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Everything posted by Jammer-TD

  1. well vey interesting as I had the same thing, till I discovered that my wrist rest was smashing the "." key causing an influx of input. however It only took me 5 mins to find and resolve.so I cannot account for an hour of such activity, maybe a coincidence? Jammer-TD
  2. this is not a normal error from b9. via1.6.1 and would lend credence to an malformed structure. It would appear to be accurate to a dbl load of either the mod or parts somewhere within the gamedata folder(these types of mods only go in the gamedata folder) I would recommend you start with a fresh copy install as per the mods direction. for more assistance please follow:: Hope this helps Jammer-TD
  3. assembled with spare parts. is the S.S Minnow on its 3 hour tour
  4. well as I read this, A:they should have used spellchecker for a more realistic effect. B: the article clearly states if ksp were to use any info::"In the event we offer services or promotions where your personal information is separately collected and used according to the privacy policy of a third party, we will inform you of that at the time of collection and you may elect not to participate in the service or promotion." C: the use of other platform that have your data and share it, is the source they site, "When you use Facebook Connect, OpenID or another multisite ID to log in to an Online Service, those ID services will authenticate your identity and provide you the option to share certain personal information with us to pre-populate our sign up form. Depending on your account settings, multisite IDs may also provide other information to us. Please check the terms of those services before using them to log into an Online Service." So as per this article. other vendors are the source of the info <<photo, friends>,. this would not qualify as spyware, but rather data sharing of info, given to other vendors, authorized by you and your social network. advise drop the social networks and keep the data to yourself, they are not secretly stealing it without your knowledge. as far as I can detect as per "what is spyware"=Spyware is software that aims to gather information about a person or organization without their knowledge. GL hope this eases your mind, you can play KSP offline and share nothing. including how many actual hours you have played Jammer-TD
  5. Kerbal Space Program Enhanced edition. and @Lisias it is worth the wait. take all the time you need. rushing things won't make you happy. we will wait! and still be thankful as the saying goes "good things come to those who wait".
  6. So when installing the windows ksp. you may want to 1st start at back level to 1.3.1 and install the mods as per @Gargamel verifying the version to be compatible at this stage, then coping your save and craft files to your new install (the craft files aren't OS specific but do have paths to be followed--missionFlag = Squad/Flags/satellite). this should function, once you get to this stage. I think you what you are asking about is the "data" in the persistent.sfs as posted above, and this would have to look like below for this 1.6.1 KSPe version:: GAME { version = 1.6.1 Title = Build (SANDBOX) Description = No description available. linkURL = linkCaption = Mode = SANDBOX Status = 1 Seed = 2086842308 scene = 5 editor = None flag = Squad/Flags/satellite launchID = 1 defaultVABLaunchSite = LaunchPad defaultSPHLaunchSite = Runway modded = True envInfo = - Environment Info - Win32NT 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Args: KSP_x64.exe - versionFull = (WindowsPlayer x64) versionCreated = (WindowsPlayer x64). HOWEVER.. there are a lot of pitfalls as explained by @Harry Rhodan because it gets deeper then just that info, in the file. and the fact that part names may have changed as well within a mod or squad. are real potentials for this to not work. -- all info has to be updated to the mods of your system as well within as per below--(within persistent.sfs) ex: LoaderInfo { ModuleManager v4.0.2.0 = False 000_AT_Utils v1.6.2.0 = True MiniAVC v1.2.0.6 = True ClickThroughBlocker v0.1.6.10 / v1.0.0.0 = True MiniAVC v1.0.3.2 = True USITools v1.0.0.0 = True ToolbarControl v0.1.6.20 / v1.0.0.0 = True AllYAll v0.11.16.3 / v1.0.0.0 = True B9AnimationModules v1.3.2.0 / vv1.3.2 = True B9PartSwitch v2.6.0.0 / vv2.6.0 = True so you can get this info by A: having a new ksp1.6.1 and mods installed, then B: create a save, then extract the dataset of that saves persistent.sfs {from the new save} and C: add the matching data to your old save and test. and the persistent.loadmeta data files,which have an md5 hash, should be ok from the OS move so that file just gets copied. I am just curious, and don't like to loose my save either.. all this said 1.6.1 and MM have changed enough that this may all be for not, but in theory it could work GL Hope This helps HF Jammer-TD
  7. IF you click on the spy glass- search button(while empty) a box should popup allowing you to select content types "topics"(their are many other options you can use here)selecting content titles and or body, depending on your choice once you have entered the search term for the topic and search. the results window will be displayed. if you then enter the final searchable info in the new search box (search again) it should stay within the first query's results and append your request with highlighted entries. once you are in a forum, you can use the "this forum" feature selection or more articles/members/pages and do specific searches of each Hope this helps Jammer-TD
  8. so just to be sure, you have selected one part as "control from here" and the other as target? and this happens.. if so could you post a log? do the stock ports work correctly?
