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Hans Dorn

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Everything posted by Hans Dorn

  1. This is all quite illegal where I live. (Gemany) You buy it, you own it.
  2. Well, technically speaking, you're already orbiting the sun while sitting on the launch pad
  3. They should've hidden the whole nuisance behind a link
  4. Other: I'm rather angry right now because I was forced to accept the EULA to enter this forum. Seriously? I'll probably get the DLC for free, but Squad can keep it, as far as I'm concerned.
  5. One does not simply walk into space.
  6. After accidentally hitting space, I tend to spam the space key... ... to at least get some entertainment out of it
  7. If Squad / Take Two drives away the modders with their legal repurposed bovine waste, there won't be much mod support for 1.4 I'll rather play a modded 1.3 than a 1.4 with whatever DLC Squad will come up with. LOL at the autocorrect, I'll leave it at that
  8. Looks like 1.4 is off to GREAT start.
  9. Just playing with it, like it pretty well so far. Only downside is, I liked going to Minmus early in the game, and now it's gone way off.
  10. Kerbal better time warp lets you edit the time warp settings to your liking: It also has a slow motion mode enabling you to appreciate explosions even better
  11. Agreed. He could at least have taken some student projects along with his dumb car. And a Kerbal of course...
  12. 2 pages already and nobody mentioned the Moar Boosters technique? Am disappoint.
  13. I have a couple old versions I downloaded while the links were working. I could put them somewhere if Squad is OK with this.
  14. Planet surfaces. Need more neat stuff to look at after travelling so far.
  15. MINMUS IS PEOPLE!!11!!! A bit more seriously, Minmus reminds me of this stuff: Ammonium iron sulfate
  16. I had the same thing happen on Laythe. The probe sunk until it got close to the singularity. It started shaking wildly in the high G forces and eventually shook off some batteries and chutes. This resulted in it becoming buoyant, and zipping back to the surface.
  17. Have you checked the complete staging? I just added a couple TT18A to a rocket, and the editor put them in a completely wrong stage.
  18. Meanwhile, I'm on a journey to the center of Laythe. Dunno if this is a new "feature" of 1.1.3
  19. Good job! You win a beach ball.
  20. I mostly do unmanned missions because my landings skill aren't all that great, and I feel bad about killing the little guys.
  21. I don't plan my missions, I just build huge overpowered rockets and blast off to wherever I feel like.
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