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  1. As you might know (and you probably do), there is an island airfield not too far from the KSC. But how often do you use it? For this challenge, you must put the island to use by making it a tourist attraction(due to the KSC spending all their funds on snacks)! This attraction can be anything! A hotel, a statue, a flying ice cream cone, anything! Then you must ferry at least 12 tourists to the KSC peninsula for a tour! From there you must visit every building in the KSC, including the launchpad and runway. The tour can be by surface or air, as long as you visit every building. The Expansion packs are allowed for transport to the island airfield to start, and visual mods are allowed. Hyperedit is allowed, HOWEVER, it can only be used to move craft to the island runway. To sum it up, your goal is to take at least 12 tourist Kerbals from the island airfield and attraction to the KSC to visit every building, or vice versa. Happy touring!
  2. Right now i have a 110 km orbit, but i have 4 main questions: Where to put the maneuver node, where to aim the periapsis, how high the periapsis should be, and how to calculate with all that to the earth's rotation, and the drag what air makes. I made a test flight earlier on with the shuttle, and then i put the node 90 degrees ahead of the KSC and aimed the periapsis 90 degrees beyond the KSC, but i only used my eye, (just like i read somewhere in wiki) and when i reached the maneuver node, the KSC and the periapsis alligned up just to the right direction, but now, i have no idea how to recreate it again.
  3. Two quick and simple questions that I figured I'd stuff into one thread 1. When gathering science data around KSC in Career (or Science probably too), how in the world do you gather science from some of the places that only show up after upgrading buildings: The Pod monument at VAB, Round Tanks at VAB, each of the 3 satellites at Tracking Station..... I know there that science is available there, but, it seems like there is maybe a 1x1 pixel size you need to have your craft touch to be considered at those locations. I built a small rover that could go under the Round Tanks, and it still didn't trigger that I was at Round Tanks in Science X mod. On the satellites at the Tracking Station, I drove half my rover on the bottom base of the satellite, and it still wouldn't detect I was at the location. When I managed to do the Pod monument, I pretty much had to ram my rover into the monument, keep on the gas, and hold it there to keep the location as active to collect science data here.....not easy. So, am I missing something? Is there an easier way to grab the science at some of these locations? 2. I think I know the answer here, but was just curious......if I launch a scanning satellite and scan Mun for ore, if I start a new game, is the ore going to be in the exact same location? I'm thinking yes that technically, once you scan a moon or planet, you could actually just save off screenshots and use those every time you play, no matter what save you are loading. More of a curiosity question than anything.
  4. I made this and thought it's worth sharing: Downloads: https://github.com/maculator/Stuff
  5. Pictures soon.
  6. Does anyone want interactable buildings? Like buildings you can walk up to, open the door, and walk inside? I think it would be cool, as the astronaut complex and other buildings seem like cool places to be in. I also think there should be npc's inside that just walk around. Also, i think the space center would feel less abandoned if there were kerbals and vehicles moving around outside and having vehicles parked in the lot at administration.
  7. I decided to do what (to my knowledge) no one has yet done: instead of making a single mission, making a mission pack. The theme: Interning at the KSC. This mission pack features an intern as the main character. Start with some basic tasks, then work your way up to managing the entire space program. This is not released yet, and will likely take a significant time before it is, but I will show you the progress I've made so far: The only completed mission as of yet is Ore Gathering, in which the player must pilot a rover already on Duna and gather 75 units of ore before 10 hours is up. Again, pretty simple to start. I have another mission in the works, but I will reveal that when the time comes to do so...
  8. I would just like to be able to target runways/launchpads. It would be nice if I could just click on the KSC to target it. Especially since its now visible in map view. Just saying
  9. Hello, I just recently created my custom SpaceX like landing pad as a new part for my another mission. But can someone tell me how could I add it into the kerbal space center like another launchpad and it will be part of it? I'm talking about something like this: or I would really like to know from which mod is this: Album https://imgur.com/APuG0jq will appear when post is submitted My attempt (It was totally the first version and I will be improving it) : Thanks
  10. Whenever I try to select a KSC facility, either the Runway or Launchpad, it defaults to Dull Spot. Please help.
  11. Ever wanted to take out all the buildings at KSC? I have. But I find it hard to destroy them all (including runway) with a single stock vehicle. Here is a vehicle that can take out pretty much everything but the runway and survive if you are careful. It acts as a giant double sided battering ram and can withstand building impacts at full speed. The bumper is effective at protecting it, but pieces can sometimes be knocked off in explosions. It's best to hit things directly with the ram if possible. Share your vehicles too! DOWNLOAD HERE!
  12. The game sometimes crashes when returning to the KSC, especially when loading a craft with at least a moderate number of parts (space stations, ships with a lot of science parts) KSP: 1.3.1 OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit Mods: Output Log KSP Log EDIT: I've noticed an exception error in all three logs a minute or two before the scene change. Haven't tried reinstalling the mod that appears to have caused it though.
