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  1. I tried to replicate the DeLorean from the epic movie "Back to the future". I think it looks okay, but I did miss something to make it feel more authentic... That's why I reenacted a part of the last scene from the movie (poorly), just to add a bit more flair.
  2. Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow To control the heli, start by controlling the rotor collective with Translate U/D keys I and K. Then, set the throttle to slightly below 1/3. Parts: 351 Weight: 23t Length: 13.6m Top Speed: ~35m/s AH-64D on KerbalX
  3. Hello everyone! I enjoy your interest in my previous craft Mi-26, so this community inspired me to create the second! Pretty small, stock and fun to play with! KSP 1.8 + BG 1.3 Specifications: No SAS, no reaction wheels and no RCS, only tiltable blades and several servos! Parts: 98 Crew: 1 or 2 kerbals. Possible to put up to 2 more seats, but it will nose dive almost everytime Mass: 1221 kg Main rotor diameter: 7.9 m (200 rpm) Lenght: 8 m Speed forward: 22-24 m/s Speed sideways: 17 m/s Climb rate: 5 m/s Flight time: up to 90 minutes Control groups: 1 - start/shutdown all systems. Throttle - main rotor pitch How to fly? I advise to use gamepad or some sort of controller to feel real cyctic control, but it possible to use keyboard. Set camera to locked behind tail, press 1, set throttle to 40 and wait 20 second. Then you can increase throttle, nice and easy, watching its positon, speed and forgeting about Z/X. As speed rises it will tends to climb and maybe roll left a bit. Once you reach medium speed it will feels like some sort of an airplane. Just watch a video below and you'll see. Have fun flying around! Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/IkranMakto/Bell-Helicopter
  4. Dear Kerbonauts, I am a long time KSP player but i had been gone for a while. I started playing again and became as fanatical as the first time i played. I intend to be more interactive, post stuff on the workshop, visit the KSP forums more often and i even started redditing and youtubing for the occasion. Recently i discovered the robotics. Awesome! I finaly made a functional helicopter. I Present to you: Mayakovski Helicopter: -10 person, main rotor-tail rotor configuration, lifting capable Helicopter. Flies great! Space: Toggle engine. R: Rotor brake. (Double tap to release first time. Only works when engine is engaged) Throttle: Lift. 1: toggle grapler and landing lights. I use Q/E for yaw and A/D for Roll, i dont know wether that causes issues for others. Part count: 57 Length: 15.5m Width: 13.3m Heigth: 3.7 Top speed: 50m/s Needs Making History and Breaking Ground DLC Side view: Front view: Youtube footage: Workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1866487775. Reddit post: ttps://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/d6whw7/my_first_helicopter_and_my_first_reddit_post/ KerbalX Entry: https://kerbalx.com/Robdjee/Mayakovski-Helicopter Kind regards, Robdjee
  5. KSP 1.7.2(Now 1.7.3) and TweakScale used. I've played this game more than 3 years and that helicopter and it's swashplate are my best work. Almost 6 month ago I created a helicopter with Infernal Robotics and huge internal swashplate, but it was difficult to fly because of incremental control and some freezes of the game. Breaking Grounds inspired new life in this old vehicle... EY-30 It's kind of a semi-copy of Mi-26 Parts: 180-186 Main rotor diameter - 25.8 m (8 blades) 110-140 rpm Tail rotor diameter - 6.3 m (6 blades) 160-220 rpm Total Length - 33 m Dry weight - 29.1 ton Max takeoff weight - 40 ton Max speed - 50 m/s Max altitude - 5000 m Fuel - 134, oxidizer - 164(3 tons) Power exchange: Fuel+oxidizer --> generating electric energy --> battery --> rotations Consumption - about 0.03/s Controls: 1 - start engines Throttle - angle of blades and motor speed of main and tail rotor Q-E roll W-S pitch A-D turn Recomended to use joystick! Changes: 15.07.2019 - main rotor limit 150 rpm - tail rotor 180-210 rpm - max payload 9 tons, possible to lift above 500 m - increased strength of axles due to changes in 1.7.3, so maybe bigger helicopter comes next. 05.09.2019 - 5-bladed tail rotor - Improved swachplate - 2 KAL group controlles for main and tail rotor separatly(inside cargo bay) - 3 tiny J-20 on main rotor axis for sound and air flow imitation. (Squad, why robotic parts and air surfaces are completely silent?) 1.7.3 Craft file
  6. Here's my Mil Mi-24 Hind I made with the new breaking ground/1.7.3 parts, I hope you enjoy! Parts: 161 Weight: 21.613t Length: 18.8m Top Speed (asl): 50 m/s KerbalX Link Flight instructions notes First, start the Fuel cell with AG1 and turn on SAS. Next, the heli's rotors are the control point, so control the heli's vertical power with the rotor deploy angle (this control system is sensitive to changes). Set the throttle to roughly 30%, let the rotors spool up, and you're up! AG2 controls the juno engines in rotor assembly, and are used for higher straight line speed, and are not necessary to standard hover flight. My other russian aircraft replicas
  7. I'm trying to build VTOL crafts using new helicopter blades from Breaking ground DLC. But always when I'm building it, these crafts start crazy rotation or even don't take off. I know that real helis requires propellers on a tail to kill rotation, but how the physics works in KSP?
