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Everything posted by DDE

  1. Here's hoping. I'm headed off to almost 60° North tomorrow. This somewhat improves my chances, although the midnight glow from the sun might interfere a bit.
  2. Celebrating Mother's day by disappearing for a week while leaving Mom with three cats and a fridge full of ice cream. Pure coincidence.
  3. NOAA reports R3-level radio disruption, yes. Back then, they reached the equator. The difference in the intensity of the disturbance was something like sevenfold, judging by the numbers I'd skimmed over today.
  4. Confirmed upgrade to G5, aurorae visible down to 23⁰S (Namibia)/28⁰N (Canaries) at the least.
  5. In the early 1950s, the US looked into combining a single-seat armed reconnaissance ducted-fan VTOL (Falcon) with an Aerie mobile platform derived from the REX medium tank. Which basically meant a flying turret. In hindsight, they weren't barking up the wrong tree...
  6. Paint the town purple! https://www.foto-webcam.eu/
  7. Just keep scrolling. Getting aurorae all the way in the Northern Caucasus. Activity is peaking right about now https://t.me/astroalert
  8. Yes, and because of a mutual acquaintance, I constantly have Rogozin in my recommendeds on VK.
  9. Just surveyed the KSP install from two years ago. What a mess. The toolbar runneth over. I think I'll have to do a full audit and not only update everything but meticulously excise the stuff I'll likely never use given my rusty skills. All while having precious little idea what the modding scene looks like now.
  10. Moscow's southern outskirts. That damaged shop was in Belgorod, but earlier examples have been seen all over the place in several theatres.
  11. It's methane. And the illegal taps are operated by professional ne'er-do-wells.
  12. First cosmonaut-astronaut rendezvous (Goenn, Titov), May 11 1962
  13. One year and there's only been one casualty due to broken glass. Might get worse with the new Cessna clone kamikazes carrying FABs, but until now these things have largely been an annoyance. There's not even an air raid notification system in place. Frankly I'm more worried about the first stages of the Pantsir missile than I am about their targets.
  14. Just heard weapons fired in anger for the first time in my life. AA missiles, specifically.
  15. Ah, yes. Remember "pride and accomplishment" from RNG-enhanced grind some years back?
  16. A map of the lesser known features of Red Square as of mid-1940s. Object №1 is a courtyard VIP bunker, Object №25 hosted government offices, and Object №16 is an unrelated facility that exploited several existing shafts and ended up an NKVD VHF comm post. All are still under the same agencies and closed off, but paperwork on their construction has been declassified and located. Not shown is the later eastwards tunnel with a battery-powered train that contitutes the entirety of actual "Metro-2" - Object №100.
  17. "Say, have you been flaming about lore changes lately?"
  18. For money. Dreams that you could normally see for free.
  19. Did someone say "Take their fuel"!?
  20. Did Youtube remove the button for disabling autoplay? It's gone for me today (I know there's about a dozen versions of any GUI at any given time). Edit: looks like a momentary fluke. Hopefully.
  21. Gas thieves in Pakistan. Normal tanks are banned from private use, so they siphon from mains into a wholly different type of enclosure And here comes Kerman!
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