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Hans Dorn

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Everything posted by Hans Dorn

  1. Locking repeatedly to different variables seems to be broken. I'm getting the same error. Cheers. P.S: I've already posted about this a couple pages ago.
  2. Thx for the plugin, guys. Fiddling with nodes went from tedious to fun in an instant. Appreciate it.
  3. Also called "Münster" where I come from. How fitting.
  4. That would be a double D then, right?
  5. Kerbol needs a sister star nearby - with a dozen new planets.
  6. Protip: You know your rocket is big enough when half a dozen engines can fall off during ascent without disturbing the mission.
  7. Lifting stuff with jet engines works remarkably well in KSP. Would this be an option in real life? Cheers Hans
  8. You can accelerate time? Dang, I've been waiting for my launch window since 0.13.
  9. Check out kOS, it's exactly what you're decribing Cheers Hans
  10. The clock has switched to Kerbin time - 6 hours = 1 day. I'm a bit annoyed by all the asteroids spamming the map view when I try to click Kerbin.
  11. The grammar posted on github (https://github.com/KSP-KOS/KOS/blob/master/Compilation/KS/kRISC.tpg) actually supports this: ARRAYINDEX -> @"#"; ... varidentifier -> array_identifier (COLON IDENTIFIER)*; array_identifier -> function_identifier (ARRAYINDEX (INTEGER | IDENTIFIER))*; function_identifier -> IDENTIFIER (BRACKETOPEN arglist? BRACKETCLOSE)?; This should allow for a '#' to be followed by an integer literal or an identifier. Maybe the next release will include this.
  12. That's a bit tricky. The numbering of the engines depends on how the editor has put together your rocket in the VAB. It also changes after each staging! You can do something like: list engines in e.print e.To see how the engines are numbered for the current phase of staging. Use e#3 to access engine 4. (Indices start at 0 IIRC) Cheers Hans P.S: Beware of rapiers, they generate 2 entries in the list!
  13. I'm voting "bacon". <--- more excited about the bug fixes in the new version. Bring it on!
  14. You have a "kOS" folder under GameData now, right? Also the CX part should be the first item under control. I didn't spot it at first, because it looks so similar to the stock parts, lol. Cheers
  15. Thanks for posting the stats of the ion engine. Looks like more fun to play with now Cheers P.S: I just updated the part's config accordingly.
  16. OK I gave it a short try because I had an idea. The old code went something like: lock throttle to t. // main loop set vt to ship:termvelocity. set v to airspeed. set t to (vt - v) * k. if (t > 1) { set t to 1. }. if (t < 0) { set t to 0. }. // main loop This doesn't work as excepted, since apparently each write to t causes a direct update of throttle. That means I set throttle to infinity when leaving the atmosphere, followed by an immediate crash. Using an intermediate variable fixes the crash: set [COLOR="#00FF00"]tt[/COLOR] to t. lock throttle to [COLOR="#00FF00"]tt[/COLOR]. // main loop set vt to ship:termvelocity. set v to airspeed. set t to (vt - v) * k. if (t > 1) { set t to 1. }. if (t < 0) { set t to 0. }. set [COLOR="#00FF00"]tt[/COLOR] to t. // main loop Curiously the crash only happened when I was using an LV-N... Cheers
  17. I'm using ship:termvelocity at the moment, that one also gives "Infinity" when outside the atmosphere. This doesn't seem to cause any issues. All my black screens happened while still climbing out of the atmosphere IIRC. I'll try again tomorrow and log more data... Cheers
  18. You can calculate barometric pressure without needing to lug around a sensor: set pbaro to 0. if body:atm:scale > 0 { set f to -1 * altitude / body:atm:scale. set pbaro to body:atm:sealevelpressure * ( e ^ f). }. Should work for every celestial body with an atmosphere Cheers Hans
  19. There's something weird with the "lock" command btw, seems like unlocking doesn't work properly. The following sequence breaks the terminal window: set a to 0. set b to 1. lock throttle to a. unlock throttle. lock throttle to b. -> From here on nearly all input in the terminal results in "The given key was not present in the dictionary." Toggling power on the CX-4181 fixes the terminal. Cheers
  20. I ran into a similar problem when playing around with gravity turns. I'ts late into the launch, after a couple minutes in my case... Cheers Hans
  21. Found a minor bug: engine:isp returns a single. If you try to apply round(), it throws an error: "can't cast <value> to double."
  22. I'm doing this for staging right now: // set up fuel levels for staging set f_lev to list(). set f_lev:add to 4*360. set f_lev:add to 360. set f_lev:add to 0.01. ... snip... // inside control loop: // staging if ship:liquidfuel < f_lev#0 { // check first entry of list stage. if f_lev:length > 1 { set f_lev:remove to 0. // remove first entry }. }. Not as versatile as iterating through your engines, but pretty fast. Cheers.
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