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Everything posted by stratochief66

  1. You can do it! And if you eventually want to re-texture it in more detail, you can. But there is no reason to be ashamed of a decent first-draft texturing. @liquidhype your previous texture for that engine doesn't look bad at all:
  2. Hot staging is an option? Basically, set up your staging so that you can start up your second stage engine before separating stages. If you want historical inspiration, take a look at the Titan II or Any soviet R-7 with upper stages. It is best that you stage when the air has had a chance to thin, so making your first stage burn longer than you'd normally think is optimal can help with that. Thinner air means less drag slowing the stage down and forcing the fuel towards the top of the tank in free fall, which makes the fuel pumps get gasses and not fuel, causing a restart attempt to fail.
  3. So far, no crashes for me. I have two screens of different sizes & resolutions. I use borderless window, full screen when I run KSP generally. When I move the mouse offscreen the mouse position data shows the last position when the mouse was on the active KSP screen. I'll test in a different display mode and/or DX11 shortly. Worked well in DX11 for me, looks cool! I also saw display id 0 all the time, even when actively using the second screen. After a launch to orbit, I could no longer click the buildings around the KSC campus, so that is an annoying glitch. Great behaviour so far though, I'll have to try it out with an RSS/RO launch like Saturn V now.
  4. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/issues/610 rsparkyc compiled a list of the mods, and his estimation of their current state, etc. tl;dr you can assemble it, but you'l have to work for it. if you've got a working 1.1.3 install of RO, it is much easier to stay there https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/releases A pre-release version exists, and can be acquired there. Pre-release means it isn't in CKAN yet, and that we know it still has a few issues that we're still working on. The atmosphere of Venus is thick as sin. Just pointing a heatshield forward should get you down to slow-ish, then you can deploy chutes shortly before landing at low speed.
  5. Looks great already! I think the end of the nozzle needs to be a little less outwardly flared though. Basically, pointing straight into the ground at the nozzle exit. I've seen a few different visions of the flight model, one with a metallic nozzle, one with what looks like an ablative/carbon one. http://william-black.deviantart.com/art/NERVA-II-Diagram-563531536 I think the metallic nozzle is more realistic for the period, although it will be trickier to model and texture. I could also be incorrect about the realism.
  6. It would be an RO bug, as RO stores the configs for TestFlight. In RO, engine properties are stored centrally, then applied to parts when they are called for. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/GameData/RealismOverhaul/Engine_Configs/RD103_Config.cfg#L82 That engine config appears to have TestFlight properties. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/5b8b5a5eb7107b9265b681850cca8a3d90b567c5/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/VSR/RO_VSR_Engines.cfg#L252 And that engine seems to have it called. My own ModuleManager.ConfigCache appears to have the appropriate code for that part. I'll try to remember to take a look at my own RD-103 next time I'm in game. If you right click an engine, IIRC there is an option for R&D that pops up. Out on campus view, the TestFlight display can show R&D info, but I imagine that would be empty if you don't have any parts being researched. I (or someone else) asked @Agathorn that at some point. It certainly isn't an easy feature to add. That property can be set fairly easily for parts that are a constant cluster of engines, but not for something where the number of engines in the cluster is dynamic and changed in game. There are other odd unfortunate disadvantages to using clusters like that, for example individual engines within the cluster can't be shut down or throttled. But despite the drawbacks, it is a very cool tool from SSTU.
  7. @MadRocketScientist whatever one you can find the best images for, ideally something with verniers though, since I don't think any real ones were able to gimbal the main nozzle itself Just make sure to let us know which version it is a model of, so it ends up with accurate stats
  8. I know this is meant in jest, so yourself. I've only got energy to do things that directly interest me, and most old RO members like myself are in the same boat. In my experience bugging doesn't result in more work being done, it drive away experienced people and leaves disappointed buggers. I'm driving towards Mars Direct mid 80's, and dabbling in bits of a post moon landing space program (basic mission extensions like a lunar shelter, leo crew rotations and Saturn IB wetlab stations) that interest me. I've got most of what I need for the actual Mars Direct architecture planned coded, and built, I just need to determine and carry out the necessary precursor missions that prove out and progress Mars ISRU technology from scratch. Wet lab will be the hardest I think, and may require save file editing to alter the RealFuel tanks post-launch, but possibly not.
  9. @Drakenex I think that looks pretty great, although my memory made me think BDB already had a tank for that? I must be thinking Real Scale. Cobalt (or one of his friends) caught me lurking on Twitch tonight. I do plan to make an RO config for one of the smaller Apollo service modules, since that makes way more sense for my RP-0 series, where I use Gemini-Direct to get to the Moon, and I'm only developing Apollo hardware to get 3 people into orbit, and do the other things. Not because it is easy, but because it is cost effective!
  10. I think that would be really cool. Just because they don't generally go to orbit doesn't make them not interesting.
  11. Try again; looks like they are clearly there on the RO Git: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/33048702d67e2ceed46054a48a533db7247c73dd/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/KK Launchers/RO_KK_AtlasV_Tanks.cfg And there are also craft files for the Atlas launchers included with RO: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/search?p=1&q=CommonCoreBooster&type=Code&utf8=✓ If you build a payload, you should be able to pull in the the launcher from the Subassemblies. If not, you might have installed something incorrectly, and should take a closer look there, possibly inquiring on the RO forum page with more detailed information?