  13. KSC SUPPORT STAFF Hey Guys/Gals/Kerbal-kind! I was searching for a mod that would allow you to have technicans and scientists on the ground for role playing purposes. Lets face it, Astronauts don't drive the fuel trucks and astronauts are not soldiers in the the war games. So here is a mod that will allow you to have those guys in the game. Since I could not find something like this, I decided to try to make it on my own. This is my first mod, so please be kind and I hop I do not disappoint. This mod does require Texture Replacer Replaced to work! Downloads: Spacedock: KSC Support Staff on SPACEDOCK.info Curse: Coming Soon! (approval process :/) This mod will be updated as I get more free time, see the included readme for details.
  14. Hello, everyone, I'm Rocket_man1234! I don't usually post on the forums but today I decided to make a race! The following images will show the short course that the race will take place on: https://imgur.com/a/LJs3g the requirements are: 1. you must have 3 or less Juno jet engines 2. the only propulsion system is the junos 3. you must stay below 115 m after the bridge 4. the craft must be your own and must be manned 5. submit the craft file and video or imgur album to enter (in the comments) If you have questions just ask have fun!
  15. Hello, everyone, I'm Rocket_man1234! I don't usually post on the forums but today I decided to make a race! The following images will show the short course that the race will take place on: https://imgur.com/a/LJs3g the requirements are: 1. you must have 3 or less Juno jet engines 2. the only propulsion system is the junos 3. you must stay below 115 m after the bridge 4. the craft must be your own and must be manned 5. submit the craft file and video or imgur album to enter (in the comments) have fun!
  16. I've been surprised there isn't more than one mod for this purpose- I just googled again, didn't see anything. But amusingly I found a guy from last year using almost the identical solution to me and asking the same question, why isn't there a launchpad mod with multiple lighting options that has our cool launch vehicles looking like proper massively-floodlit Apollo launches? Considering there are mods for like growing evil mutant carrots in the R&D facility, it seems something of an oversight. This was my fancy solution - four Packrat rovers with batteries + solar + bank of spotlights, arranged around the pad with the side ones aiming low and the front and rear ones aiming high. It works reasonably well, and they have enough batteries to never turn off so until a better solution comes along they're parked there for the duration. Here's YT video of a guy doing almost exactly the same thing. Anyway, I think that would be a widely-used mod if done well so like the lights are smart enough to alter aim depending on height of launch vehicle, full range of rainbow colors because why not, possibly even disco ball lights. Yes, disco ball lights should be a requirement.
  17. Everyone that has developed a rover in KSP knows that testing them is essential; unless you really like to discover you didn’t bring enough EC to transmit your science after you launch. What’s missing for this is a rover test range. What’s a rover test range? Well, in its most simple way it’s just a piece of land that has various hills etc to emulate the surface on other planets. This is especially helpful to test suspension. Like this Apollo-era rover testrange: Or this (rather small) ESA test range: Another example: Cool, what else? Hmm, well, suspension aside, things like “did I bring enough EC to transmit this stuff?” could be answered by testing at night. But that isn’t very handy, so a small garage/shed like building on the test range could help with this (park in the shade / out of the sun so solar panels don’t work). In order for this test range to be helpful you should be able to launch a vehicle from it (no point in having to drive to it). Any other ideas for this would be appreciated.
  18. I am wondering if there is a mod like this already, or if it is even possible. After thinking on the subject a bit, I came to the conclusion that my ideal base construction mod would NOT be something based on any sort of parts themselves. Instead, it would be something that lets you build actual buildings (i.e. the same kind of object that the actual space center's buildings themselves are). Once a building is constructed, it could either be upgraded with funds (if on Kerbin/a populated world), or with some sort of "Parts" or "Supplies" resource (if on NOT-Kerbin/an unpopulated world). At its core, it could simply be a mod that lets you build the Kerbal Space Center the way YOU want it to be layed out. You would start out with a single building that lets you purchase/place another building, in a vaguely sim-city style, where you want said building (in a career mode, the first one you'd get would probably place would be the rocket launchpad, and some of the administrative buildings, which for purposes of balance would all cost 0 for the level 1 version). The starting building itself could be upgraded to increase the number of different buildings you can build. A necessary aspect of the mod would be the launch button in the vehicle designer bringing up a short list of all nearby launchpads and runways (in case you decide to build more than one, such as having two runways facing different directions). Another necessary aspect would be the ability to switch between different space centers, and a part that allows you to build the lowest level version of the building you build all other buildings from (in a sense, using the part places a new space center at that location). So you could build another KSC on the north pole if you wanted or something. Lastly, there would need to be a tag or value for a planet that basically tells the mod whether or not it is a populated planet, so that you can't just construct bases on other planets that work the same way that the KSC does. Either way, once you had this, the next step would be to apply it to other planets. On other worlds, instead of currency, there would presumably be some combination cost of ore (easy to get there), parts/supplies (have to bring with you until you have a building capable of manufacturing it from ore and energy), and in some cases construction time based on energy and how many kerbals are there to work on it. In the event a building is destroyed, it would leave rubble behind that you can select and repair for the appropriate resources, just like the default buildings. If the mod were to just keep itself light, it could be that you can only build structures for things like hangars (buildings that store/unload a nearby vessel until you want it to be spawned again either outside the hangar, or at the base's launchpad), habitation (basically, like the training center except you cannot recruit new astronauts there, only store the ones you have so you can put them into any ships you take out of hangars). If you wanted to go further, you can also have VABs and/or SPHs, which could only use parts that you actually have there, or which can only work if you have some sort of factory building to produce the parts there (the level of which could effectively correspond to what research level of parts can be used there). I could go on listing various things that could be cool, but I've already rambled enough. Are there any mods that let you build actual BUILDINGS? Not just building-like parts, but true, proper buildings? .
