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Commander Zoom

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Everything posted by Commander Zoom

  1. I have a saved copy and could put it up on my Google folder, but so could many others, I imagine, and it's probably best that Felsmak retains control over his fine work.
  2. Jeb!: The poles of most planets, stock and otherwise, tend to have really weird terrain because of how the program handles textures, heightmaps, etc coming together at a point. Take any cylinder, open bag, etc, and see what happens to the material at the end(s) when you gather it up to tie it off or whatever.
  3. The idea, as exemplified by the real-life LEM trainer, is that you use a jet engine at constant thrust to counter most of Earth's/Kerbin's gravity, leaving only what would be experienced on (above) the target body. (Note that the article mentions at least three incidents where test pilots, including Neil Armstrong, were forced to eject - all safely, one less than a second before impact. Poor Ornie wasn't so lucky.)
  4. How so? It looks pretty much the same to me as when I last visited it back in .24... Congrats on getting there, though!
  5. Started reading just the other day, from a recommendation in another thread, and I must say that this does not disappoint. All caught up now and eagerly looking forward to more.
  6. I've read your intro, quoted here. I find it clunky as heck and probably would not have kept reading past that. I believe that KSK's proposed revisions improve it considerably, and strongly encourage you to heed his advice. I also encourage you to set aside time for writing when you are at your best, rather than when you are falling asleep. Surely your work, and your audience, deserve that? All of the above is my opinion, of course. If I do read the rest of your story/thread at this point, it will probably be as an editor and a critic, and I will probably not be merciful.
  7. They still tend to have attention-getting first lines/paragraphs, to hook the reader. Consider the many memorable and now famous opening lines by Dickens - who started out writing serial fiction, not unlike this, and wound up being counted as one of the giants of English literature. If you want more examples, from genre fiction and SRS LIT alike, I'll be happy to dig out my degree and find you some; it's not like I'm using it for much else at the moment.
  8. Thank you, Dan, for all your fantastic work. HarvesteR gave us the kerbals; you brought them to life. Seems only fitting to post this here too: /salute
  9. It's a catchphrase/in-joke from a popular game which you're not playing or familiar with (and is not KSP). So, nothing you need to worry about.
  10. Damn, Tetris. After that stunt, I think you need to make her a BadS. (By setting the flag manually, if you have to.)
  11. Thank you for letting us all play with your little tinfoil astronauts, and best of luck with whatever project(s) you take on next. /salute
  12. Well, they did kind of collectively fail at the "find a way to keep Kerbin from exploding" contract... (I figure that's one factor, at least.)
  13. As I've said before, a few times: while I've been playing since 2011 - since before there were moons, let alone planets, to go to - it wasn't until 2013 that I finally did more than orbital flights and short visits to Mun and Minmus. That includes putting up satellites and space stations as well as venturing beyond Kerbin's SOI. Some of that was being distracted by other games and personal matters, and some was waiting for certain features (like docking!) to become stock. There was also the much greater investment in time and planning required for such missions, as others in this thread have noted.
  14. I would not be at all surprised if the Boss was (a) Jeb.
  15. It would, but as I said, it's a workaround, and I definitely sympathize with those who want it as a stock option.
  16. Agreed with all of the above. There exists a (relatively) simple workaround, for those who are willing to mess with save files - start a new Science Sandbox game, then open the persistence file and edit it to give yourself All The Science. Close it, load the game, and use the science to buy out/fill the tech tree.
  17. Bro, you know I love you, and I know you want to stay rigorously stock, but every single time you lament the lack of fueling hoses, I want to shout "so get KAS/KIS already!" (or imagine you shouting, "so make KAS/KIS stock already!") The solution exists, it has for years now, you simply refuse to use it.
  18. Rama 4 Landing Site Mun Base 1 Armstrong Memorial Site K [Bop Anomaly] and two planted near the Face on Duna: The Long Way Around Famous Face
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