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Everything posted by Assassinsat

  1. The other thing I did to correct that problem was to verify integrity through steam IIRC. Although not sure if that was what fixed it. Please keep in mind that I have no technical know how of how KSP or mods work. I was just dangling at straws back then.
  2. I use Scart91's texture pack with texturereplacedreplaced 0.4 and it is working fine for me. @Galileo Is that not recommended? The head and suit textures are loading up without a hitch in game. @LandwalkerMy folder structure is as follows C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TextureReplacerReplaced\Heads\ has separate female and male folders for placing individual heads textures. C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TextureReplacerReplaced\suits\ has separate folders for each class of kerbal (scientist, engineer, pilot and more for example if you have MKS classes) The suit textures go into these.
  3. Did you reinstall the dependencies (scatterer) or are they left over from previous svt install? I get this everytime I move on from svt or update to a new version without reinstalling dependencies.
  4. Can you point me to the repository? Is it this one? https://github.com/VenVen/Stock-Revamp
  5. I Installed the latest release from the github release link. The version there says 1.9.6 but ingame AVC says it is 1.9.5 and i meant for KSP 1.1.3. Is this normal? What version should I install?
  6. That also happens but most commonly I get BSODs along with it. I see that you rolled back the drivers. Did you do clean installs using something like Display Driver Uninstaller or just stock uninstall and reinstall?
  7. I got this when I had two magicore.dll's in my gamedata folder. One was in the gamedata folder itself and was outdated. The other was in gamedata\magicore folder and was up to date. I deleted the outdated one and KCT is working fine for me. But if this is not your case please ignore. Can you tell me what is different here from last dev build?
  8. Was there a BSOD? Most probably caused by latest nvidia driver. I have been getting a lot of them since updating.
  9. For me as well. For a minute there it appeared to have come back but the past few hours have been bug free.
  10. This is a bummer. I quite love this mod. But this is a different result. I believe I'll test this myself.
  11. Producing an output log file might be helpful because I too have encountered this bug but since then I have uninstalled this mod. I might put it up again and see if I can reproduce it though.
  12. @Craig DI also use the TooManyOrbits mod. It is such a useful little mod when you are in year 2-3 of your space program with multiple sats around kerbin SOI. However it never caused problems with KISS for me. Also if you go to the mod menu for toomanyorbits you can change its hotkey. I have changed it to "?"
  13. Can someone explain how to design a proper static fire test? Should I just keep the clamps closed on the launchpad and burn the thrusters? If so for how long and how many such tests are ideal before the actual launch?
  14. @DrLicorGood point. Will try that now. Quick question. Are these recommendations still valid? Update - Quite unhappy to report that halving the mods led to no results. Both sets of mods worked perfectly with no performance impact or bad loading times. Will try them all together now and see if that trend continues. Update 2 - Full modlist still has long load times. But I reverted thestarwaster's suggestion I detailed above in OP and load times improved (a little) but now fps is about 10-15. ARGH! here is the new output_log if that is of any use https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByP4LaeZYZLZcEYxckducjg0aW8
  15. Thanks for looking it over. I'll try removing mods one by one and checking if that will solve it.
  16. @linuxgurugamer You mean output_log right? already done in OP. Output_log These delays are more than 15-30 seconds though. I might try removing all graphics mods and running the game again just to be sure. @DrLicor That is a nice modlist. You have almost the same graphics mods as me except for EVE. Maybe something in EVE+AVP+KSPRC is messing with Kopernicus as linux mentioned.
  17. Isn't Kopernicus required for AVP and KSPRC? I thought lots of people would be using that and it was a stable (as much as it can be) mod.
  18. This! First time I installed SVE + SVT and then moved on to AVP + KSPRC I got black textured sky and oceans all around Kerbin. Thought I messed up the stock install or something and removed all mods and reinstalled. Don't really know if it was scatterer but it would be a good idea to reinstall all dependencies for both mods.
  19. @DrLicor Hey thanks for welcoming me. Been lurking around these forums for years but never made an account before (been around since pre 1.0. Can't remember what version). I mostly read stuff and never had a problem worth mentioning. I forgot to mention that I indeed run with dx11 forced and yes that does reduce ram use but I dont feel like the ram is the limiting factor here. Can you mention your specs and your modlist please so that I can compare.
  20. I played KSP quite a lot about 2-3 years ago but had to drop out due to RL. Since then I'm back with a brand new pc and bought the game on steam. Played stock for about a week but the lure of adding my old mod list was always there (I do love mods). Now I have installed a lot of the common mods (listed below) and things were fine for a few days but I kept adding more and more. Some of these mods are dev versions but I searched all through the forums and found fixes or workarounds posted to make them work with 1.3. At first the performance was acceptable. Without mods the game runs at max fps in all situations. With some mods (I tested with a clean environment for KSPRC, AVP, Kerbinside separately) the game runs around 45-60 fps. It's with all the mods added that the problem appears. The problem I'm having now is that in game it takes 5-10 minutes for any scene change, sometimes more (loading a save game, going from KSC to tracking center, tracking center to KSC, launching a craft etc). Also in game fps is around 15-20. Sometimes drops to about 5-10 for a second or so suddenly before going up. If someone can please look over the list and tell me if there is a mod that could cause the spikes and long load times I'll be really grateful. It has now gotten to the point that I prefer end tasking the game rather than quitting it normally as that takes so much time. My initial game loading time is high too but I'm used to that from the early days so that is not an issue. PS- I followed themaster401's suggestion as outlined here. It actually increased fps by a little but the loading time problem was there even before I did this. PPS - I run with forced DX11. My specs are Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7500 CPU @ 3.40GHz 8192MB RAM (KSP takes about 5gb when running) Windows 10 Home 64-bit NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Output.log
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