoroughly investigate a planet's surface. Move a certain distance, and readings will change- the system is set up to be detailed and continuous, rather than broad and discrete like the current biome system.

Stations and bases where you can do research in medical, physical, or chemical fields, which boosts your rep, and earns you a funding from scientific institutions. Also experiment contracts, such as tests kerbinstien's theory of relativity by transmitting signals while on the opposite side of the sun to Kerbin.

*But not necessarily always 100% realistic. More like 70%

Science that you can do thoroughly, rather than the current way of clicking to collect points, then getting out of there.

  Frank_G said:
I would like a DLC focused on discovery (telescopes and satellite stuff to find new planets, probably new systems) and the parts you need to get there. I would also pay for a new set of parts, science equipment and mission that would bring more depth to space stations and ground bases.

There's also one condition I expect from any DLC released, that they release a free update with them that includes the means to recreate the content. This is so that modding community can do their alternate versions of the DLC as well and don't get locked out.

Note: I doubt squad would even consider locking the modding community out.

Real game Example: Arma 3 released a Helicopter DLC, If you bought it you got to use the new helicopters and all the new features. If you didn't buy it, you just got the new features.

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  MoparGamer said:
I'd buy almost any DLC for ksp, just to further support and extend development of the game. I've had far more than my $25 worth of fun with ksp.

The types of DLC I'd like to see would be:

1.Additional/Alternate solar systems: Wouldn't it be awesome to send Jeb from Kerbol to Sol, or to other systems?

2.A deeper science system, possibly a combination of what Tw1 and Frank_G suggested:

There's also one condition I expect from any DLC released, that they release a free update with them that includes the means to recreate the content. This is so that modding community can do their alternate versions of the DLC as well and don't get locked out.

Note: I doubt squad would even consider locking the modding community out.

Real game Example: Arma 3 released a Helicopter DLC, If you bought it you got to use the new helicopters and all the new features. If you didn't buy it, you just got the new features.

How would that work? It seems like that's just turning the DLC into a content update, which means that it includes no gameplay features. While from a consumer standpoint "not having to pay for new features" is nice, an actual serious expansion pack (i.e. the best use for DLC) really makes no sense to spend the time developing if people aren't going to buy it. I don't have an issue with "if you want to use the new mechanics introduced here, you need to buy the expansion pack;" that's really the only way to make it worth buying, because otherwise it's paying for some parts and craft and stuff that does nothing you couldn't do anyway.

If Squad comes up with some sort of new aspect, and wants to make an expansion covering that, and it seems interesting, I'd buy it (and I think a fair number of people would). If they release a game update and then offer for sale a particular set of parts and ships and other content, but nothing that a modder couldn't make for free, I probably wouldn't buy it -- after all, I could get equivalent stuff for free in a mod (and there would be a mod with exactly equivalent parts, just without the nice models, released pretty much right away).

If you mean "don't make it so mods have to be for one or the other," that's a different matter - there can be a patch to add all the new API calls, just they don't do anything (and mods would be responsible for noticing that they don't do anything and that this aspect isn't present). But it's just weird to release the actual work that only you can do for free, and then sell the thing that modders can do just as well.

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  cpast said:
How would that work? It seems like that's just turning the DLC into a content update, which means that it includes no gameplay features. While from a consumer standpoint "not having to pay for new features" is nice, an actual serious expansion pack (i.e. the best use for DLC) really makes no sense to spend the time developing if people aren't going to buy it. I don't have an issue with "if you want to use the new mechanics introduced here, you need to buy the expansion pack;" that's really the only way to make it worth buying, because otherwise it's paying for some parts and craft and stuff that does nothing you couldn't do anyway.

If Squad comes up with some sort of new aspect, and wants to make an expansion covering that, and it seems interesting, I'd buy it (and I think a fair number of people would). If they release a game update and then offer for sale a particular set of parts and ships and other content, but nothing that a modder couldn't make for free, I probably wouldn't buy it -- after all, I could get equivalent stuff for free in a mod (and there would be a mod with exactly equivalent parts, just without the nice models, released pretty much right away).

