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K2 (4th March 2015) Double planet / moon size and orbits, stock feel.

Paul Kingtiger

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Any chance for compatibility with OPM and OPM+? Would love to give this a run on a new epic career. Also saw deadly re entry mentioned on the DL page is this compatible with that? Or is it not necessary with the updated planet size?

Edited by Svm420
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Any chance for compatibility with OPM and OPM+? Would love to give this a run on a new epic career. Also saw deadly re entry mentioned on the DL page is this compatible with that? Or is it not necessary with the updated planet size?

I don't use OPM but if someone creates a compatibility pack I'll be happy to bundle it. For Deadly reentry it should work out of the box, with a slight difficulty level but very manageable.

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OK so reporting back I have been using it for the last ten days or so in a new career game, heavily modified, using FAR, DRE, RT plus lots of others.

Heres AVCs list of mods I have installed, this is also a week old or so, there are many more that don't appear on the list.

KSP: 0.90 (Win32) - Unity: 4.5.5f1 - OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit

Filter Extensions - 1.17

USI Tools - 0.3.2

B9 Aerospace - 5.2.6

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts - 0.34

Chatterer -

Community Resource Pack - 0.3.3

Contract Configurator - 0.6.6

CC-CP-SCANSat - 0.5

Contract Pack: RemoteTech - 1.0.2

Contracts Window Plus -

DMagic Orbital Science -

Editor Extensions - 2.5

Ferram Aerospace Research - 0.14.6

Firespitter - 7.0

RasterPropMonitor - 0.19

K2 -

Kerbal Construction Time - 1.1.2

Kerbal Engineer Redux 1.0 -

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.1

HyperEdit - 1.3

KineTechAnimation - 1.1.1

KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5

Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 5.1

Part Angle Display - 0.3

Pilot Assistant - 1.3

PlanetShine -

RCS Build Aid - 0.6

RealChute -

Regolith - 0.1.7

RemoteTech - 1.6.3

ResGen - 0.28.2

SCANsat - 1.1

Soundtrack Editor - 2.1.1

StageRecovery - 1.5.3

TAC Fuel Balancer -

TextureReplacer - 2.1.2

TAC Life Support -

Trajectories - 1.1.3

Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.2.3

Alternate Resource Panel - 2.6.3

USI Exploration Pack - 0.3.1

Freight Transport Tech - 0.3

Karbonite - 0.5.5

MKS - 0.22.8

USI Survivability Pack - 0.2.2

Universal Storage -

It works fantastically, it is just the boost in difficulty I was looking for!!

With FAR it takes around 4900 dV to get to a circular 70-80km orbit with just barely enough to return.

This boost in dV needed is just perfect, I always hated how with stock scale and FAR I could use a tiny 2 stage booster, plus final payload, single core 1.25m rocket and get to the mun. Now the same design will barely get me to LKO and back :D now the game itself is restricting me as far as career progression instead of me having to role play that we need to progress to nice large rockets before getting footprints on the Mun.

Edited by Akira_R
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have config files and the bins for OPM, opm+, Porp system, and minor bodies. I am not sure how to redistribute them legally though. I have never done anything with licences. I want to just have a download where you are just getting the updated configs and bin files with none of the other assets from their respective mods. Some advice would be great. I plan on tackling trans-keptunian and terrestrial planet pack when i get a bit further in my career, and hope to keep all KT planet packs compatible.

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Just finished adding support for trans keptunian with the latest update. Thats 48 bodies not including stock! Hope you don't have anything to do for a looong while :).

P.s. If your hesitating, don't wait, this mod is awesome, makes the the game feel much more real.

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I have config files and the bins for OPM, opm+, Porp system, and minor bodies. I am not sure how to redistribute them legally though. I have never done anything with licences. I want to just have a download where you are just getting the updated configs and bin files with none of the other assets from their respective mods. Some advice would be great. I plan on tackling trans-keptunian and terrestrial planet pack when i get a bit further in my career, and hope to keep all KT planet packs compatible.

please post the configuration files in the forums or upload to KerbalStuff or even a drop box share would work

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Not sure if it has something to do with this mod or not, (I am heavily modded) but my landers keep disappearing.

I have had two un manned landers on the Mun in my career save and both have vanished with out a trace, completely eradicated from the persistance file. The only thing that remains is the name of the second one showing up as the landing achieved entry for the Mun.

The only thing I could think of is since this modifies the size of the planet that it is causing issues with the location of the lander at it is being deleted, because as I said the persistance file has no vessel entry for wither lander.

I tried doing a quick landing in a sandbox game and then quit and reload to see if it would disappear but that lander seems to be fine, so it is either an issue with the career mode or it happens semi randomly

If any one has any advice it is greatly appreciated

EDIT: problem solved, nothing to do with this mod, it was the old AIES landing legs I was using, they were throwing NREs and I hadn't noticed. When unfocused I think the game didn't think they existed or something and the vessel crashed into the surface according to the log. Replacing the landing leg module with just a basic FS animation module solves the problem.

Edited by Akira_R
problem solved, not K2, please disregard
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  • 2 weeks later...

Most recent version of this mod from Kerbal Stuff appears to have a typo in the folder names, there's a 2k folder instead of K2 inside the zip file. Also, AVC is saying the mod is out of date even though I just downloaded the latest version available on Kerbal Stuff.

Edited by Lord Aurelius
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Can't remeber if it's posted or not so, with FAR Dv to LKO is ~4500 maybe a squeak higher practically so with KIDS FAR to stock I get the same 5300ish to LKO I love this mod. Didn't know how much it was needed till my first Munar rentry. I actually had to aero brake with DR from a Munar return! Imagine that from just a little Munar return. It was the best! Jeb almost crapped his pants.

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Most recent version of this mod from Kerbal Stuff appears to have a typo in the folder names, there's a 2k folder instead of K2 inside the zip file. Also, AVC is saying the mod is out of date even though I just downloaded the latest version available on Kerbal Stuff.

I'll look into it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I've been playing around with Kopernicus and it's looking good.

The only part I'm stuck on is modifying the PQSMod_MapDecalTangent so that KSC isn't half in the water.

I've got the config from the old K2 for RSS but I just can't get it to work in Kopernicus.


That's now working although there are still some other problems. I think we're close though!

Edited by Paul Kingtiger
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