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Everything posted by Pehvbot

  1. Less Real Test Flight uses and extends the TestFlight failure Mod, and is intended for stock and stock-alike games. Download: https://github.com/pehvbot/LRTF/releases Prereqs: TestFlight, ModuleManager. KSP version 1.12.x Player Tips: LRTF builds on StarStrider42's experimental (and likely abandoned) stock part configs: https://github.com/Starstrider42/TestFlight-Configs If you are unfamiliar with TestFlight, it is a parts failure mod mostly used by RealismOverhaul/RP-1. https://github.com/KSP-RO/TestFlight It has a nice set of features and is insanely configurable, but it comes at the cost of being complex to configure each part. I wanted to use TestFlight but I am far too lazy to actually write configs for every part. I also wanted to extend it a bit by adding in some more recording and failure modes. It turns out being lazy is hard work! Instead of writing TF configurations for each part this mod tries to sort parts into one of several configuration profiles, then makes a few adjustments to the parts as needed, generating the actual TF profiles using modified versions of the StarStrider42 scripts. Currently it configures engines, command parts, fuel tanks, parachutes, rcs, wheels, reaction wheels, parachutes, and antenna. Although it *should* work well enough for most stock-alike mods, it's completely untested and there are almost certainly specific parts that won't work or will be badly configured. It includes the ability to repair LRTF failures, including engine repairs for LRTF configured engines but not TestFlight 'stock' configured engines. My goals: near, far, and blue sky: Near Bug fixes. Always bug fixes Balance the failure rates and curves for the profiles Balance repair probabilities Test RealFuel and Kerbalism support (currently preliminary) Far Real Antenna support Done! FAR support FAR Parachutes are done! RealChute support Done! Support for other parts mods Blue Sky Add somewhat randomized failure rates and curves for each part for each save. This means when you start a new save, each part will have its own failure rate and curve, simulating the fact that you don't always know how smooth development will be nor how good the ultimate product may be. Done! Use TestFlights ability to boost research for part families based on flight data from previous parts. See if this can be done by using manufacturers, engine class (booster, vacuum, solids, etc), etc instead of previous parts Done! The mod doesn't overwrite existing TF profiles, or at least it shouldn't. Give it a shot! What's the worst that can happen?
  2. Kerbalism may be doing this. Select the craft from the Kerbalism window and go to the config tab. Unclick the notification boxes and see if that does it.
  3. The short answer is you don't. Or rather you wait until it's ready. It's a hairy monster of a mod and updating it takes time and effort. The devs work on it when they have the time and it's strictly volunteer work. Some folks have dug through the mod and all it's dependencies to make it work for them, but these are personal efforts and not really distributable. It's frustrating, but it is the nature of user created content.
  4. Procedural Parts and Procedural Wings would solve your craft building problems since you can fairly easily configure it to give you any tank or wing shape you want from the start. You can add all the Structural parts to your start menu using something like: @PART[*]:HAS[#category[Structural]]:FINAL { %TechRequired = start } FINAL is kind of a tricky modifier here since you don't really know how final FINAL is, but this should force to to run after any tech tree mods. You can also use this same trick to throw in all the Aero category parts into the start node.
  5. If you are installing manually check to make sure the planet pack folders are in the right spot and for RSS and KSRSS that you also have the RSS textures.
  6. Good tip, but nothing there either. The parameter is listed and looks good and everything works as expected, except it doesn't pass that specific check. As far as I can tell CC is either not checking at all (and auto failing) or it isn't seeing the two values as being equal for some reason.
  7. I have a question about how PartValidation FILTERs works. I am able to use them for some criteria but not others. Working example vs non-working examples: //This one works fine ... PARAMETER { name = PartValidation type = PartValidation FILTER { MODULE { name = ModuleScienceExperiment experimentID = mobileMaterialsLab } } } //This one matches mobileMaterialsLab doesn't match for totalScienceLevel even though it's defined for the part being checked ... PARAMETER { name = PartValidation type = PartValidation FILTER { MODULE { name = ModuleScienceExperiment experimentID = mobileMaterialsLab //gets defined for different parts with mobileMaterialsLab totalScienceLevel = 1.0 } } } I'm able to work around the problem, but I haven't been able to figure out why some criteria work and some don't. Logs don't seem to offer any insight. Does anyone know what's going on with this?
  8. Yes. Thanks for the heads up. I should know better than to make these changes late at night and in a rush. It should be fixed now. My apologies to anyone who downloaded the wrong file.
  9. For those interested, I've updated Less Real Than Real(ism) to the first 2.0 release. This fixes all kinds of bug, selects the correct settings for Kerbal Construction Time for stock or 2.5x, and adds Kerbalism support for stock and 2.5x size worlds. More info here: In addition to the requirements listed, I strongly suggest using Kronometer, Restock/Restock+, and KSC Switcher. As always, let me know if you run into any bugs, if it doesn't work as expected, etc.
