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Everything posted by Jammer-TD

  1. adding video of event http://www.teamdemonic.com/photo/KSP/6-18/crash/KSP-Test-Coupler.mp4 no planet mods in use
  2. so I built a new version of a cargo hauler series of craft and when I went to use the smallest radial de-couple'r(possible squad part) I found it destroyed the craft. as in, gone, forget it, goodbye to a huge craft from a small(even tried sizing it down 50%) coupler. I have been working on this for a few weeks. so I finally loaded the relay's(deploy able cargo) I attached the coupler's to the wall and struts between them and the satellite's (I have done this a hundred times) when i went to decouple it was devastating. so I mounted a girder on top and used many of the de-coupler's available to test. all had way to much explosion even when the setting of 0 for force and size=50 or less. even with nothing attached they still destroyed my 80+m long ship. so then yes I tested it with a simple tank and engine on the launch. seems much more explosive to me. as stated I have done this before and never has this been a problem they are very explosive and didn't use to be. I am hoping this is addressed in the 1.4.4 I just ran into this issue I also tested on kerbal and in orbit. anyone else having this? Jammer
  3. well my system only takes 5 minutes too load and never longer.. I have 30 plus mods and 10k+ patches. 1.4.3 version windows10, wd sata3 drive's , gen8 i7-8700 16gigs with a 960 card. (ps it worked the same on my gen4-4700 as I just recently upgraded) maybe I should be worried..holding breath till someone turns blue FYI Jammer ok 60 plus mod's..lol
  4. well lets ese,, I see KerbalJointReinforcement, modularFuelTanks as incompatible and fsfuelswitch also toolbar control have issues. I would have to say lots of these mods just got updated.(IS fuelswitch..etc) also mm3.07 is out try patching this install and retest hope this helps Jammer
  5. and we have lift off. all errors are gone. with 3.1 thanks !! what great addition this is, you do good work Jammer
  6. so this is still intermittent 3 of 5 tests launches were greyed out last night. so this still happens in 1.4.3 all mods were patched up to 5-4-2018 logs at: http://www.teamdemonic.com/photo/KSP/518/diag/Jammer-TD5_18-log.zip hope this helps Jammer
  7. if it helps to know with the v3 condition. after starting and closing the game with the errors displaying(having deleted the mm extra files). the ModuleManager.ConfigCache and ModuleManager.ConfigSHA never get created. the game doesn't crash. and only the mm3.06 and the physics and tech tree files are present. Jammer
  8. all of the above was done. deleted folder copied over.. deleted all but MM root file and then posted issue. I just re-tried and got the same Jammer
  9. i tried it with patch manager.. it too had errors.see log. hope this helps logs at: http://www.teamdemonic.com/photo/KSP/518/diag/Jammer-TD5_18-log.zip
  10. I had been using 1.4.3 with no issues when I add the 3 version this is what happens ------old photo removed--- previous version =2.13.3 the errors go away with the earlier version I have MM3.0.6, CRP 10,tweakscale 2.3.12 but I don't use patch manager. any ideas? thanks love this mod.(so i tried it with patch manager.. it too had errors.see log.)hope this helps logs at: http://www.teamdemonic.com/photo/KSP/518/diag/Jammer-TD5_18-log.zip Jammer
  11. so I didn't want this to go un-responded to.but I don't have this experience, and I couldn't view the private dropbox log(a service I don't use). but I would suggest only that 1 mod manager is needed and if wild blue industries (I couldn't find it in the mods section) is a planet pack and you are on 1.4 then I might test without that mod. I do use most of mods you have listed. sorry I cannot provide more. Hope this helps Jammer
  12. I get that since 1.42 and if you toggle to map and back it is fine. seems to be a visual load issue.. I have not found any effect on play and It doesn't always happen and it has happened with different mod loadout's as I have tested so I just let it go .. Jammer
  13. this will happen if you have duplicated folders in the gamedata structure. I would look in that folder tree and expand all folders to view if something got copied under a sub folder. the guru's maybe able to tell you which folder. but a duplication will create this effect(the number would be appended as a seperator) hope this helps Jammer
  14. so I just wanted you to see that with no extras planet packs just mods with parts including kopernicus 1.4.2-1 and module manager 3.06 a test vehicle with nothing fancy at 5k altitude the panels work as they should in the several launches in this vid you can see the charge be restored using gigantor panels. http://www.teamdemonic.com/photo/KSP/418/Demo/KSP Demo 4_14_2018 3_02_35 PM.mp4 I have not been able to simulate this issue so I am not sure what is causing the issue for you. I don't see these modules failing as I have them working, so maybe some conflicting mod is in use<< I dont have KSS>> hope this helps Jammer I saw this post on another forum and i believe this maybe the cause Barar Rocketry Enthusiast Members 24 68 posts Report post Posted Thursday at 04:08 PM I came across this, have you tried a new game, see below.
