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  1. Hi, I'm new to the forum, so I figured I'd ask you guys for some advice! I currenly have my space station at a 100km orbit of kerbin. And though I'm able to refuel it, I can't seem to make the process both cheap or fast (fewer trips).. Do you guys have any advice/designs that would make refueling my space station an easy task? Picture of my space station:
  2. DMSP

    Space Daily!

    Well, I decided to make a space blog. It's not too scientific, and I feel like it's a better way of spreading info then writing on a whiteboard. http://dmsp.blog.com/ Enjoy, and hope to see some of you guys there!
  3. Chapter 1: Jeb his Check As an fighter pilot in the Kerbal 1st air company, jeb had much experience in aircraft so he was elected as one of the 4 test pilots of the biggest project the kerbal government ever planned to do... Their own space agency.. Jebediah Kerman, Bob Kerman and Valentina Kerman were the first 3 kerbals to be elected when the KSA ceo decided 3 was enough for that moment.. They underwent many special tests to see if they were up to the high standards, as seen with the last 5 sattelite launches Gee Forces can rip stuff apart.. First the health check was conducted! Jeb had to run for as long as he can after a piece of cake.. He managed to do that for 15 minutes untill the man running away from jeb got tired... Anyways! Jeb passed everything in this test just like bob and valentina! Meanwhile Werner von kerman was designing an orbital pod which had enough space so the kerbinauts could conduct some tests! Werner told the KSA that he needed another 3 weeks to complete the design untill further notice the kerbinauts would fly the flight sim...
  4. I've heard that mission controllers, the ill-fated STS-107 space shuttle Columbia, knew that the ferry has damaged thermal coating, but they did not tell the astronauts because they were not able to help them, so decided that since the space shuttle probably burned up in the atmosphere during re-entry so better if astronaut die unexpectedly, not knowing their fate. I think it's a little annoying, for whom mission controllers they think they are? For gods? Astronauts need to know these things at least be able to say goodbye to loved ones. I know that even the Soviets during the Soyuz 1 mission during which the cosmonaut Komarov was killed, brought to the control center his wife in order to talk to him one last time,
  5. This story uses both fictional and Real History! ------------------------------------- Chapter 1: A New Player Joins The Race? Its the Year 1956 when 1 kerbal created the Khinese Rocket and Defense Program Which would later be named The CNKA (Khinese Space Program), under the heavy pressure of the Koviet Union and the United Kerbal States the Kerbal's Party of Khina decided they could not be left behind so they assigned Khua Kerman to Set up the Khinese Rocket and Defense Program or KRDP shortend. Khua decided he needed and highly ranked party to develop Rockets, so het travelled to Kermania where he met doctor W.v. Kerman who joined him in the Mission of Creating Rockets and not soon later Werner and Kua started on their first Project called Project K66 which would involve secret rocket Testing and developing Spy Sat's. a Year later when the Kerbal's Party of Khina decided to put more funds in the program the propaganda started and they began to build an copy of the Kerbal Space Center located in UKS but it would be obvious to see so they builded it near the water and forests so they thought it could not be found. Project K66 made big steps and they almost had their designs ready... but then.. what to launch? the KPOK leader's asked, Well Khua said we are planning on Launching up Spy Sat's to look on Koviet Union and UKS! The Leader's of the KPOK were pleased by their plans and gave them even more funds! and soon the first Engine Test of the rocket KhangKzeng 1, but in that time period the would just launch a whole rocket to test it... it failed.. the rocket exploded at +t-50 seconds due to an guidance malfunction. 3 months later the CNKA had finished the second Test Rocket Which they Launched With success it reached orbit but because it had no payload it fell back to earth after 10 orbits. So!!!... the Creation began of the First CNKA Sat which would be getting the name Khang Foo Poo I which would be like the Stayputnik. After the Success of the Second rocket launch the CNKA decided to create more variants to the KZ1 which would get KZ1 A and KZ1 B, but the Development of KZ1 A came in danger because the Rocket Exploded while being assembled killing 76 Khinese Kerbals which stopped Production and Funding Eventually... Could the Khinese Space Program Be saved?
  6. http://leadpeople.blogspot.com/2009/09/albedo-anthropomorphics-spacecraft.html An old comic that spawned a passable RPG, Albedo is as hard a scifi as the author could make it with the exception of an FTL jump drive. Weapons primarally consist of ACVs, basically expendable drones that can either mount weapons and submunitions or simply be kinetic kill vehicals. Thoughts?
