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Everything posted by Jammer-TD

  1. I'm being told the world isn't ready for this yet! this just showed up.. it has the ability to walk and talk move its mouth/head/waist/knees/elbows/wrists/shoulder and ankle joints included with grappling extendable hands but I assure you he is friendly (for now)! others can be heard screaming "Run For Your Lives" Jeb has assured us "All is well".
  2. you can use tools like gpu-z and cpu-z to monitor temps reducing the guess work hope this helps Jammer
  3. so you may have corrupted the persistent files. I would try creating a new game and moving the save files (excluding the persistent files) your ships and sub-assemblies folder to that game(under saves). hope this helps Jammer
  4. GC=graphic card so that may be an overheating condition.. check with gpu-z.. also note northbridge chips get hot too. maybe its a temp thing?
  5. sounds like you may have SAS turned on, warping can turn it off. so the gyros are spinning and depending on module location and craft balances of weight and support(wheels centered). you can toggle torque to off to verify. and make sure you don't have 2 command modules..maybe? hope this helps Jammer
  6. I do work, so I apologize for my delay in response. I landed the same craft that is in the video "Cargo Tank-Medcenter" without the top assy. and removed all but the one rover. it is all the same pieces. I then landed on Kerbin and I too don't have an issue, although the tires are still slightly sunk in the cargo bay on kerbin, the rover when switched to is fine...(I think this is because the 7.5 is being tweekscaled to 20) The problem only showed up when I was on Duna.. I had kerbin tested her before she flew.<so I retried again and on kerbin is still fine> I use only the stock Kerbal maps and I do have a video of the rover working properly on Duna when I removed the "ws" mod and reused the save game to test and it worked fine then. again I have no issue with adapting to my unique craft's.. lol, but I do enjoy working with you on this..
  7. OK I removed that log and replaced it with the correct log using the worldstablizer mod. my apologies. I was trying, lots of things, to get info.. thanks again http://www.teamdemonic.com/photo/KSP/1-18/ws/KSP.log post 11:35am-est
  8. oh sorry here it is http://www.teamdemonic.com/photo/KSP/1-18/ws/KSP.log I can work with that, but how would I name the sub vehicle prior to separation and switch, thanks oops that was the log from the no mod..ill fix that I do have the vid (if you want) of the rover being deployed and I do see the normal feline rover wheel's do embed in the cargo bay slightly and not so much the terrain. my cargo craft are large and usually suffer from the bounce. but I can work with and with out to get my stuff deployed and Jeb on his way. I do luv this mod for most usages so thanks for the help Jammer
  9. so I have an issue when using this mod "worldstablizer8.2"..(see video)(I am not sure what version this started in)http://teamdemonic.com/photo/KSP/1-18/ws/KSPworldstablizerPassThru.mp4 it seems that any detachable cargo within the cargo hold, when released and switched to, in the tracking station. now falls thru the cargo hold and in the video [see start 1:30 {rover rolls on surface}and skip too 8:15-8:30 ouchy] you see the cargo goes under the large craft on spawn. this craft was used without this problem previously, as it just had a little bouncing. the rover's do not leave the cargo hold when worldstabilizer mod is removed and I can unload all of them including the tank cart's. can this be looked at? Thanks Jammer mod list:: 11/01/2017 12:40 PM <DIR> 000_AT_Utils 11/01/2017 12:35 PM <DIR> 000_USITools 10/30/2017 06:46 PM <DIR> AmpYear 11/17/2017 10:16 PM <DIR> B9PartSwitch 10/30/2017 07:41 PM <DIR> Better Science Labs 12/31/2017 09:40 AM <DIR> BetterTimeWarp 10/30/2017 07:17 PM <DIR> Chatterer 12/30/2017 12:12 PM <DIR> CommunityCategoryKit 12/20/2017 05:12 PM <DIR> CommunityResourcePack 12/31/2017 12:20 PM <DIR> DefaultActionGroups 12/17/2017 02:28 PM <DIR> DMagicOrbitalScience 11/08/2017 06:29 PM <DIR> EasyVesselSwitch 11/01/2017 12:48 PM <DIR> Firespitter 10/30/2017 07:44 PM <DIR> FlexoDocking 10/30/2017 07:44 PM <DIR> ForScience 10/30/2017 07:44 PM <DIR> GroundConstruction 12/20/2017 05:51 PM <DIR> InterstellarFuelSwitch 10/30/2017 07:44 PM <DIR> JSI 10/30/2017 07:44 PM <DIR> KAS 10/30/2017 07:44 PM <DIR> KAS-1.0 10/30/2017 07:44 PM <DIR> kdata 12/03/2017 12:50 PM <DIR> Kerbal Electric 01/10/2018 07:31 PM <DIR> KerbetrotterLtd 10/30/2017 07:48 PM <DIR> kerbodynePlus 12/31/2017 08:38 AM <DIR> KIS 10/30/2017 07:49 PM <DIR> KWRocketry 10/30/2017 07:49 PM <DIR> LBSI 10/30/2017 07:49 PM <DIR> MagicSmokeIndustries 12/17/2017 02:31 PM <DIR> ManeuverNodeEvolved 01/09/2018 05:56 PM <DIR> MechJeb2 10/30/2017 07:49 PM <DIR> MechJeb2 Embedded by Dennis6492 11/18/2017 08:38 AM <DIR> ModRocketSys 10/30/2017 07:49 PM <DIR> ModuleAnimateEmissive 12/20/2017 05:28 PM 101,888 ModuleManager.3.0.1.dll 10/30/2017 07:49 PM <DIR> NearFutureConstruction 12/03/2017 12:50 PM <DIR> NearFuturePropulsion 10/30/2017 06:43 PM <DIR> OPT 10/30/2017 07:59 PM <DIR> OrbitalSurveyPlus 12/20/2017 06:06 PM <DIR> PartTweaks 12/20/2017 05:10 PM <DIR> PlanetaryBaseInc 11/24/2017 06:32 PM <DIR> SCANsat 10/30/2017 07:59 PM <DIR> ShipManifest 11/01/2017 12:25 PM <DIR> SpaceY-Expanded 11/17/2017 10:17 PM <DIR> SpaceY-Lifters 10/30/2017 07:01 PM <DIR> Squad 10/30/2017 08:05 PM <DIR> StationPartsExpansion 11/17/2017 10:17 PM <DIR> StationScience 10/30/2017 08:05 PM <DIR> SurfaceLights 12/17/2017 02:28 PM <DIR> TarsierSpaceTech 10/30/2017 08:05 PM <DIR> TweakScale 11/01/2017 12:35 PM <DIR> UmbraSpaceIndustries 01/14/2018 07:42 AM <DIR> WorldStabilizer
