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  1. Hi guys, so I was flying my plane when i had something (a satellite) in orbit at 80 km. I believe I saw that satellite from my plane, as a fast moving object. Is this possible in KSP mechanics?
  2. Here I'll be posting my drawings of various spacecraft/rockets in MS Paint and where you can ask for drawings of other real-life rockets/spacecraft. I drew a Saturn V (image below) and thought, In the comments, tell me what I should draw next. (I'm already going to draw the Mercury Redstone, so don't suggest that.) It has to be a real-life spacecraft or rocket. Also, tell me what you think of them! They may not be the best in the world with detail (I actually forgot the ridges on a part of the Saturn V next to the right fin if you'll notice). Waiting List: 1. N1 - cubinator 2. ITS - TheEpicSquared 3. Gemini Titan - munlander1 4. Apollo LEM - Dafni 5. Apollo Little Joe - munlander1 6. Titan IIIe-Centaur - IncongruousGoat 7. DynaSoar - munlander1 8. Venture Star - Pine 9. Mercury Little Joe - munlander1 10. Open 11. Saturn 1b - munlander1 12. Open 13. V2 Bumper - munlander1 14. Open 15. Apollo 13 CSM (post-explosion) - munlander1 16. Open 17. Orion - munlander1 18. Open 19. CST-100 - munlander1 See ya!
  3. I spent the last week or so designing my own spacecraft. The capsule, rocket, space suit, engine, control panel, everything! Here are pictures (some aren't completed): The spacecraft The full assembly Spacecraft labeled Spacecraft diagram Control panel (incomplete) Rocket diagram Engine/turbopump diagram Space suit diagram Hope you liked it, feel free to give any thoughts on it (and yes, it is based off of Mercury).
  4. Hello! I have recently gotten into calculating the delta V of all my rockets, just for fun , and have come across a problem. I have some rockets where the first stage is a liquid fueled engine and 2 SRB's. The basic equation assumes that all of the boosters burn out at the same time. However, in this case, the SRB's burn out first, while the liquid-fueled portion of the stage continues burning. Is there any perfect equation for this calculation?
  5. Hello there intelligent Engineers! Today, I've got a challenge for you! A very tough one. So I've seen people building SSTO's in Ksp RSS but none of them was reuseable. Now I'm inviting you to join this challange and be maybe the first ones to ever crate a SSTO on RSS in KSP or a fully reuseable spacecraft. The rules are: Full reuseability no debris has to achieve orbit has to carry atleast 5t to LEO Realistic mods! (That means no warp drive ) RSS FAR The winners spacecraft will get a youtube review. I cant await to see your spacecraft
  6. while making a save file on custom (harder than hard) i though of the question in the title. so like craft designed in hard are designed for it, making it work better in easy, not vice versa
  7. KSP 1.1.3 Space Shuttle with work in progress kOs autolaunch script This my ksp Space Shuttle It is capable of reaching a 80KM/80KM Circular orbit with 40 tons of cargo in its bay. The shuttle has a currently work in progress kOs script which is only half done, but I am working on finishing it soon. The Shuttle has two Kickback Solid Boosters for the SRB's, 3 Vector Engines for main engines, and 2 Thud engines for the OMS. Once in orbit after circulazation with OMS there is about 800-1000 Delta v left for orbital manuvering and de-orbit burn. The Shuttle also contans a docking port and RCS system. Mods: 1. Stock 2. Mechjeb 3. kOs Downloads, Scripts, and Launch instructions: https://github.com/Unixkernel/kOs-Space-Shuttle Warning! kOs script is not yet complete(I am trying to get it done ASAP) at this point manual launch will be required, remember roll program at launch, kOs script may be used for roll program but make sure to abort program shortly after.
  8. I'm working on my second spaceplane and I'm stuck. This is the craft file for Aquila Falcon. I think that any real master, looking at my work, is going to know pretty fast what I don't know and be able to offer a critique that will benefit not only me but maybe a few other noobs. I am following three requirements: It's a surface-to-orbit shuttle for duty on Kerbin and Lathe, so it must have a Mk-3 cabin I want to be able to couple it to an interplanetary vehicle (as well as launch it from Kerbin that way when I feel too lazy to wrestle it), so it needs a Senior docking ring for a vertical launch In order to fit in with the rest of my fleet, it has to be butt-ugly. Falcon, as it is, has the following problems that I am aware of and many more, I'm sure: the landing gear aren't straight, but cocked slightly forward I don't understand what the SPH is telling me about the Center of Lift, but I think that is the key to: a lack of pitch authority, hampering landings. I've landed it but only on the back of the power curve... the tail fins are unreasonably butt-ugly and are producing drag via downforce. maybe the wings are on upside down -- I can't tell; it's one explanation for the crazy lift vector. I can't land it heavy with fuel -- it breaks and explodes the MP tank is unreasonably butt-ugly but I don't know anything about cargo holds either (Sorry, no screenshots as I am actually without internet at home at the moment.) I'm hoping that one or more Grand Masters will comb over this file and not only a) list out every last little flaw and nit with this craft, but also b) teach the technique in the SPH for everything I've been unable to do. Thanks in advance! Go, team.
