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The Number War: Count to 100 or -100


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The rule was put in place because of situations like this. We would have teams of 3 or 4 people on one side, spamming merrily away, and one player on the other side.

This was obviously unfair for the small side. To counter this, someone suggested allowing the players to "overwrite" the previous post, in order to keep things fair. After some trial and error, we ended up with this system. We also added the Medal of Dishonor to discourage two-person teams from running up the score. It works well, and from a GM standpoint, it allows weaker teams to remain competitive in the face of overwhelming odds.

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Just now, 0111narwhalz said:

Really? So two people in a row writing "-40+" makes a possible revert point?

No. In the case of two posters posting the same number with the same operation right after each other, skirmish rules apply. The second one is valid. If you get three people posting the same number with the same operation in a row, ask Deutherious.

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Just now, Dman979 said:

No. In the case of two posters posting the same number with the same operation right after each other, skirmish rules apply. The second one is valid. If you get three people posting the same number with the same operation in a row, ask Deutherious.

Now I'm confused *facepalm* 

Wouldn't skirmish rules apply there, too?

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Hold the phone.

16 minutes ago, 0111narwhalz said:



16 minutes ago, DarkOwl57 said:

argh. It should be the first post in my opinion, but if that's the rules...

-40 -

In the interest of factual accuracy, I might be crazy, but I'm purty sure that a minus is different from a plus sign.

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Just now, Mycroft said:

Hold the phone.


In the interest of factual accuracy, I might be crazy, but I'm purty sure that a minus is different from a plus sign.

That is correct. @DarkOwl57's post was invalid.

18 minutes ago, 0111narwhalz said:


was valid, like I said above.

This was your next post:

11 minutes ago, Mycroft said:

@Dman979 yeah I think I got it now, thanks.

So -41(-)

Shoot.....post merging


Jose! Long time no see! Congrats on the GM spot!



Which was valid.

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Just now, Red Iron Crown said:

Tidied up the thread a bit, we don't need references to WW2 politics in a number war on the forum, please.

(I would post a number but after reading the last page and a half I am not even sure what the score is.)

Woah we got RedIronCrown in here? Cool beans!

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