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Construction Revert to VAB causes radial parts to disappear or causes unassembled ship to appear in VAB floor
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Construction Using 'Undo' After Attaching Two Parts By Their Nodes Disconnects Them Instead Of Deleting One
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Construction Procedural wing slider numbers are not precise [Values don't round up to the number shown (e.g. case where 0.10 =/= 0.10)]
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5 votes5 replies
Construction Setting a radially attached docking port as the assembly anchor breaks the assembly when leaving and reentering the VAB [Craft into the ground/floor]
3 votes3 replies
23 questions in this forum
Construction Revert to VAB causes radial parts to disappear or causes unassembled ship to appear in VAB floor
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Construction Using 'Undo' After Attaching Two Parts By Their Nodes Disconnects Them Instead Of Deleting One
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Construction Procedural wing slider numbers are not precise [Values don't round up to the number shown (e.g. case where 0.10 =/= 0.10)]
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5 votes5 replies
Construction Setting a radially attached docking port as the assembly anchor breaks the assembly when leaving and reentering the VAB [Craft into the ground/floor]
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7 votes1 reply
Construction Parts breakdancing while using the translate tool when root part set to a part on symmetry
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Construction Horrendously bugged craft file causing game to get stuck in VAB upon launch, with softlock upon revert [both strut connectors are connected to the same part]
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12 votes4 replies
Construction Unable to place Fuel Lines and Struts in Symmetry Mode after deleting one of them and press Undo
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Construction DeltaV Tool not working when switching between different launch assemblies in the same workspace [only the first assembly placed in the VAB will have DV calculated]
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Construction Docking Ports In Symmetry Are Not Placed When Attempting To Connect To Radial Parts In Symmetry [and copying it again results in a crash]
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Construction The deltaV calculator in VAB doesn't distinguish between fuel types and calculates wrong
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14 votes4 replies
Construction Struts in Symmetry Don't Connect Correctly When 2 Inline Parts are Facing Away/Towards Each Other
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Construction Center of mass indicator does not get updated when modifying fuel amount values in fuel tanks [or at all until toggling symmetry or picking up craft]
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47 votes21 replies
Construction Mirror symmetry broken on some parts (RF-AD-SL-2500, Mammoth-II and some science parts)
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32 votes7 replies