  7. The State of Ohio i counted the most American astronauts comes from Ohio, which BTW was also State where Wright Brothers ware born? I do not know why this is such a big coincidence, maybe it's just my Asperger
  8. know that the first mission control center at Cape Canaveral was, but was later moved to Houston, I wonder why NASA has done so, is not it better to have everything in one place?
  9. http://www.voanews.com/content/analysts-russian-space-agency-restructure-unlikely-to-fix-problems/3124917.html The renationalisation of Russian Space is unlikely to fix anything, analysts say. And this is coming at a time when SpaceX is reducing profit margins for commercial launches, and CCDev is finally going into full force thanks to Congress. This is a little off topic, but might Rocosmos be able to make a profitable business by using commercial astronaut rides into space, or something similar to DragonLab with their Soyuz, while competing with Dragon and CST-100? Just an idea.
  10. I read interesting story about Apollo 7, apparently the astronauts not listened to controllers from houston and thus they not flown into space again But the astronaut are more important than mission controllers, they are in space alone and controllers are far far away, and in future mission to Mars independent thinking would be even more important given the fact that lag in communication would be 10-15 minutes.
  11. So, I decided to quit my Muna missions and deleted that save, but I have plans for something way better. Missions all around the Kerbol system, in something of historic accuracy. Enter Kerbal Freeplay. This is going to be sort of with a story. The Kuputnik After Werner Von Kerman published the paper on manned rockets, in which he laid out the ability for rockets to be manned, and how that could be used, he became world famous, for the entirety of Kerbal society was about space. Werner was given a strip of coastal land and buildings for the successful launching of spacecraft. This was on the government's dime. Engineers and scientists were hired, as were Jeb, Bob, Bill, and Val. Volunteers began signing up. But the first thing Werner and Gene wanted to do was to launch a self-sustaining satellite into orbit. Kuputnik was the result. It successfully orbited, and proved to fans, media, and skeptics alike that rocketry could put stuff in space.
  12. HI all, Wanted to share with you all an article that outlines the potential impact of SpaceX's recent achievement in re-usability, and how it could enable fast internet everywhere due to much lower costs of rocketry into LEO. http://www.degeneratestalk.com/posts/2015/12/22/fast-internet-everywhere-is-now-possible-thanks-to-spacex
  13. Scenario: NASA gets 1 Billion Dollars of money every five years (or $200 Million per year)to spend on any of the 3 planetary exploration programs (it might be realistic). NASA currently has 3 of these programs: Discovery ($450 Million cost cap), New Frontiers ($1 Billion Dollar cost cap), and Flagship (generally $2 Billion per mission). Which one would you fund? (Or would you make a new planetary exploration program, with a specific goal? [Remember that such new program would need approval by the gov't, and would need a specific goal, like test technologies (New Millemium), or explore Mars (Mars Scout).] Discovery Program: -$450 Million cost cap per mission, used for smaller, more focused missions. -Generally limited to the inner solar system + the Asteroid Belt (due to practicality, and potential budget overruns) -Examples of potential future missions include: NEO Scout, VERITAS, and Phyche. -Using the obtained money, can fund 1-2 extra missions every 3-4 years (current rate of missions, however, mission pace expected to increase, within the coming years, with either 2 future missions being selected this time around, or the next call for missions being in 2017) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discovery_Program New Frontiers Program: -$1 Billion cost cap per mission, used for medium-class, missions. -Able to go anywhere in the Solar System. -Examples of potential future missions include: Lunar Surface Polar Sample Return, Comet Nucleus Sample Return, and Venus In-Situ Explorer. -Using the obtained money, can fund 1 extra missions every 5 years (however, New Frontiers has been only sporatically putting out calls for mission proposals, so spending the money here will be more like fully funding this program- with a little extra left over) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Frontiers_program Flagship Program: -Generally $2 Billion in cost, used for high-cost missions designed to get as much data as possible from a single location. -Able to go anywhere in the Solar System, with more designed to go to the Outer Solar System. -Examples of Current Missions include: Solar Probe Plus, Curiosity. -Examples of Planned Future Missions include: Mars 2020, Europa Clipper -Using the obtained money, could accelerate existing flagship missions planned (Mars 2020, Europa Clipper) or use the money on preliminary work and instrument funding for Uranus Orbiter, for launch after Europa Clipper, once the money is freed up from the current flagship missions. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flagship_Program