  9. Arrived at Omega 7 for a Dual Docking Test to find that I forgot to add some Block Thrusters , the Dual Docking Ports are an adapter that I designed for the Omega Transit one.
  10. One thing that always bugs me about KSP is the lack of inertia. Multi-ton craft behave like they have the inertia of a wet egg carton. No, strike that. They have the inertia of a DRY egg carton. It's what ruins the feeling of immersion for me. I've tried to work around it by reducing the strength of the reaction wheels and reduced the thrust of the RCS but when you bump anything it still bounces all over the place. Sooooo... is there any mod out there that can increase inertia in relation to weight mass of your craft? Edit: Ooops, my mistake... I meant to say mass instead of weight.
  11. This is a version of a near-identical post on Sufficient Velocity. For years, I have played the Kerbal Space Program. I have traveled world to world, exploring the very bizarre terrain scattered throughout the Kerbol system. From the space program's inaugural flight to the colonization of Laythe, my veracity was unbroken. Plans were finished and dreams were fulfilled, but there was always one world I never ventured to, one no Kerbal ever stepped foot on: The scorched ball of rock known as Moho. Something important to note is that my visual mods and screenshot resolution vary within missions. Unfortunately, this was my fault and, though eventually corrected, it will plague the first series of images. Mod conflicts are wonderful, aren't they? First up, a Dawn-1B lifts off with an unmanned satellite. Known as the Vulcan OreSat, this satellite is to scan the planet for valuable resources and double as a reconnaissance orbiter. VOS will inject into Moho's orbit approximately two days before the manned spacecraft, entering a polar orbit four hours from then. Next up is the interplanetary spacecraft. To carry a crew of three to Moho both safely and effectively, a nuclear tug must push a crew module and a lander to the planet. In this, I have opted for a near-minimalist approach while remaining in the general guidelines. In the original plan, four launches were necessary to construct a spacecraft in orbit. Fortunately, I was able to shrink the nuclear propulsion stage and fit it into a single launch, lowering the total launches to three. This saved cost and time removes ~1000 ΔV from the spacecraft, leaving little room for error. The first piece is the nuclear stage. Launched atop a Seraphim-II Heavy, the 200-ton Behemoth Nuclear Stage is injected into a circular, equatorial orbit of 125 km x 125 km. This booster separation remarkably resembles the R7's Korolev Cross. In fact, the bottom of the boosters actually push upwards, then the booster nosecones push away, separating the heavy boosters in a beautiful fashion. Following the launch of the Behemoth Nuclear Stage, a lander, Haven, will attach to the forward berthing node. This lander is a two-stage unit with excess ΔV to carry the primary module home, should the BNS fail. It's launch vehicle is a standard Seraphim-II with a Taurus upper stage and Proprietary Avionics Package (PAP). The Taurus deorbits itself shortly after separating from Haven. Several days after Haven berthed with the BNS, the Moho transfer window lies only one day away. The well-trusted Wyvern crew module is to be the crew's living space and escape pod, while Haven provides room to stretch their legs. The launch vehicle, the Sentinel-1A, is a partially-reusable rocket that works in a similar fashion to the Falcon 9; first stage is recovered via boostback or, in this instance, barge, while the second stage is expended. Scatterer + EVE + EngineLight = TERRIBLE ENGINE LIGHT A mobile pad on the ocean is the target of the first stage. Abort tower jettison. Unfortunately, I never took any images of the Wyvern docking to the main ship. Also, broken sunflare. That is one of the reasons I was changing out visual mods. With the vessel constructed, it was time to orbit thrice and then set off for the inner world. The crew were eager, Mission Control was prepared, the engines were ready for full-power. Only one more objective had to be fulfilled before the mission could commence, and that was... giving the ship a name? I'm such an idiot. Throughout the entire planning, construction, launching, docking, and tracking of the spacecraft and planets, after giving every individual module a name, I never once considered to name the entire spacecraft. For basic communications purposes and being able to keep track of the damned ship, I rushed to create a true name, and fabricated one: Shepherd of Fire. Currently, this is where the mission stands. A maneuver node lies 65 days away for the Shepherd of Fire; 63 days from VOS. Both spacecraft will soon correct their orbital positions and traverse to the huggled world. Check back for updates!
