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Everything posted by cineboxandrew

  1. Is this the MH version or the RS+ version?
  2. I'm just going to use Helvetica, fonts are loaded for use with TMP as just an atlas anyways, which seems to be under the usual desktop usage licensing of Helvetica that comes with most OSs
  3. Looks like this mod's patch to add its own parts to the decals category is targeting all MODCAT nodes
  4. Theres already an IVA nav ball prop, why not reverse-engineer how it gets its data?
  5. Is there any way to reuse the color picker UI from the suit menu for something else? at first glance it seems to use a lot of unity-editor-assigned values and prefabs locked in private variables
  6. Unless you're projecting onto a part with a lot of meshes, it shouldn't be any more draw calls than a normal part. Also your pixel light problem is caused by the terrain shader being unnecessarily heavy, I think they're not making proper use of texture arrays or something
  7. Released version 0.1.4 with some EVE cloud bugfixes, and confirmed that ConformalDecals works fine in 1.10, Though I recommend updating B9PS and MM once they get official 1.10 releases Fixes: Fixed decals rendering onto disabled B9PS part variants Decals will still not update when their parent part's B9PS variant is changed, both in flight and in the editor. This is known and awaiting a change to B9PS to be fixed. Fixed decal bounds rendering as dark cubes when shadowed by EVE clouds. Fixed decals being shadowed by EVE clouds, causing the part underneath to appear overly dark.
  8. Did you use "download zip" in github on the master branch? Github struggles with Git LFS stuff and will sometimes download the reference file instead, either do a git clone or download the zip file under releases
  9. @DirtyFace83 Use module manager to append the folder path from one onto the other with a semicolon in between. Which mod is adding the other decal category?
  10. Completely harmless, but I just fixed it for the next version It'll revert to either the first or the default variant... I forget which but those two are usually the same thing
  11. I wrote a post about how the projection works: http://drewcassidy.me/2020/06/24/Forward-Decals/
  12. Not sure what to tell you other than you installed it wrong, the log makes no mention of the ConformalDecals configs or dll
  13. @Aussie Toad Stool you need to share the log if you want help, its impossible to diagnose the problem without it
  14. You have some white in the transparent sections of the texture (EDIT: looks like this isnt actually the issue here). I have a script to fix that here: https://github.com/drewcassidy/KSP-Semiotic/blob/master/Source/solidify.sh (requires imagemagick). Also, make sure cutoff is set to 0.5 when using the SDF shader.
  15. For the “horizontal clipping” just adjust the depth of the decal That’s just KSP’s localization engine, they point to the en-us file in the localization folder. You can either make your own localization file, or just write the description right into the config. another thing: the “fuzzy edges” in the alpha of the triangle decals you used as a base are intended to work with the SDF shader (see the generic decals config and their subtype for the shader name). The SDF just makes the edges crisper/rounder than normal cutoff, but without the right shader it looks fuzzy and blurry Some more information on SDF textures: https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/valve/2007/SIGGRAPH2007_AlphaTestedMagnification.pdf
  16. Released version 0.1.3 Fixes: Fixed decals being able to be scaled down to 0 Changes: Made decal bounds no longer collide in flight, this is done by repurposing layer 31 (which is configurable in the ConformalDecals.cfg file) Decals will now be unselectable in flight by default. This can be changed with the selectableInFlight value in ConformalDecals.cfg, or in the module config itself. Decal parts will now destroy themselves automatically when the parent part is destroyed Small refactor of node parsing code Colors can now be specified in hex (#RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB, or #RRGGBBAA) or using the colors specified in the XKCDColors class I'm interested to see how people feel about decals not being selectable in flight This will probably be the last patch for 0.1, unless any major bugs surface
  17. Current roadmap: 0.1.3: Disable collision between decals and vessels/the ground (I finally figured out how) 0.2.0: Allow decals to project onto multiple parts Lunar Industries decal set 0.2.0 or 0.3.0: Text decals Thermal blanket wrap decals Heat shield tile decals (probably non-functional, we'll see) Solar panel decals (functional!)
  18. I've added a page to the wiki on how to make your own decal parts https://github.com/drewcassidy/KSP-Conformal-Decals/wiki/Making-Your-Own-Decals
  19. Released version 0.1.2 Fixes: Disabled writing to the zbuffer in the decal bounds shader. Should fix any issues with Scatterer or EVE.
  20. Can you narrow it down to if it’s just EVE or scatterer? I can’t actually run either of those mods on my laptop to debug
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