  14. Its here! finally retrofuture space plane parts is for 1.1.3 and 1.2! this is not my mod originally (i am picking it up off NohArk with his blessing) I have fixed the majority of the most obvious bugs but there may still be some lurking around this is still a work in progress the process of updating so i am relying on reports from you fine fellows as to areas that need fixing/balanceing most areas that need focus are; node attchment boyancy heat aero with a side order of what new parts might be considered that might fit in with the new ksp (i was thinking something like a ballast tank and some parts for underwater bases now there is support for it) finally if there are any ideas you have for parts to be retrofuture themed please let me know! anyways hers the mod! images (as i cant seem to embed imgur albums atm)
  15. http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=38959.msg1454018#new http://news.yahoo.com/russian-government-already-paying-space-195035280.html?nf=1 http://money.cnn.com/2015/04/27/news/economy/russia-space-crisis-cosmodrome/index.html Oh noes. "On Monday, Igor Komarov, the director of Roscosmos — Russia's version of NASA — announced that the space agency will receive a total of $22.5 billion dollars in government funding over the next 10 years. That might sound like a lot, but it's close to how much NASA gets from the federal government each year. In 2015, alone, NASA received approximately $18 billion, and is projected to get a similar amount each year through 2019 ." In other words: Rocosmos, with new cuts- $22.5 Billion Budget for the next 10 years. NASA Budget, currently- $18 Billion. (though this is not just space budget) These cuts have been made due to the deteriorating Russian economy. It's also the 3rd cut this YEAR, and is HALF the amount originally planned for in Rocosmos' long term plan. There goes Russia's plans to land people on the Moon...and PPTS (aka Orionski)...and OPSEK (Russia's next gen space station). Even the new Russian ISS modules are at risk at this point. Vostochny Cosmodrome is still happening though. Also, a comment from NovaSilisko, (former) KSP Developer: "So it sounds to me like this basically means the end of Russia's lunar and planetary exploration short of ExoMars, with most of the budget going into Earth-centric operations like the ISS. No Venera revival, no Luna revival, no Phobos-Grunt reflight..." This sucks.
  16. After Rocket Builders was dissolved, this is the Alphasus showcase thread. To be clear, I will still collaborate with Sharkman Briton in craft development, and all craft with SAP-C names are relics of the past. Classifications: (LF)Light Fighter<5 tons (F)Fighter<8 tons (HF)Heavy Fighter<10 tons (B)Bomber<15 tons (GS)Gunship<20 tons (FR)Frigate<30 tons (LD)Light Destroyer<40 tons (DD)Destroyer<50 tons (HD)Heavy Destroyer<60 tons (CL)Light Cruiser<70 tons (C)Cruiser<100 tons (CA)Battlecruiser<150 tons (BC)Heavy Cruiser<180 tons (BB)Battleship(no limits) Craft will be posted here once I have time to recover all of them.
  17. Today I made something I thought was pretty cool and that I should share with you guys: Play with it here! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13276416/Unity/WarpTest/WarpTest.html It's a little interactive "simulator" thing about relativistic space flight. I've made the galaxy much smaller than real life (only two light-minutes across) for obvious reasons, and it isn't quite scientifically accurate in all ways, but it's based on the real science behind relativistic optical effects and thus with any luck gives the right general impression. Here's hoping some of you guys have some fun with it! And please be sure to let me know what you think. Old post:
  18. OVERVIEW: 04/14/16 DUNA DIRECT 1. HAB This is where Kerbals will live both on their journey to Duna, and while on Duna. A. Crew i. Seats: 6 (No Designation) ii. Provides a common area for crew members to eat, sleep, and be entertained. iii. Contains Life Support recourses: 1. Food 2. Water (1/2) 3. Oxygen (1/2) B. Command i. Seats: 2 (Pilot, Commander) ii. Provides control of the spacecraft and docked spacecraft. iii. Reaction Wheels. C. Science i. Seats: 2 (Scientist, Scientist) ii. Contains science experiments: 1. Mystery Goo. 2. PresMat Barometer. 3. Science Lab (Experiment processing) D. Utility i. Seats: 2 (Engineer, Engineer) ii. Contains resources: 1. Electric Charge. 2. Mono propellant. 3. Liquid Fuel & Oxidizer. iii. Contains Life Support resources: 1. Water (2/2) 2. Oxygen (2/2) 3. Empty Waste Tank. 4. Empty Co2 Tank. 2. KRV This craft will be sent ahead of the HAB and crew in order to start processing fuel for the Kerbals journey home. Only the second stage will return to Kerbin. A. Return Module (Stage 2) i. Seats: 6 ii. Provides control of the spacecraft (No docking capability) iii. Reaction wheels iv. Contains resources: 1. Electric Charge 2. Mono Propellant 3. Liquid fuel & oxidizer B. Utility Module (Stage 1) i. Contains recourses: 1. Liquid Fuel & Oxidizer 2. Mono Propellant ii. Contains chemical processing plugin. 1. Converts Co2 into Liquid Fuel and Oxygen ( For engines and life support) Design concept images from the Mars Direct Program. Dev. Blog: <no posts> Duna Direct by Tyler Grommesh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
  19. Naval Battle League Test your naval prowess in this extravaganza of Battleships, Bombs, and Booms. Rules Rules are mandatory in order to play and be counted on the league table 1- Battles are conducted by exchanging save or persistence files over sharing sites. 2- Each player takes it in turns to engage one target with one ship. Any number of ships may be moved in said turn. 3- Ships engage in order of tonnage, lightest to heaviest. Once all ships are used the cycle repeats. 4- The team with the last ship wins. Ties can be declared with both team's approval. 5- Screenshots or videos documenting all moves are needed to complete a turn. 6- Any mods which affect craft or persistence files are forbidden. 7- No quick-loading except in cases of game bugs. 8- All moves must be done manually, without the aid of autopilots. Previous Iterations Guidelines Guidelines are opt out additions to the rules to create as fair and free from exploits a stage as possible. 1- A ship is officially considered dead when the main body of the ship is incapable of fulfilling two of three goals unaided from other ships or on-board weapons... +Sustaining power +Moving +Firing weapons. 2- Weapons can only be fired from the original ship core and must be used within the the same turn that they are fired. 3- Players are not allowed to control enemy craft. 4- Players are not allowed to intentionally edit the orbit of enemy craft via weapons fire or any other method. 5- Any number of ships may be moved in a turn but only one may attack. 6- Ramming is disallowed. 7- Stealing is allowed under the pretense that the parent ship is dead and the items are disconnected from it. 8- Weapons must be fired between 5000 and 15 meters. 9- Surface to orbit weapons may be fired once per turn if applicable,and are exempt from Guideline 8. 10- A team may forfeit a turn at any point. Carriers Additional Guidelines to ensure carriers remain balanced in combat. 1- The total mass of carriers includes fighters and any other items being carried. 2- Carrier fighters have a mass limit of 15 tons, anything heavier will be included as a seperate ship. 3- Carriers will take their turn at the beginning of a cycle. 4- Fighters may be released from any distance but the fighters must still abide to Guideline 8. 5- Carriers may not use heavy armor on a majority of their area. 6- All fighters must return to the carrier by the end of the turn. 7- Carriers can not use their own offensive weapons. Settings -Body -Guideline exclusions -Maximum number of craft -Maximum total combined mass (These are recommended to be negotiated) Scoreboard MiffedStarfish: 3(5) Spartwo: 1(1) Alphasus: 0(3) Skriptkitt3h: 0(2) Quasarrgames: 0(2) DarkOwl57: -1(1) Sdj64: -1(1) Servo: -1(1) Shadowgoat: -1(2) Username: Score(number of battles) -1 from total for a loss +1 for a win 0 for a tie. Numbers increase according to the amount of players... -1/1 -1/0/1 -2/-1/1/2 -2/-1/0/1/2 ...and so on. Please @, quote, or PM me having completed a battle for updates to scoring Discord There was a demand. https://discord.gg/rqqe3u4T79
  20. The utterly pointless and useless Kerbal Superhangar! This kit contains the following: the one and only Superhangarâ„¢, my own SpaceFlyerâ„¢ spaceplane, and much more(not really)! Extremely laggy and no usefulness whatsoever! Thank you for testing out this product! Coming soon to stores for only $1000000000 Kerbal dollars! [ATTACH]34862[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]34863[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]34864[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]34865[/ATTACH] Note: pics in SPH because of EXTREME LAG on the Runway.
  21. -BBCIs it so bad that the first thing I thought when I saw this was "Damn, that'd be fun in KSP." What a discovery huh? Can't imagine how the orbital mechanics must work, four stars relatively close together, with a planet in a stable orbit. Binary systems are bad enough to get my head around.