If you mean "don't make it so mods have to be for one or the other," that's a different matter - there can be a patch to add all the new API calls, just they don't do anything (and mods would be responsible for noticing that they don't do anything and that this aspect isn't present). But it's just weird to release the actual work that only you can do for free, and then sell the thing that modders can do just as well.

Example: Squad releases new Sol system DLC, through the process of making it, they develop certain tools and code to make third party additions easier. They allow everyone to use these tools regardless if they buy the DLC or not, this is so that everyone has the same mechanics available and so that the dlc doesn't split the community.

Notes: My idea isn't meant to be a high profit business model, it's more so that everyone can experience the same game and if they wish to support the developers further they can buy the DLC and get some new Squad made content.

As for mods that are near exact copies.... Isn't that considered plagiarism, I don't really have a solution for this; but I hope there is some sort of ethical understanding between the modding community and such things (Seems I still have some faith humanity... Odd).

At my own point of plagiarism, I can already see problems of "blurred lines" Where does it begin/end? Owell.

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no one makes expansion packs? MMM, I just finished playing Civ 5 Brave New World, GTA Episodes from liberty city, Saints row Gat out of hell, and a heck of alot more games have done expansion packs. Regardless, in a game where community sharing is essential like in KSP, I feel like it will be alienating to a part of the community who doesn't get the expansion pack. That's a real issue unlike most other titles in the previous list. The way I feel KSP devs want to develop this game is just like minecraft, and just like minecraft, there's no DLCs, and no expansions, because that would alienate part of the community

- - - Updated - - -

  viktor19 said:
If you agree, I'll make this part of my sig. :D

I don't tm my statements... Go ahead!

I also don't take responsibility if someone finds it offensive, reports it and you get penalized for it...

Edited by Turbojohn
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Mixed feelings. As someone who paid peanuts for it way back when (and am covered by the May2013 clause) I actually feel that I'd be happy to put some more money into Squads hands. BUT only if that was in a form that did create a rift in the community. There is already a division between stock and mod players. I could see there being a division forming between those who run with the official DLC(s) and those who either can't shell out for it or don't want it.

Do you want "is using the x DLC cheating" threads? cos that's how you get "is using the x DLC cheating" threads!

So on balance I'd rather not see any DLC (which is kinda a mute point, thanks for the clarification Vanamonde). But I'd like to feel that the devs behind what has been the best money I've spent in years, are getting everything they deserve for all their very hard work. I hope that KPS as it stands sells enough once its past v1 but also I think merchandising rather than DLCs is the best way to enhance that.

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I've played KSP for over 1000 hours. Since I got the game on sale for $17 US, I have paid less than two cents per hour of entertainment I have gotten out of this title. I don't love DLC, but I understand the marketing necessities that drive it, and it would be criminally entitled of me to complain about whether or not it is "worth it" at this point. So yes, I would buy DLCs to support the continued development of KSP if nothing else.

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I'd like to see an expansion (or sequel) that featured all of the following, and vastly increased the scope of the game, and tech tree:

Colonisation or space stations, with KSC capabilities... shipyard on that astroid you're mining anyone?

Advanced propulsion and power tech, maybe more along the lines of the Future Tech mod rather than interstellar

Life support - to make the colonisation effort more challenging

Other star systems to discover with telescope and probes, then colonise, maybe just a handful of local ones as I don't want to see KSP adopt FTL travel

I'd gladly pay $20 for that.

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I'm around PC gaming for too long to still fall the "Mod Hype".

99.5% of all "mods" are a buggy, half finished mess if they even make it out of the "just starting to understand how things work

but still release to public" garbage bin.

Even in a very modding friendly environment, DLCs still stand their ground.

Squad would just have to add enough value to make it worth it.

Just twisting numbers around and adding some cheap skins? Will not impress.

But high quality content created by the team that is as familiar with the engine and the game as nobody else?

Yes, i will happily pay for that content.

Just because many consumers these days have a very loose wallet (buying Season Passes without even knowing

which kind of DLCs are about to come or accepting Day-1 DLC) and big publishers not seeing the need of high

quality content and therefore order their dev studios to release cheap junk doesn't mean that DLCs are bad.

