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Everything posted by Smarti

  1. Thank`s a lot. I did not know that Kopernicus has this issues atm.
  2. Hello. Is it possible to to get somehow only the Scatterobjects with colliders? The textures are a bit too much for my pc with all my other mods. Thank you.
  3. Hello Everyone. It seems that the black sky and no water issue is caused by Transfer Window Planner. Removing this fixed these problems for me. Also, in the TWP-Forum people complained about bugs with the mod and the Autor is fixing it as far as i know. EDIT: The latest Update of Transfer Window Planner works, for me at least.
  4. Thanks for you answer. No, i don`t. And this question implies i should. I didn`t know that, thank`s a lot.
  5. Hi there, i have a question about the Cacteye contracts. I have now a good progress in my career savegame, unlocked all the first grade cacteye stuff and i am waiting for contracts, but they do not come. I deleted the Smobodobodyne-Part, because i don`t like to get a all-you-need probecore that early. Has it maybe to do with my missing contracts? There went ingame months but no telescope contract at all. Thank you
  6. Hi, i found out a faulty in this mod. First, in career mode, you get reputation for every ship you build and instantly recover without flying it, in vanilla you don`t get that even when you fly that vessel. Second, when a Kerbal dies, you should get a penalty, but with Custom Barn Kit you get that penalty as addition. In my career save i have 500 reputation without even flying to mun. I just had my first orbits yesterday, and i play only with 50% Reputation gain.
  7. Hello, I have a message and a question. I play OPM with Custom Barn Kit, wich is broken. CBK doe`s give you reputation even when you kill Kerbals, instead of taking it away. And you get full reputation even when you start a new rocket from editor, and without launching remove it. Bad thing because i now have 500 reputation in the beginning of my career save without even reaching mun. My question: If i want to restore the stock antenna and tracking station values (i play with JX2 Antenna-Mod), do i need to only remove the OPM CommNet.cfg-Patch and play without CBK? Thank you.
  8. Hi. Doe´s anyone know what these three fields under the face texture from male Kerbal heads are for? I know the left one is the mouth hole. The middle one and the right one are mysterys to me.
  9. I tried Mun and Jool. Everything is fine, the science points are reduced. Kerbin isn`t named in the config, so it is unaffected. All good.
  10. Thanks, but don`t works. 0 0 0 makes the visor dull and 1 1 1 makes it like a mirror, but no transparency to see the faces. I´ll try to mod a texture with Paint.Net now.
  11. No, thats not what I want to say. I just ask what it does, but as you ask if it`s working, i´ll try out and compare. Await my result. Thanks for your answer. EDIT: So i tested Stock KSP+OPM+Kopernicus (right isn`t it?) in a Science Game with standart settings and got the same Science Points as in unmodded KSP. Crew report 1.5 points and Surface sample 9 points on Launchpad for stock Ksp and OPM.
  12. No, for now i only have TR without anything else, and ingame the EVA-Visor is golden. For now, there is not such a texture, except a Mod i would use has it. Wat i would like is, TR with stock Visor and Diverse Kerbal Heads. Thanks for your answer.
  13. Hi. I think this mod does not change the science values for the stock planets? I ask because there is a config for their values inside.
  14. Hi. Is there a way to get back the original Visor instead of this golden one? I want to use Diverse Kerbal Heads, but with the Texture Replacer Visor i cannot see the faces. I just would like to replace it with the Stock Visors. Thank You.
  15. Hi. Doe`s this mod make also scatterer objects from other mods like Outer Planet Mods tangible?
  16. Hi. What about part Mods like Near Future? Do these parts also produce dust and all? Or what is for example with added landing gears? Thank you.
  17. Hey. Doe´s this Mod work with every other Sound FX Mod?
  18. Hi. Where do i find the ingame-menu for Maneuver Node Evolved? Or where i can change settings instead? Thanks
  19. Hi. When I use Rotation-Mode relative to a body i orbit around and use physics timewarp, the ship needs electric charge, but when i use standard warp it doesn`t.
  20. Hello, I have a question. Is this mod designed for OPM + Realistic Atmospheres, wich is recommended for OPM? It reduces the height of Eve`s atmosphere to only 55km and raises Jools to 400km. If not, wat do you think I should change to align Scatterer and EVE with this new heights? Thank You.
  21. Thats what i mean , thanks a lot. It is the one i want to try out, too. So i do not need Custom BarnKit?
  22. Thank`s for the fast answer. I tested out a bit and noticed that Custom BarnKit doe´s nothing to the antenna ranges. They stay twice the size as stock, no matter if i have it installed or not. Edit: It seems Custom BarnKit affects the Tracking Station Range. So i think i need this for reaching the outer Planets later in the game but can patch out the 4x factor from OPM for stock antennas and fill the hole with a antenna mod. When i do not use CBK my Tracking station range would be to short for this. Is that right?
  23. hello, i have a question. what do i have to do if i wan`t the stock antenna ranges in OPM? i want to use a antenna-mod for greater ranges, and i like the vanilla-ranges for early gameplay. and second, do i need Custom Barn Kit then? thank you
  24. Hello, i found a bug. When a Kerbal is unconscious when G-Force Limit is activated, the craft is still steerable. Besides that the mouse steering disables when you enter the pause menu and then continue playing. Apart from this it is a good mod with a big potential to make airplanes a lot easier to fly.
  25. Thanks for the fast answer. I know it`s just aesthetics, but thought that maybe the Scatterer atmospheric visuals are "not in place" with the changes of Realistic Atmospheres.
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