  22. I decided to land on all planets and moons. First target of course after Mun and Minmus is obviously Duna. After few days of building and unsuccessful flays I finally did it! I called my ship " Curiosity 2" (Curiosity 1 was send to Minmus ) It toked me 26 Kerbal's years. So after this short introduction I invite you to watch some screens <center><FONT size="+2"> 3...2...1... Lift off !</center> <a href="http://imgur.com/5Dl7a"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/5Dl7a.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> <center> Jebediah's console. </center> <a href="http://imgur.com/kTANw"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/kTANw.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> <center> Bye dear Kerbin. </center> <a href="http://imgur.com/NNhYS"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/NNhYS.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> <center> Last view of home. </center> <a href="http://imgur.com/Kl9cp"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/Kl9cp.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> <center> Welcome Duna! </center> <a href="http://imgur.com/YCVqX"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/YCVqX.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> <center> First orbit. </center> <a href="http://imgur.com/tieE4"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/tieE4.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> <center> Finally on closed orbit. </center> <a href="http://imgur.com/0nFXi"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/0nFXi.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> <center> Curiosity 2, Duna and Ike. </center> <a href="http://imgur.com/Efdjy"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/Efdjy.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> <center> View from capsule. </center> <a href="http://imgur.com/z4J3A"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/z4J3A.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> <center> Beautiful view. </center> <a href="http://imgur.com/mzGLj"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/mzGLj.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> <center> After opening the parachute. </center> <a href="http://imgur.com/5fcFM"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/5fcFM.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> <center> First step. </center> <a href="http://imgur.com/7CGdR"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/7CGdR.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> <center> Bob, Jebediah and Bill on Duna! </center> <a href="http://imgur.com/hAecq"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/hAecq.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a> </FONT size="+3"> That's it. Thanks for watching and wait to some new screens. Next target: Dunas pole and Ike
  23. Hello, first topic here. Anyway I have been trying to make a to-the-Mun-and-back kind of spaceplane. I use 2m rocket parts as the shuttle is meant to have a crewtank onboard. This is to facillitate passenger transfers to the Mun and back. It's supposed to be reusable, thus it can only have one stage. Refuelling is not a problem. That can be taken care of. Basicly, I need to know how to make a spaceplane that follows the specified conditions below: - 1 Stage - Nothing that has to be decoupled (No SRBs etc) - Has enough fuel at start to get into orbit - Has at least 1 Crew Tank - Must have landing/takeoff capabilities - Must be able to go to the Mun and back. That's all. For the record I use the Down Under Aerospace and Party Supplies Pack, Crewtank, Deep Space Parts Pack, NovaPunch Remix pack, Shuttle Booster System and MMI's Payload Pack as my core mods. Thanks for anyone who can help. I can upload pictures of my current design if needed. EDIT: I mean refueling as in on the ground refueling. Refueling can be done in orbit as well once I get my satellite up there, so don't count on that one. When I manage to establish a Mun Base that will also have a refueling station.
  24. Welcome to Brand Co Air & Space, where we mass produce planes and rockets to help you achieve missions or just to help you have fun. Below you will find our currently available stock: :cool:L99thebeaver's products: The LTR32(.16 requires c7 mods... for now) Description: Being the 32nd of the series, it is BY FAR the most stable, and the fastest, being able to get upwards of 400 m\s horizontally, this baby does some work! Pictures: 39 P16-Mongoose(.16 requires c7 mods... for now) Description: Pictures: 50-60 L42-Onyx(.17) Description: Highest speed: 567 m\s Pictures: 75-81 J_Man_X_663's products: SK Flyer(.17) Description: Pictures: Imgur Link: http://imgur.com/a/nERXF#0 BF-909X(.17) Description: Pictures: Youtube Link: ]Current Positions: L99thebeaver-Head CEO\Misc. Designer J_Man_X_663-Test Pilot\Head of Military Plane Division\Military Plane Designer Exelcior_esp-Head of Rocketry Division\Rocket Designer Pictures: http://www./?x4pu95usuo6jb We are currently looking for Engineers to create planes or rockets, receptionists to handle specific orders, and possibly test pilots to test and photograph. To make a deal(including plane recommendations or requests) or send an application, PM me...
  25. For those of you interested in more than just fanworks, Radion is running a roleplay on an offsite server here: http://kerbalroleplay.com/
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