  8. Hi all. It has been a while since I posted a craft, but Breaking Ground has brought me back from another hiatus. Today I present the Vertitrace three bladed helicopter. Essentially, I wanted to see if I could implement an R/C three channel helicopter design with the new Breaking Ground parts. As in real life, it was never meant to represent the most efficient or advanced use of helicopter technology. Rather, I was mainly just curious to see how it would work in Kerbal. As such, it is not fast and has a few quirks, but overall the craft can be said to be flyable. If you choose to download and try it out, keep in mind the following: -Rear rotor is bound to pitch axis. -Custom 1 cuts power to and brakes the rear rotor. You must do this if you intend to enter into a hover and/or land the craft. -Custom 2 enables motors with 100% torque. Throttle controls RPM only on main rotors. It is more stable when two small reaction wheels are added to the lower railings (line of fuel tanks that connect to the landing skids), but I wanted to build something that did not need wheels in order to fly. Here is a link to the .craft file for any interested parties: Vertitrace Thanks for reading! Please let me know if you have any questions. *Update: Custom 1 no longer has effect. Rear rotor rpm is tied to pitch. Old version had rpm and torque tied to pitch.
  9. This post is to share some tips at improving the efficiency of turboshaft engines, driving propeller blades (airplanes) or rotor blades (helicopters). The concepts should apply equally to electric rotors driving propellers or heli-blades. I'm using 1.7.3, the electric rotors, turboshaft engines, and propeller/heli blades are new to stock KSP, so in later versions some of this info might become outdated. It's easy to focus on either the Turboshaft Engine, or the Prop/Heli blades when troubleshooting 'why doesn't my vessel work'. The reality is you need to look at both elements to make a functioning prop-airplane or helicopter. The engine produces torque, which spins a shaft. This is important, torque produces zero thrust. Add all the torque you want, it will not produce any thrust- until it is coupled to a lifting device, such as a propeller blade or heli blade. On the other hand, the prop/heli blade also produces no thrust unless it is moving. You can angle the blades any way you want, they will produce no thrust unless they are moving. The movement is provided by the Turboshaft Engine (or electric rotor). As of 1.7.3, the stock engines can rotate at a maximum rate of 460 rpm, which is evidently a Unity limitation. Adding torque will increase rotational speed (rpm) up to that limit of 460 rpm. What happens if you are already at 460 rpm, and increase torque? That's an important question. What happens (in 1.7.3) is you increase the Fuel Flow (or EC draw), but do not get any increase in rpm. Beyond 460 rpm, adding torque is simply wasting fuel. In the following examples, we're going to experiment with turboshaft engines. There are two variables we are going to adjust, and unfortunately they are on two different parts. One is the Torque of the Turboshaft Engine, the other is the Authority Limiter of the prop/heli blades. To make things easy, I like to assign these values to action groups. I assign Engine Torque to the Main Throttle, and the Blade Authority Limiter I assign to Translate Forward/Back (usually 'H' and 'N'). Okay, lets get started. Here's a turboshaft engine we're going to play with. It's in the 'propeller' configuration, but the idea is the same for helicopters. Ok, we have an engine built on a stand, let's play with it to see how Torque, Blade Authority, RPM, Fuel Flow, and Thrust are related. In the next spoiler window, I'll play with Torque and Blade Authority Limit, to see what happens to rpm and Fuel Flow. Keep in mind that Thrust is only