  12. I'm fairly sure you don't have a langley lander. I'll have to check. I haven't looked at everything in there in a month or two, I'm not sure if you have a MOL for example.
  13. There are a few oddball parts in FASA that aren't in BDB. Some are and some aren't configured, like the Big Gemini hardware is there and RO configured, IIRC. The little Langley Lander is in FASA, but not configured for RO. I might configure a few random BDB parts sometime, if I find that the equivalent aren't configured or don't exist in FASA. I'm looking to make a Gemini-station soon in my RP-0 series, for example.
  14. Working on a lunar shelter delivery vehicle, like that proposed during the Apollo Applications Program.
  15. Nice engine, good to have a different option for the NK33 other than the old 'SovietEngine' one. What do you plan to create next? Most engines for most things have been modelled at least once, I think. The only one I can think of that hasn't is nuclear thermal rockets, like NERVA. Atomic Age has some nice looking stock-alike looking ones, but nothing that shoots for the real thing. A person or two has tried, and collected reference images, but nobody has completed anything.
  16. The way I see it, there are two sides to configuring a part. One is the form, and the other is function. If you are trying to configure a tank (ie. Second stage of the Saturn V, the S-II stage) that already has an RO config for it, you can pretty much just learn and nab from those existing configurations. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/FASA/RO_FASA_Saturn.cfg#L489-L529 Feel free to ask questions if you can't quite figure out what one line or another does, or even if you're fairly certain, present your best guess and ask if it is correct. Volume is in litres, for example (volume = 1364256.2) which was probably the end run of a long and ugly calculation, converting some source website (or multiple site's) reports of the fuel mass of that stage, modified to account for the fuel mixing ratio, then using density to go from mass ratios to the actual tank fuel volume. As you can see, it is much easier to borrow a value if someone else has already configured a tank that matches what you're looking for. By 'form' I mean the scaling, mostly this part of the RO config for a part: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/FASA/RO_FASA_Saturn.cfg#L496-L500 If BDB operates on a certain scale down from the real parts, that will be fairly easy. Even if it scales down and sticks to come consistent scaling for reach family of rocket/stage, then once you find the right scaling numbers you can re-use them for many parts. This bit converts the size of the part as used by BDB in stock, through this changing of the scaling to hopefully match the actual proportions of the real rocket it represents.
  17. @eloquentJane about 4 tonnes on the surface of the Moon. http://www.astronautix.com/m/molab.html @demo_the_man I like the Eyes stuff you have there, where did you get it from? just completed my Gemini Direct Saturn V RP-0 career to the Moon, and I'm batting around plausible ways to bring in Apollo hardware before I build an infrastructure towards Mars. Youtube, for the interested:
  18. @linuxgurugamer I'm building the Saturn MLV craft using RO, and I was wondering if there was a way to make KVV work for RO configured craft? For some reason KVV, never seems to explode the craft apart for me. Possibly it doesn't recognize the decouplers? Also, I'd be interested in some way to include a scale (metres, or feet say) to include with the KVV picture, so it can be clear how tall the (unexploded) craft is? Saturn MLV
  19. Yeah, you could crank up the dry masses or something, like shift the ISPs down or decrease the fuel mass? Plenty of levers to pull in modifying the existing RO RealFuel patches to use outside of RSS. @Mtshaw113, there are already some RO configs for the RSB parts, I remember testing and accepting a few of them myself! https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/tree/master/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/RealScaleBoosters Currently RO doesn't have an official release for KSP 1.2.2, in part because some of the prerequisites we rely on don't have official releases (but do have beta releases) and also because NathanKell has been away, and we prefer to have some of his input before a release if we can. If you want to try out the existing RSB configs for RO, feel free to do so. I find that learning to make or alter configs for things is best started by using already configured things, and looking at the code for those parts to see how it translates into what you see in game. RO has a new forum OP now, since the forum ate the old one. Here it is thanks to Theysen: If you want to try RO in 1.2.2, you might be able to assemble a manual install of all the prerequisites for RO like us RO testers/developers have, just don't expect any support in getting there. We have a list of the pre-reqs and I added some links to 1.2 compatible versions of them, so we could keep track of what has updated and what hasn't, what we've tested and found good and what we haven't. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/1436 The RO group s always interested in someone interested in learning to make configs, since that is the only way that new parts end up configured for RealFuels and RO after all. Currently, I've only got time to keep a few favourites of mine working as well as I can, like FASA, and reviewing/testing other people's RO contributions.
  20. @hargn done! I haven't been spending any time looking at the RP-0 repo, since RO isn't updated yet. But if I can help to help someone help, I'll take a look when I'm pinged
  21. Thanks for making the new page @Theysen Now I've got a post I can alter in the future to say what I want. Muhhahahahah.
  22. For anybody interested, there is a new RO forum page, since the forum ate our old one. Thanks to @Theysen for putting it together again. @hargn yeah, I believe the contracts in RP-0 will need some serious updates in order to be compatible with the new version of CC and ultimately work in 1.2.2. Any fixes to make those contracts work would be much appreciated on the RP-0 Github
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