  12. Hey guys and gals! This is where i dump my crafts and ships when i feel like it.This is in no way organised, so expect this to be a mess of a thread in the future.The mod you will most probably see in use is TweakScale (TweakScale is love, TweakScale is life), and maybe even more in the future.So, feel free to look around! Thanks in general! _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kerbin Hydrosphere Explorer Mk.1 A small sub for "everywhere and anytime" use.Fits perfectly into a CRG-50 Mk3 Cargo Bay for easy transport and mass production.Warranty void if exposed to anything but water.User guide in the in-game description. DOWNLOAD: https://kerbalx.com/Radon86/KHE-Mk1 Mikoyan-Gurevich (MiG) 21 My go at a MiG-21 replica.Remembering how it looks wasn't the easiest thing.I live just a mile or two away from the airport and i see them almost everytime i pass by.It might not be the best aesthetically, but at least it flies decently and can reach re-entry speeds with that Whiplash engine.Did a little bit of a TweakScale job on the hind wheels and downscaled the two back winglets. DOWNLOAD: https://kerbalx.com/Radon86/MiG-21 B-52 Stratofortress Probably the most recognizable heavy bomber in history.To be honest, it wasn't that hard to replicate.Of course, my replica doesn't have all the details the original B-52 has, but you can customize it to your own will.This is just the barebones.Works best at subsonic speeds. DOWNLOAD: https://kerbalx.com/Radon86/B-52 C7-J404 "Falcon" A custom fighter plane that can go up to 3Ma at cruising altitude (9-11km), but it will never overheat rapidly like most planes flying at lower altitudes, since the whole, you know, higher up = less air molecules = less drag thing.Compatible with BDArmory, altough a little wobbly during flight. DOWNLOAD: https://kerbalx.com/Radon86/C7-J404-Falcon C7-LV10 "Swallow" A very sleek and speedy plane with overheating issues at any altitude (well, until the intake goes out at least).Semi-useful for BDArmory when it comes to dodging high-speed projectiles.Use with caution. DOWNLOAD: https://kerbalx.com/Radon86/C7-LV10-Swallow C7-J90 "Gull" A big 48-passenger plane that can carry up to 4.32 tons worth of sacrifi- i mean, Kerbals! Give it some time tough, it tilts back a bit at launch + it takes an entire runway for it to liftoff at least semi-properly.WARNING! Civilian aircraft, please don't shoot down. DOWNLOAD: https://kerbalx.com/Radon86/C7-J90-Gull Mikoyan-Gurevich (MiG) 15 A really olden jet fighter that first flew in 1947, then later introduced and began mass production in 1949.Who says it can't be rebuilt in stock KSP? (With a little TS of course)...Added an SAS module as a temporary solution with manueverability problems.A bit hard to steer but can go sonic and up to 1.5Ma. Craft suggested by Turtles4Life. DOWNLOAD: https://kerbalx.com/Radon86/MiG-15 Messerschmitt (Me) 262 An old fighter that i, in my eyes, sort-of poorly replicated.Could’ve used tweakscale to make the two wing engines a bit larger and the wings themselves rounder, but i’m proud nonetheless. DOWNLOAD: https://kerbalx.com/Radon86/Messerschmitt-Me-262 [MODS] Mitsubishi A6M "Zero" Personally, i like how this one came out, especially the round wings.Thank Procedural Wings and KAX for the awesome parts that made this plane possible.A bit slow in the air, but takes off by itself. DOWNLOAD: https://kerbalx.com/Radon86/Mitsubishi-A6M-Zero
  13. The most popular craft on KerbalX. I thought this would be nice if we could have one thread with some of the best craft in the Kerbal Space Program. Although we may not see just the best of the best craft here it will still be a personal best and a craft with some good amount of reputation. Try to use the same format, leave a brief description, a linked craft file and the date built, this will show some greatness of your craft as well. The Title Font Size 26 and the description text size 14. Use a photo album or One Photo. ONE RULE: ALL CRAFT POSTED MUST HAVE 200+ DOWNLOADS. I will start with my craft presented by Kerbal-X, The Mun Fly coming in at 214 downloads. The Mun Fly Craft Built: 08-16-2015 The Mun Fly started out as just the Fly, it was suppose to be just a cool looking small VTOL craft, when I noticed how short the flight time was that's when I got the idea about putting it on the Mun and that's when it became The Mun Fly. https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/The-Mun-Fly
  14. I am planning to release one of these craft soon on the Spacecraft Exchange Forum, here is a spoiler of the upcoming craft. First Picture is a sneak peak of a large Dropship named AirLift One, Second picture is an Air to Watercraft named CP-105 SeaDog, Third picture is a large Aircraft Carrier named Sea Warrior and the last picture is a craft named Spritz - 105. Which would you like to see released next?