dependent on rpm and blade angle. If my rpm and blade angle stay constant, but my Fuel Flow increases, I have not increased my thrust. I'm just wasting fuel at that point. So, one goal is to find the minimum Fuel Flow which will maintain a specific rpm at a specific blade angle. Here goes. In the next spoiler window, I'll demonstrate an actual aircraft, making adjustments to torque (and Prop Authority) to reduce fuel burn. Ideally I'd use a single-engine airplane to keep things simple. However, counter-acting the torque effects of a single-engine are difficult to design for, and fly efficiently. It's easier to just make a plane with two counter-rotating engines and propellers. Then, it flies quite easily just like a jet, with no nasty torque effects. The takeaway here is that to get the most out of the turboshaft engines and propeller or helicopter blades, you need to look at more than just the engine or just the blades. Both elements need to be adjusted for optimum performance. Ideally, you need to be able to adjust both Torque and Blade Authority Limit in flight, to adjust for varying conditions. Regarding efficiency, the big takeaway is that adding Torque beyond what is required to maintain rpm is just wasting fuel, and lots of it. As of 1.7.3, I believe the concept is the same for electric rotors driving propellers or heli blades- adding torque beyond what is required is only wasting EC.
  10. I'm creating a V-22 Osprey replica with the new robotic parts (incredibly original idea, I know). I am using the largest helicopter blades and the R7000 turboshaft engine. The vehicle lifts off fine, albeit with some help from vernor engines, but the second I enter it into "plane" mode the engines are massively too weak to propel it, capping at about 35m/s. The vehicle weighs 66,5 tonnes. Is there any way of improving the thrust/weight ratio without adding more rotor/jet engines? Why is it that they have enough power to lift the whole thing off the ground, but not to propel it? Since I'm new here and couldn't figure out how to insert images into my post, here's an imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/msRQ73z
  11. Hi folks, I'm new to the forum but playing for a while now but now I ran into something very weird. After I got Breaking Ground I started a new game and at some point I decided to make a helicopter/drone using the new motors I watched some tutorials and then tried to do my own but I ran into something I find very weird. As I increased the torque the propellers did spin faster but no lift, only a lot of vibration. I then opened the debug tools and enabled display of aero forces. The weird thing I noticed was that as the propellers were spinning the lifting force kept alternating up and down instead of only being up. At some point I got one that worked ok but no clue how to do it again or what's wrong. I tried with Elevon 5, FAT-455 Aeroplane Control Surface and even a few wings with the same thing happening Also how can I add screenshots on this forum? I only found a button to Insert image from URL Any help is greatly appreciated!
  12. Need More Rotors? Apart from Firespitter and KAX, I felt there wasn't enough rotarywing parts. This mod is my attempt to answer that. Introducing K.R.X. (Kerbal Rotor Expansion). DOWNLOAD From SpaceDock! Videos: Included in this release: Heron: coaxial rotor Sparrow: 3 blade rotor (left and right rotating versions) Osprey: 3 blade tilt-rotor style (left and right rotating versions) Seagull: 6 blade super heavy rotor Tail Rotors: 3 Blade, 6 Blade, and Fenestron Issues: Some tuning and balancing is still needed. Co-axial rotor (Heron) has a problem with one of the rotor switch/prop-blur, a limitation of firespitter. I'm working on a fix. Recommended Mods: Throttle Controlled Avionics: For single rotor use 'unbalanced thrust' on the main rotor