  9. that is requesting a decrypt key to view for me to view Jammer-TD
  10. the info provided does support you are crashing, however their needs to be more info to diag,.. however and also the mods you are using aren't currently problematic. your mm4.01 needs updates so check all mods for updates and dependencies. also delete the additional modulemanager files in the gamedata folder and retest. I would recommend manually doing the updates, if you are having issues after that please post as per: specifically the logs<Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt (32bit) or KSP_win64\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt (64bit) or %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\output_log.txt > hope this helps Jammer-TD
  11. so you need to end up with a folder structure like "ksp/gamedata/mod name" is good, as "ksp/gamedata/gamedata/mod name" is not good. see pic below for folder structure example: GL HF Jammer-TD
  12. this is the release of continuum, I could not get it to work even in a KSPe fresh install of 1.6.1 using only -squad,toolbar,mm3 or 4 and( u need) clickthrublocker( as it is a codependency for the toolbar). https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/UbioWeldContinuum/releases I would be interested if you get working. I have posted logs and pics. I can get the original "continued" version too work NP, but only as per @lisias using mm3 to do the welds(ps I have not tried it on other versions of KSP) thanks Jammer-TD
  13. well we can start with this issue and review the install as per below, please make sure all dependencies are install with the mods you use. https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/magic-smoke-industries-infernal-robotics#c126 hope this helps Jammer-TD
  14. well yes, but you need to use the mm3 to create a welded part. I then transferred my part to the mm4 version of KSP and here we are today using v1.6.1. packing suitcases now. Jammer-TD
  15. more info about this craft will be posted in the KSP Fan Works Show off your awesome KSP pictures! forum
  16. In Honor Of All You Have Done For Krebal Kind, I have WeldithThee:: The "TrekLisias" The newest in transport to other planets. only 220 parts post weld and we have begun to assemble the finest of cargo. >>Latest news>> The Pre-Weld assembly uses 68 parts to construct the Frame from which the TrekLisisas was built. this allows us to have a much sturdier structure and less failure points. no moving parts are assembled in the weld. It is expected to be launched within the next week. test flights have already been very impressive as the take-off's and landing tests having been completed, the cargo to be loaded is expected to be the largest amount ever sent. We will keep you posted Jammer-TD
  17. yes, if the coupler is left as the root part, it will not weld. you should select a new root, prior to launch. this is similar to KIS in that if a part has attachments it cannot be removed till all sub parts are removed. FYI Jammer-TD
  18. In Honor Of All You Have Done For Krebal Kind, I have WeldithThee:: The "TrekLisias" The newest in transport to other planets. only 220 parts post weld and we have begun to assemble the finest of cargo. Jammer-TD
  19. as part of another issue with MM4. I tested ampyear with mm3 to see if that changed anything. and it did not. the lynx drill doesn't show.. all other lynx parts are alive and well.. FYI Jammer-TD
  20. well once the part is created it isn't bound by mm. so it does work as all of my previous welds as they are just parts. with textures. mm3 is for the function of the mod. so yes Jammer-TD
  21. I have noticed only 1 thing that appears to not work, and that is the "Lynx_DrillRear part" it is missing in the partsdatabase.cfg onload. my craft won't load. I traced it to this "without AmpYear the part shows up fine" and the craft loads. kspv1.6.1 AmpYear1.5.4 I tried it installed separated on root and under GameData/REPOSoftTech with same results. see link with pics and logs let me know if I can do more to help http://www.teamdemonic.com/photo/KSP/02-2019/post/ampyear/ Thanks Jammer-TD
  22. @Lisias Thank you for your time in advance, their can be no rush.. it's just a game. if it helps to know I had been able to use the older version until recent as well, this is where the button at least showed up but didn't function, and it too no longer worked,, ..I only posted this, as I had posted on dec 3rd.. "all is well", then I tried to use it and it had issues. did not want to miss lead anyone Thanks so much, for all you do/did/ are continuum too do. Jammer-TD I have posted logs for your review http://www.teamdemonic.com/photo/KSP/02-2019/post/ubio/
  23. so you have a situation which would need more info to assist you with.. you can start with a fresh install (squad folder only) and attempt to duplicate the scenario and add a mod's to see when this develops however even with this info a log would give the details needed to help with the why. hope this helps Jammer-TD
  24. yes since I updated all my mods since my last post. [ I thought it might be from either tweakscale/mm or b9 but I cannot confirm this.. around feb 3rd] I too cannot get this in any version=continued/continuum to function. the button is there but doesn't popup the window . I see no errors in my logs.unfortunately for me .I had to have surgery on my arm so I cannot play yet or test much. it will be a few days. but I did want to add to this post, as one of the few things I can do lefty. but I did try several things to validate it wasn't working for me. Jammer-TD
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