  19. Yea... This challenge is about building a mini KSC... Just build one. It must not be an exact copy of it, but build what you can. Some tips: R&D= science labs VAB= upwards Mk3 cargo bay Launchpad= four flags in a square Runway= ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ SPH= horizontal Mk3 cargo bay with ramp Tanks= fuel Tracking station= Relay antennas with remote control point. Astronaut complex= Mk3 crew cabin Mission control= I don't know. Administration building= ↑↑↑↑ And please post pics (not mandatory)
  20. hello guys. this is a day halloween! the builders rockets is starting event halloween!!!!!
  21. What the title says... Crickets really need to hum louder. I had to put my volume 3x the usual amount to just barely hear them. Since ppl might complain they are too loud if you raise the volume too much, how about an additional slider "Cricket volume" in the settings ? At any rate, it's nothing compared to the birds and it's a shame... I am rather found of Crickets in RL too, until my cat eats them all at any rate Oo
  22. http://www.floridatoday.com/story/weather/hurricanes/2016/10/05/ksc-closing-1-pm-today-matthew-approaches/91602312/ KSC/CCAFS has gone to Hurricane Condition 1 - everything battened down and the base and facilities closed except for the rideout crew.
  23. So, first of all its called the "Planning Center" here, you can set trajectories for orbit, or landing, and you can select along the orbit line where everything is for optimal trajectories. Now, for the Funding mode, you will get more funds the more precise you are on following the bold line and a bonus if in the administration building, you set it so that the line is thinner. (you can also set it thicker for less money on each plan) The building will be totally seperate from the tracking station. The amount you get will always be less than or equal to what you had on hand before the Plan! If you fail a plan, you can have a possibility of going bankrupt! There further the distance you plan, the more it costs to "research", meaning your money is the limit! There should be a set-up fee too... Hope you consider soon! Thanks to NightHog for saying we should be able to set up waypoints before launch! I did most of the technical thinking, but huge shoutout to NightHog for activating my thinking process and spawning this idea!
  24. Okay, so here is a perpetual problem I have when I play KSP. I like to make my vehicles cost-effective, and that means recovery of useful parts. I have gotten pretty good at getting them back down to Kerbin survivable, but the closer they are to KSC, the more the funds recovered from the craft. This is especially important with spaceplanes, since they often need a good runway to touchdown on. Unfortunately, my attempts to land near KSC from an equatorial LKO position have a bad habit of undershooting the target, often leaving my craft coming down a continent away. Even a spaceplane, that could theoretically make that flight back, often finds itself running out of fuel during the long return flight (fuel budgets are especially tight for such craft.) Can anyone share a best practice method for getting craft down near KSC, assuming equatorial LKO as a starting position? Things like what altitude range above the KSC I should aim for or how far around the globe I should begin my breaking burn would be helpful. I realize there will always be some approximation involved in this depending on the aerobreaking characteristics of the craft and its orientation, but anything that helps me better evaluate my optimal entry would be valuable.
  25. So basicly I got my ksp working again, i was able to load and play saves again. Because i uninstalled B9 and my station had B9 it was removed so i loaded an old quicksave. Since i loaded the old quicksave, no matter what I do, I can't press any buttons. I start in the ksc and i can't go to any building except the administration and the astronaut complex and maybe one more but vab and sph etc. doesent work. I press the button, it makes the animation and thats it. Here is the quicksave I have loaded(I would really like to continue my game at this point),(I used dropbox because it was too big for pastebin, it didn't respond): https://www.dropbox.com/s/pywim4s7ao0c84x/quicksave.sfs?dl=0 EDIT: I started a new save anyway because I wanted too and there it works just fine but I would stilll like a solution :c
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