Back in the days we called them expansion packs and happily paid for them.

Nothing wrong with that in my books.

Good and solid work deserves to be paid.

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  Nutt007 said:
To all those people who want to support Squad, why not just donate? The website had a donation button back when KSP was free. Is it still there? If not squad should bring it back

Or buy a mug. Or a t-shirt. Or a 3d-printed figurine. Or another copy of KSP. Lots of ways to send Squad money if you want to support them further.

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  PikachuNL said:
I'd say no to DLCs/Microtransactions, it destroys gaming imho. Squad =/= EA/Ubi

inb4: Oops! You've ran out of boosters! Would you like to buy 5 boosters for $1.25 or wait 2 hours? BONUS OFFER! 10 boosters for $2.65!

You're confusing incompetent implementations of microtransactions with actual, proper expansions. Expansions aren't exactly new; they've been around around as long as gaming, and have never been some inherently awful thing (in fact, it used to be that you would just about never get new features added for free, you'd always have to pay for significant new features). The fact that something is DLC/expansion doesn't mean it's pay-to-win, or that it's something you really aren't getting a proper game experience without (that doesn't mean a significant number of people don't get the expansion, and there are cases where the expansion is useful enough that game+expansion becomes the standard version of the game, but it means that the game is designed to work perfectly well and then an expansion is added later that happens to contain good additional stuff).

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  cantab said:
Or how about a VAB app for Android and iOS, letting you design your rockets on the move and have them automatically synchronised with the game on your desktop PC.

I'd pay good money for that, especially if it came with KER-like functionality baked in. Designing missions on my daily commute would be awesome, and it's something qualitatively different from what's on offer from mods.

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There are DLCs and there are DLCs ...

Civ-V had smaller packs with new civilizations or new world wonders and bigger packs introducing new game mechanics - which also felt like they might have been purposfully left out of the initial release. (I bought them after the price dropped and when they were on sale, but actually Civ-IV felt more complete somehow.)

The Sims starts the whole addon story all over with every new version of the core game. (I never bought any of it, as I do not support companies that bleed dry the pockets of children, their helpless parents.)

Payday 2 delivers new weapons, missions/heists, characters and skill-sets - all of which you do not really need to enjoy the game, because players that do not own a mission/heist from a paid DLC can still join teams started by a player owning the content and weapons still work no matter how many different ones there are. (I buy all of them when they are on sale, because I think they are a bit overpriced otherwise.)

IF Squad decides to release paid DLCs and they add something significant to the game - even if it is something a mod also provides, but is as good then integrated seemlessly and into the game - I will most likely pay for it.

Different skins for the Kerbals ... mmh, only if they do a really good job and the price is really adequate.

New models for the Kerbals ... more likely.

New parts ... if they add something new and not just one more rocket engine or bigger sized tank, maybe.

In everything it comes down to the price of the DLC - if I feel ripped off and getting milked I will most certainly turn my back to the store.

Ingame stores are OK-ish, if they do not open up themselves or are mentioned anywhere in the game - and if they sell nothing like in mobile/flash games, but I am sure Squad would not fall that low.

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  Kar said:
Oh, and please Squad, if you are reading this, do not, please do not trow DLC's of $2,99 or something like for a new paint job on my rockets or something like that.

Hmm. Actually I wouldn't have a problem with that, provided that they're not shoved in your face every five minutes whilst playing the game. That's the main problem I have with the free-to-play model. A link to the official store from the launcher/updater is fine, in-game pop-ups (You don't have enough Funds to buy this rocket. Remember - you can buy 10,000 funds for only 1$ in our store!) - are most definitely not.

DLC that is purely cosmetic, totally optional and which doesn't impact gameplay, multiplayer or other mods at all, sounds OK to me. If some players think they're being ripped off or don't see the point since they can get similar stuff from free mods - that's fine. Don't buy the paint jobs (or whatever). The key words here are totally optional. On the other hand, some players might quite like making the odd impulse purchase to support Squad, so why not make that an option?

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