  10. Version 2.0.1 Now with even less realism! This is the first release version of LRTR version 2.0. If you are upgrading from the previous release versions be careful. This will likely break your saved games. It is compatible with and fixes many of the bugs from the beta of 2.0. It adds better support for KCT presets, and generally cleans things up a lot. As with the beta, it only supports KSP 1.12+. Download for v2.0.1 (for KSP 1.12) here: https://github.com/pehvbot/LRTR/releases/tag/v2.0.1.0 (It's still in pre-release until CKAN metadata can be updated) Download KerbalismConfig v1.0 here: https://github.com/pehvbot/LRKerbalism/releases/tag/v1.0.1 (Supports both the 1.11 and 1.12 versions) The new minimum requirements (as with the beta) ModuleManagerClickThroughBlockerCustomBarnKitContractConfiguratorDMagicScienceAnimateMagiCoreModularFlightIntegratorReal Solar System, KSRSS, or KSSRS 2.5x NOTE: RSSDateTime formatter does not currently work in 1.12.x and will likely not be updated until RP-1 is updated to 1.12. There is a pirate version that works in 1.12 here:
  11. Thanks! Everything is scaled by 1.6 linear (2.56 area, ~4 volume) so 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 6m, and 9m.
  12. Yep. Click on the settings (gear) icon in the KCT window. You can adjust all the settings there, including disabling it entirely. It's the top button on the middle-right. The only down side is I think it disables crew training as well. NOTE: That version has some serious issues (as expected). I'll post the latest beta today. It should be a drop in replacement since it's basically all bug fixes. It's still a beta so if you find something wonky with it let me know.
  13. BEHOLD THE POWER OF MODULE MANAGER! I kind of liked the idea idea of a Soviet, US split tree and I was bored, so I did just that with a single page of MM scripts. The script takes the stock tree, makes two copies (US and SOVIET) and mirrors them ,then rotates the stock tree so it sits on top (i.e. west is the US, east is the USSR, and on top is the stock tree). It then looks for Bluedog and Tantares parts and moves them to the new trees. The only piece that's missing is that I would like for unlocking either the US or SOVIET node automatically unlocks the stock node. The frustrating thing is I can do it, but it creates a spagettified mess in the R&D building since I can't figure out how to hide the lines going from parent to child (probably needs a DLL to handle this). This isn't really a full mod and is quite brittle. Using anything but the stock tech tree is likely overflow the canvas space and probably create overlaps between the branches. Anyway, you can see how you can manipulate the TechTree using MM.
  14. Start by taking a look at the stock tech tree cfg file in GameData/Squad/Resources/TechTree.cfg. Each node is a specific technology: RDNode { id = start title = #autoLOC_501020 //#autoLOC_501020 = Start description = #autoLOC_501021 //#autoLOC_501021 = The technology we started out with. cost = 0 hideEmpty = False nodeName = node0_start anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_start pos = -2568,1199,0 scale = 0.6 } RDNode { id = basicRocketry title = #autoLOC_501022 //#autoLOC_501022 = Basic Rocketry description = #autoLOC_501023 //#autoLOC_501023 = How hard can Rocket Science be anyway? cost = 5 hideEmpty = False nodeName = node1_basicRocketry anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_rocketry-basic pos = -2385,1257,0 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = start lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } ... From here you can do one of three things: Change the node, remove the node, add a new node. Notice the second node points backwards to its parent. If you want to make a simple change for example you could make your entire tech tree more expensive (it's a dumb example but it shows how this stuff works). You would create a ModuleManager script (MM is pretty much required for any mods that change game mechanics) @TechTree { @RDNode,* { @cost *= 2 } } @TechTree { @RDNode[survivability] { %cost = 5 } } ModuleManager scripts are a pretty big subject but the basic idea in this example is: Look for the thing called TechTree Look at all the things called RDNode (that's the comma + star part) Multiply the cost in each of these by 2 Look into the TechTree again Look for the RDNode called 'survivability' Set its cost to 5, removing the previous change. Creating a new node is a bit more complicated. You need to place it somewhere on a grid (the pos =... line), make sure it points to it's parent, make sure any children point to it, give it an icon, a cost, etc. You can use examples you find as a template. Once you change the tech tree itself you may then need to change the tech node the parts use. It would look something like: @PART[bluedog_Centaur_Avionics] { %TechRequired = nasa_tech_4 } This takes a Bluedog part and places it into a hypothetical 'NASA' tech tree branch you created so NASA and Soviet (Tantares) parts are researched separately.