and 'manual' on the tail rotor. For intermeshing, tandom, or quad, etc. configurations, use 'thrust'. Change Log: Version 0.31.1 Minor Update -Fixed Crash Tolerance on Fenestron tail rotor -Fixed Spelling Error on Osprey rotors -Increased torque compansation in Osprey rotors Version 0.31: -Added Fenestron tail rotor -Corrected the direction of the Osprey rotors -Increased the thrust of the Osprey rotors Version 0.30: Added 2 new tail rotors: -TR7 tail rotor to compliment the Sparrow main rotor. -TR24 tail rotor to compliment the Sea Gull main rotor. Added specially rigged gimbals to main rotors to emulate cyclic. Remodeled the Osprey rotors. Version 0.25: Initial release. Additional Credit: Snjo and RoverDude: for FireSpitter (*.dll Packaged with K.R.X.) Keptin: The sounds were made by Keptin (tweaked by me) and for much of the inspiration of this mod. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  13. Helicopter 2 Download E plane 6 Download
  14. Hello! Yesterday, I set myself a challenge to make a helicopter. It was really hard, but also rewarding when I saw my creation fly around. I've created several variants as well https://photos.app.goo.gl/PVZZXEQFBErbnBtz6 https://photos.app.goo.gl/7Qa86wSbgKUztXE3A https://photos.app.goo.gl/1eKCgYyZ5rgFqTBo6 https://photos.app.goo.gl/Gxd6pQyyx7SnQwWx7 https://photos.app.goo.gl/nNmrNzce1YQPZEo28 https://photos.app.goo.gl/WsHRJb6oxAKUEVjC8 https://photos.app.goo.gl/FQq6n7xxzXkN3EeC8 https://photos.app.goo.gl/EVHAJBbvPtNnS8aU6
  15. This one have 2 variants Stock: https://kerbalx.com/luizopiloto/Hue-H7-Lynx kOS: https://kerbalx.com/luizopiloto/Hue-H7K-Lynx kOS variant uses a set of scripts to enable full cyclic controls, enabling the helicopter to be way more responsive/maneuverable.
  16. Winch cable not included: https://kerbalx.com/luizopiloto/Hue-64b-SkyKrane
  17. I'm mostly asking for help in this thread. I'm currently trying to develop vehicles I can deploy permanently in the field to support a career mode colonization effort. This means I need to set up mining facilities, SSTOs, and small towns on every planet. Perhaps the most difficult planet to set up such a colony with reusable technologies on is Eve. Thanks to its dense atmosphere, simply using aircraft to fly at faster than driving speeds between bases is a compelling option. However, jet engines obviously don't work inside Eve's atmosphere. So, I have to resort to stock electric propellers (unless I want gas guzzling rocket planes that are mostly fuel, and need to land and refuel multiple times in one trip). My difficulty is prototyping a stock electric propeller with the specifications I want. I wanted to make one out of .625 meter parts, to push the size and mass limits of stock propellers (and then scale up from there for larger planes). This means using .625 reaction wheels, and possibly using .625 meter decouplers in some manner as the bearings. Next, the prop needs to be able to redock to the mothership, since propellers tend to break easily whenever the game loads or unloads a vehicle with a propeller. And finally, the propeller needs to be a sub-assembly with a docking port, so that I can change out a broken engine in the field if I need to. No sense in condemning an aircraft I went through the trouble of getting to Eve if all that broke is the propeller. Anyway, I haven't had too much luck, a whole lot of friction between parts, and the prop breaking free of the different kinds of bearings I've designed. So I thought I'd turn to the KSP community for tips or tricks on designing props that aren't just for show, but are actually useful and utilitarian. The ability to redock is probably the part I care most about. I also have the making history pack, so I have those parts to draw from for making props as well. The structural tubes might be useful for 1.25 meter props and up.