  15. for directions on how to utilize this mod I have posted some info..see post #134 https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/magic-smoke-industries-infernal-robotics this seem to be working fine in 1.4.2 for me hope this helps jammer
  16. so this mod works well on my system and setup 1.4.2 with many mods. this mod is a generator. so I have it setup where the downloaded zip file is extracted outside of the KerbalSpaceProgram folders structure (ex: c:\ksp\galaxy\To Boldy Go.) then when I generate a galaxy(using a save and backup scheme) folowing there direction which I just love and work easily.. you end up with 2 very usefull files. the named file that I entered during creation ("JamGalaxy.txt")and the actual "galaxy.cfg" file of you Galaxy. I then copy them to the Ex; c:\kerbalspaceprogam\GameData along with MM. I Launch the Game create a new Save and start to Explore the new worlds. I keep the 2 files together to identify what is in each of the "galaxy.cfg"'s created if you create varying Galaxy's. be careful of your current saved game files, as they are not inter-change able (ship and sub's are, but not saved games). I could not find a direct how to either. so I am just giving you my experience. hope this helps Jammer
  17. I have a very large antenna station(kinda like the Eifel tower)which was built post 1.4.2 and it works fine. with only solar panels as the source of electric, i just launched it and it drained the batteries down 8k=50%. then once in orbit circular 130k kerbin I launched the panels and they charged right up. I then flipped to my current version of same craft on Duna and it works fine. I use Kopernicus-1.4.2-1 & MM3.06 Hope this helps Jammer
  18. well mod manger should be 3.0.6 I would start there and then I would validate all mods to be updated for 1.41 as well. many of what you have, have been updated recently hope this helps Jammer
  19. The Koeing Aerospace Group's newest Fleet Line has been spotted, test flying it's SpaceJam series craft, in hopes that they win the bid for the next Inter Galactic trip to SigmaKaurus. while all this is happening we have not heard from the competitor's like Krummen. who one the last bid with its GalaxPlore series of vehicles, now being used to populate and support the "Duna and DeltaCyclonus Missions" "Cost over runs are no longer a concern.. they are inevitable!" One government official is overheard saying. The Company reports "All systems tested flawlessly" "we are ready to deliver"! Jasmina is the leading pilot of the new program and has been looking forward to the launch dates set. she exclaims "the crew is ready and excited to be able to explore this galaxy and communicate our findings" all this reporter can say is, God Speed, To All! Spec's have just been Released:; Sleeps 100 Kerbinauts and comes complete with twin medical complexes and the ability to scan all know resources from far and near. the ship has 3 cargo bays with 2 mining rovers and 1 hoverscanner craft, 2 LRange Relays and 2 Intergalaxtic Relays and a full base assembly including twin greenhouses and habitat's to deploy on the surface it finds safe.::KAG
  20. well the memory isn't so much the problem when a windows system runs low on memory(almost all the time for windows 7) it will use the hard drive for mem space called pagefile. now this according to your log is not a good setting. 25 gigs for 4 gigs of mem. and it may be, that the hard drive has an issue, as that is where most of the ksp loading is being done by this system(so your memory is on the hard drive). so I would recommend reducing page file to 1.5x mem or 6 gigs in this case(reboot needed). much less on windows 10(but we still do not leave it to the system to determine.) this will help with all uses of the system not just KSP. then run scandisk/checkdisk to fix drive errors (on c:/ will require a reboot to scan) if any of this is an issue, you will at least be set correctly..you don't specify when the crash happens.so other issues may be at play pending the "when it crashes" info. after this if you are still crashing then post your info using the following steps .Thanks Hope this helps Jammer addition info:; so in review and launching my game today I got the similar error when trying to open my SPH in a saved game I could no longer access the SPH in my saved game. each time I tried it crashed. I now know the posted pagefile in the log and is not the system os. it is a kerbal/game page.. and that the errors by system log in my case imply a modulemanger error.. so I removed the 4 additional files leaving only mm3.06 and the 4 files rebuilt and all is well again.. I have not added anything to the game since last use(last night for over 6 hrs) and it was working fine. and the game closed properly FYI hope this helps Jammer mm.configcache, .configSHA, .Physics, .TechTree
  21. well this happened to me as well the plums go up but the thrust is actually working correct(thrust goes down), on a plane I made in 1.3.1 it was completed and worked, now using the craft in 1.4.1 it is backwards for the plume, correct for the actual thrusting needed. this appears to be a visual effect, issue, I don't recall it happening in 1.4.0. and all thruster types on the ship seem to act this way. I couldn't locate a forum or github for kwrocketry.. and 2.7 is the version I have.. would you have/know of a link maybe? thanks Jammer
  22. Just To Clarify:; we need a little more info and if its 1.4 with non 1.4 mods..yes it may not work
  23. I can only confirm that if you start with a fresh 1.4 install and use the several mods already updated, they do work for me on my systems here. I have also gotten several 1.3.1 mods to work as well as ships, but not all and this was only for testing. FYI GL Jammer
  24. as has been posted all mods not updated are subject to cause issues. many mods are being updated as I type and several have already put out the patches. so best advise has been to use the 1.3.1 till all your needed mods are updated. or use the 1.4 with only 1.4 mods..which means your ships have been impounded..lol. most mods I use from(1.3.1)still work. these people are dedicated and creative . so we need to give them the thanks and patience they deserve. I know they will get you what you need HF Jammer
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