  15. Apparently you can remove seats instead. In theory that means patching in a bunch of seats when the game loads then dynamically removing seats that don't fit. I haven't tried this myself and don't even recommend it it, but if true it should at least be possible to 'add' seats (i.e. remove fewer of them) and apply an appropriate IVA dynamically. It's something I briefly thought about, but fortunately I came to my senses.
  16. I'm having a localization issue with the latest version on CKAN. The localization file uses the form OHS-... but the binaries are looking for FND-... This is a completely clean install for version A quick search and replace on the us-en.cfg file fixes the problem but I'm guessing this should be fixed in the dll instead. [EDIT] Also, it looks like there are two missing localizations for -Settings-snd and -Settings-qt [EDIT] I just looked at the latest beta and it looks like this was fixed already.
  17. Delta-v for Earth orbit is somewhere around 9500m/s. It varies a bit depending on the rocket and the launch profile.
  18. Can you use it's index number? E.g !model,2 = DEL (counting starts with 0)
  19. The recovery time comes from LRTR, using the RP-1 code for this. There isn't a setting in the GUI but you can zero out the recovery time by editing the GameData/LRTR/settings/crewHandlerSettings.cfg file. Open the file using a text editor such as notepad.exe and find the line that says: inactivityMinFlightDurationDays = 10 Change the value from 10 to 0 and Kerbals should recover instantly. Basically all the crew handler settings can be changed from here. I wound't play with it too much but you can shorten training times, increase retirement times, etc.
  20. Yeah, I was going to ask about that. The scripts increase the size of the parts but not their positions. If you load anything made in 'normal' mode it will be insanely clipped.
  21. They shouldn't overlap or mis-align. Can you post a screenshot of the problem?
  22. Yeah, those are from the RP-1 science rebuild. RP-1 science reuses the science jr. as an early camera and disables the seismometer. You can disable all the RP-1 science stuff in the config.cfg file and bring back all the stock parts and science but that may not work in career mode since you will be starved of science with the stock settings in the very early game. You could just cheat in some science to kick start things if you wanted. Something like 50 points should do it. The alarm clock stuff should 'just work', at least in theory. Things are a bit awkward right now. The 1.11 version on CKAN uses an older version of RP-1 without alarm clock support for kerbal training/classes. The new 1.12 version supports the new stock alarm clock as well as Kerbal Alarm Clock, but it isn't ready and isn't on CKAN yet.
  23. The rescaler code is a full rewrite of ROMini. It fixes some bugs and adds in support for variants, fairing interstages, upgrades, and mods like RealFuels, as well as a handful of other things. I think it works much better, but then again I'm a little biased. I like SMURFF but this is trying to do something slightly differently. SMURFF is more 'Kerbal', this is more 'real'. If you are looking for a way to play with real scale parts but without worrying about some of the details of RO, this is the mod. I think custombarnkit does work in 1.12, it's just not officially supported at that level. This happens a lot. Sometimes it's because there are still some minor issues that need to be ironed out, sometimes it's because the dev has either stopped working on it entirely or hasn't had the time to give it their official stamp of approval. For us players it usually means we try it and if it works great, and if not we either need to wait for the devs, or if we feel like diving into the code, fixing it ourselves. LRTR was basically me wanting to play in RSS without RO but having problems with ROMini, so I just gave it a shot fixing it. Things got a little out of hand.
  24. No really (way too much work!) but you can disable everything you don't want. The settings are scattered around a bit. Some of them (including custombarnkit) are disabled from the config.cfg file, some of them are disabled in the LRTR game settings, and the KCT is disabled from its own window in the main game window. I've been playing and testing the beta version (see above) in 1.12 with custombarnkit, so it does work, but you won't need it if you disable it in the config.cfg file. FASA should work but I've never tested US Probes. Most untested mods work, but some of them have had problems. NOTE: The engine performance and tank sizes are not real world accurate. It will be fairly close but not good for exact recreations. It's 'Less Real' for a reason
  25. For anyone who is interested, I've just updated the Less Real than Real(ism) mod to support KSRSS as well as RSS. The this is a beta release and only supports KSP 1.12.x Less Real than Real(ism) is basically a simplified and more 'Kerbal' version RP-1 without Realism Overhaul. It supports lots of mods but is really designed to be run as lightweight as possible. This is definitely an early beta. It's feature complete but there are certainly many rough edges, especially with the contracts in KSRSS. The LRTR KerbalismConfig for this isn't quite ready yet but should be out soon. I have only done basic testing with KSRSS so there are probably some issues. One big one is the default Kerbal Construction Time preset is geared toward RSS time so build times are ridiculously long. The quick and dirty fix is to open up the KCT Settings (the gear icon in the KCT window) click on the show/hide formulas button and add (without quotes) '6*' to the beginning of the NodeFormula and BuildRate text boxes. (i.e. 6*(2.5+...).
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