  18. The Kraken Killer Somebody asked me if I could create a "futuristic" looking helicopter and this is my response! Drawing inspiration from all across the board, including the Halo Pelican, the Fallout Vertibird, the C&C Orca, the Aerospatiale SA-2 and so many more. Though it may look different, the VK-02 is a traditional Turboshaft vehicle. Pumping out about 270kN per rotor and with a top speed of around 115 m/s. The Kraken Killer is easily the most stable and fastest Kermansky Helicopter to date. Even the greenest beginner should be able to pilot this craft with little trouble! How to Operate: 1. Releases Rotors 2. Toggle VTOL engines 3. Toggle all Afterburners (craft will lift off if only VTOL is activated) 4. Toggle 2 of 4 Forward movement engines 5. Toggle the other 2 of 4 Forward engines
  19. Hi Kerbonauts! As you all know, the evolution of stock propellers/rotors in KSP has come a very long way. Ever since legit aerodynamics crash - landed at Kerbin people have been trying to figure this thing out. I would like to see what people think of stock propellers, rotors, prop. planes, and helicopters. This post isn't a contest or a poll, just seeing how people approach this thing. Submitting You can submit anywhere from: pictures, gifs, tips, advice, troubles/problems, explanations, compliments to others, or constructive criticism. This post is short and straight to the point! remember, jebius explosius
  20. Hello comrades I haven't been here for a long period of time. But now it's time to comeback. I thought it would be fantastic to fly this thing in KSP so I made one. Grab some screens: https://imgur.com/a/piQvFnp I hope you'll like it. Pros: Guns Badass look Cons: Too wide (I made it based on the side picture and I used my memory [back when I was playing Cod MW series] and it turned out to be too bulky) At least on my PC it has strange bug with Firespitter (I'll explain later) Not too authentic, because I added four small engines under the rotor so it could fly faster. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DOWNLOAD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://www.dropbox.com/s/d2mr8yddj1kauft/Mi24.craft?dl=0 ~~~~~~~~~REQUIRED MODS~~~~~~~~~ FIRESPITTER BDArmory Squad (KSP game) <<<MODPACK FOR Mi24 (1.3 KSP)>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/rcaqtkhy1rhjzy3/MODS FOR Mi24 KSP 1.3.rar?dl=0 FIRESPITTER BUG: When you put power to max it'll has only 300RPM on the rotors. You have to adjust the throttle carefully.
  21. Kermansky KM-60 KerbalX.craft file Borrowing a little bit from the looks of the Sikorsky MH-60, the KM-60 is the culmination of hours of trial and error and hours of taking apart other people's helicopters! Able to lift a total of about 60 tons. She uses 4 panther blowers to spin the 4 bladed rotor and a single panther with full gimbal enabled to counter the torque-spin and to help with unwanted roll at speed. Limited to about 40-50 m/s she isn't too quick but is user friendly. Controls: 1. Release Turboshaft 2. Toggle Main Engine 3. Toggle Wet Mode (lift off) 4. Toggle counter-steer engine
  22. HUMMINGBIRD Stock propellor VTOL/HTOL Gyroplane* * I've no idea what this would be classified as, so I'm guessing it's that. A stock, 106 part turbo-jet powered dual propellor VTOL with the ability to fly like a plane too, so you don't just fall out of the sky when you run out of fuel. FLIGHT It's really like controlling a normal jet-engined craft, no vessel switching and with so little engine wobble as to make a brave kerbal weep. Simply stage, engage SAS, throttle up and fly. She does have a slight tendency to tilt backward (the CoM really should be shifted forwards) but meh, it keeps you on your toes this way. In forward flight, you can switch off the rotor engines and fly like a plane but getting those rotor engines started again can sometimes be a bit temperamental! Give the plane a little shake if one or both of the rotors fail to spool up. And do it quick! CONTROLS AG1 Toggle forward engines AG2 Toggle forward engines dry/wet AG3 Toggle rotor engines AG4 Toggle rotor engines dry/wet DOWNLOAD Hummingbird.craft 164Kb Hope you have fun with this. If you've got any questions about the craft, I'd be happy to answer them, most probably at great length and ksp-nerdiness.