  10. they are "19 x 180 humingbird's" centered to the bottom and LBSI skyswipe 2800 for the primary engines, with its cargo is 253t at 58m long this is cargo hauler 4..it is an "easy to fly" craft. I enjoyed chapter 11.. Jammer
  11. gotta love VTOL I used the chutes but I didn't need too..it just looked good for the photo.. the cargo has arrived 7 "kh" large cargo bays worth
  12. Hanger Building 10 landed safely on Duna This 812 part, 574t building is 26h, 23w, 33l and houses 24 kerbalnaut maintaince crew, has 2 service docking ports for your rover or landing craft to get service or retrofitting. the movable walkways allow for easy top access. Housing is accessed internally. Park Your Shuttle here! front back open Inside a kerbals view
  13. so I use a video https://www.twitch.tv/videos/211503705## to demo the bounce and so then I added the mod . same scene and no bounce the vehicle didn't break as it has been. also I had a rover that used a flex joint that would flip out and roller way up in the air.. it doesn't do that any more with this added Thanks this does help Jammer
  14. Glad you got your stuff back.. most likely they are corrupt files and wont be readable. sometimes a crash corrupts a file that is in the middle of writing and so it is probably not the correct file size because it is an incomplete useless file.. a crash rarely documents out in the logs, exactly what caused it, but may contain that last items in use. hope this helps Jammer
  15. I use AT_Utils1.4.4 and USITools 10.1.0 for ksp1.3.1 and firespitter 7.6 with no crashing FYI and yes this is a Mod Conflict and as always check for the latest updates to fix. If the mod is not 1.3.1 updated then I tend not to use them Jammer
  16. you haven't submitted any logs but if you aren't running the ksp_x64.exe version than you will crash like this. hope this helps Jammer
  17. well at some level your system appears to be having a video conflict is this version 1.3.1 with only 1.3.1. mods? I don't think so, as the log has with ModuleManager.2.6.25 so I would recommend updating to the latest or reverting back to the version you want and remodding maybe a recent mod added is too new to work with this version as i see MINIVAVC is running and may have updated a mod? best I could offer.. hope this helps Jammer
  18. If the good doctor's advise doesn't work for you! I have created for my fellow clan members a gamedata.zip fully modded download with all 1.31. mods that I use and share(saves a lot of time). as stated above, copy out your current gamedata folder in case you want to revert backwards, then just replace the game data folder with the zip files content. so ksp/gamedata/(mods) [License-violating GameData distribution snipped by moderator] the mods are up to date as of today.. hope this helps Enjoy "Share your works" Jammer ps. all mods are the creation of the modder's, This is not a distro or source of mods. only my own combination of what I use. and I refer all mods be obtained thru the modder's forums and all credits be given to them. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/7282-thanks-ksp-team/
  19. from what I understand you to be dealing with, the saves folder where your created game was working.this must have 2 files init to work(besides your saved data). persistent.loadmeta and persistent.sfs so if they are missing(from the crash). I would create a new game and save it, then go to the files folder for the old game and copy your ships/backup and subassembly folders to the newly created game and to complete this resume the new game and then select load saved game select your last save and see if that works hope this helps Jammer
  20. I was able to get the log this time. and there is nothing so wow in there from my laymen's view. I do use SCANsat and I only use 1.3.1 mods (except for warp everywhere and chatter)this does work for me today. you do auto updates in the background and it does appear they are all good. but I don't trust the auto stuff so I do it all manually. you do have the icons (5 .png files)folder within SCANsat? as if that were gone this could happen I updated to the latest version 18.2 recently and the menu looks fine. so I am not sure how else I could help. GL Jammer
  21. It's all About Having Fun


  22. well SatScan did just update the other day so get that. but the problem you describe most likely sounds to be a mod conflict. I am sorry but I don't subscribe to the "not sharing unless they can count you as a user" function of dropbox so I cannot see the logs(I have my own file services.. lol) I would have to recommend starting fresh and adding the mods you need, but I could suspect a duplicate of cck or crp folders within as they do add menus. MemmoryModule 3.01 gives good details on errors I have seen where adding the content of gamedata and not just the "mods components" has given me menu issues as many modders will package a support or dependent mod within like cck. so I might check for duplicates Hope this helps Jammer
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