  23. Been inactive for a while, and need to take a break from counter-strike due to a major slump, so i decided to fire up ksp for some craft building. Making it mostly with pwing, as i have done with my other crafts. Will update with more pics as i build. For now, the further down you scroll, the more progress will be seen. I'm going to update the OP with recent pics a bit later Can't get kerbpaint to work properly, some pwing elements can be colored, some can't, and some only get updated with new colours when coloring another part (mostly when i add paint to a stock piece), if anyone can help me with this it would be greatly appreciated. Some additional angles and further progress: ------------------------------------------------------ OLD ------------------------------------------------------------ Decided the ejector seats (which actually work, just not right now because they get blocked by the dash, will fix though) didn't really look the part, so i modified them and replaced the existing ones. I do realise the upper seat part is slightly too long, but im going to focus on finishing the craft and deal with it later on, should be a pretty simple fix. Not really pleased with the way the turret section turned out, will smoothen and fix later on. It looks alot more 'blocky' than it actually is, the panels blend into each other in the screenshot. Some vent detail
  24. (Edit: If you want to see the part about needing the bearings, go look at the more recent posts. March 9th or later). The time was in the middle of last summer. @Jon144 had built his beautiful helicopters while I had nothing to show for it (We've competed with designs in the past and I usually lost). I didn't really like the fact that stock KSP helicopters had to detach their rotors to work, requiring switching crafts to adjust throttle, and set about on the quest to see if a claw based bearing could work (tests in previous versions showed it couldn't, but I wanted to see if anything had changed). Forcing the claw to stand upright did not work, but then the entire rotor assembly tipped upside-down and started spinning like a charm. And thus I had my idea. The Clawjet Rotor So why did I call them "clawjets?" Simple. The claw is the most important part of the bearing and it uses tip-jets to spin the rotor. The Clawjet rotor's main advantage is that the power of the jets can be adjusted mid-flight without having to switch craft and lose control of the helicopter for a few moments. With a properly placed fuel tank its possible to fuel the rotor from fuel stores aboard the main craft, and the blades can clip through the main craft if you wish. The main disadvantage to it is that it's complex to set up prior to the flight and likes to break at every opportunity. That's the main reason why I never actually built a proper non-experimental helicopter using one to upload to the forums, and decided to just put the whole project on hold. So how does it work? Glad you asked and I didn't type out the exact response I wanted you to have in big blue text above this statement! The setup is effectively made up of 3 parts: The claw, the rotor, and the lock (which itself is made up of 3 parts). The rotor is placed upside-down directly above the claw. It is then detached, landing center on the claw. The claw is then set to "free pivot," allowing the rotor to tip upside-down (2 upside-downs makes a right-side up, so this is good). The rotor is then locked in place with the lock. Here's a picture: In this example the decoupler is between the fuel tank and the claw; its just that the decouper is actually attached to the structural support on the right side of the image and majorly offset over (more than the stock settings allow). Also notice how the claw is tipped back slightly. This is because the claw can't rotate fully upside-down, it just gets really close to doing so. I think this is the reason why the rotors destroy themselves at every opportunity. So then how does the lock work? Ok, the lock is divided into 3 parts, which I shall call the "rotor lock," the "detached lock," and the "attached lock." Here's the same picture with the lock parts highlighted instead: I've named the 3 lock parts in this format because it's descriptive of where they are. The rotor lock is attached to the rotor. The detached lock gets detached from the craft. The attached lock stays attached to the main craft. The attached lock and the detached lock form your typical bearing setup. The rotor lock winds up in the same place as the attached lock once the rotor has been rotated upside-down by the claw. The detached lock then detaches, locking the rotor lock and attached lock in the same place. Essentially the detached lock holds the rotor lock in place, while the attached lock holds the detached lock in place. The rotor lock is "locked" to the main craft, and thus the rotor shouldn't tip when the helicopter decides to lean. EDIT: Make sure to lock the pivot on the claw once the rotor is rotated into place. Free the pivot again when you detach the detached lock. This will make sure that the rotor lock locks properly with the detached lock. This lock setup will work with many types of bearings, and I have indeed experimented with many types of bearings. If you want to get especially creative you could have the rotor lock and attached lock be in different places; as long as the detached lock is locking the rotor in place and allowing it to spin while the attached lock is locking the detached lock in place you should be fine. Success? Flight was achieved with several prototypes, and at least 1 even landed, although they did all encounter many issues with the rotors breaking off when trying to pull maneuvers, along with the helicopters being practically uncontrollable. Eventually I settled on counter-rotating prop designs as the best option, but even that did not remedy the problem. Eventually I abandoned development because the challenges to overcome were greater than my interest in continuing development. Anyways, have some pictures: The Future? The game has gone through a couple of updates since I experimented with these rotor bearings, though I would think they'd still work in the current version. Autostrutting might do interesting things for the clawjets, and perhaps allow them to actually succeed. However, I'm definitely done with them after all the trouble they gave me and a waning interest in KSP. However, now that I'm no longer working on these things, I thought I should probably at least share my progress to the forums. So I guess that's where you guys come in. Try some things with these clawjet bearings and see if you can get them to work properly, or if the concept is so bad that it's unfeasible. And since it's the spacecraft exchange I better post a download link Below is the download for all of the experimental helicopters and rotor setups I have. All of my research into these rotors is in there, so hopefully you can go from where I left off. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sjsjqxn4yh5xv9o/AACOVuObf-mRivggylhRmwsTa?dl=0
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