  15. Whenever I build a rocket it starts to wobble after it is over 120 parts. Is there any way to fix this? Any help will be appreciated.
  16. Hi all, time for another SCF! I'm a bit late this time, I forgot. This SCF will focus on proper spacecraft, since it's been a while since we've had one that focused on that. So I give you, in no particular order, the spacecraft of SCF! |Cygnus Recoverable SSTO Rockets| By @Warzouz I tested the RR-100 for this SCF, and it worked well. The margin is very tight, and the payload connection is a bit wobbly (Probably better with KJR) especially when you're almost out of first stage fuel. Reentry is dicey, I lost two airbrakes, mostly due to bad piloting, though. Amazingly, though, I was able recover it before it tipped over, even though I landed it on a huge hill. This is a great idea, and work very well! |JSC Shuttle IIc| By @Speeding Mullet This a great shuttle design proposal, the abort is especially great. It's very easy to fly, with that vector gimbal range. With 1,185 m/s of delta-v from the nuclear rocket engines, I wouldn't be surprised if it could do a Mun flyby. Reentry is a bit tricky. I sent it into a spin at altitude, which it seems to hate, and so I had to abort. |Jimbodiah's NASA rockets| By @Jimbodiah These are a set of very nice modded replicas of NASA craft, future and proposed. I did not test these because of the mods. |Superfluously Rotating Recoverable Boosters| By @selfish_meme These may not be the most useful (I couldn't the wings to lockout) but they are still awesome! My problems with getting it to lockout may be a problem with my save, though. And finally, so it's not just rockets, |The Bristol Boxkite| By @pTrevTrevs Using an awesome @Majorjim strut framework design, now with engines! Honorable mention: |Binary VTOL/SSTO| By @Bubbadevlin I changed my mind on this one folks. This SSTO can actually rotate it's engine nacelles to vertical flight mode, or horizontal flight mode, while still staying part of the same craft. Alright, folks, that's it for this week!
  17. Sector 7 Space Laboratories - Space Exploration - Star Leech If you have been following my recent work you already know I haven't been doing much space travel in a long time. I decided it's time to get away from Kerbin and take a trip to deep space and Duna is where I decided to go for a quick craft build so I can determine what it may take to reach Eeloo in this new Version 1.0.5. In this build I only had a couple of mistakes, in the past it would have been more I'm sure. Here is what took place, the first stage went great, then rolling to a 45 Degree I did the famous somersault and recovered fairly quickly. After releasing the next stage I noticed the craft had a bad wobble and I immediately killed the thrust, the craft settled down and I was able to continue with my trajectory heading for Duna. At this point I noticed I hadn't set up the asparagus fuel style to maximize my fuel usage. Now I am coming down on Duna's surface to attempt a landing and of course I have a good habit now to use that ole F5 and the savior F9 key and sure enough I came in to hard and smashed into the surface. After a second or third try I did manage to land but I was struggling because I didn't bother setting any action groups until after this test flight. As I was falling to the surface I was frantically doing fuel transfers and shutting down the engines to get the best out of my fuel consumption. I am now fixing the Weak Point in the craft and the fuel lines while Bob is drilling for Ore on Duna. After I finish fueling on Duna I will then see how far I will be able to travel, Ike, Dres or Eeloo? not sure at this point. Also check out how little fuel I had left after landing, I barely made it.
  18. D.F.I. is a private military research division which aims to provide top quality stock craft to all clients. All of our crafts are adaptable to the mission or service specific needs. All Craft Posted here will be made available through my kerbalx account here ------->DOWNLOADS Aircraft Watercraft Spacecraft The Melkor is designed as an interplanetary tug vessel, capable of pulling massive cargo loads to various destinations. The Sr. Docking Port at the rear provides maximum stability for large trailers. There are also 4 Jr. ports aligned outside of the Sr. for various utility/refueling purposes. Heat dissipation extends and retracts from cargo bays. Launcher Included. Warning!!! do not attempt to gravity turn before 15,000 as this will result in tumble and breakage. Also the nuclear motors are correctly in stage 1 and fire throughout ascent to provide better stability on launch. (refuel after orbit required)
  19. Don't stuff me in the old Mk.1 Inline Cockpit if this has already been made. The title explains everything, just know your spacecraft doesn't have to exist IRL. I personally like the Saturn 1 the most, because it was the world's first heavy lift rocket (and is also super underrated). Picture!
  20. I built an MK3 plane that has been rigged as a bomber. However, I am unable to launch it because it keeps yawing left on the runway. Is this a bug or is there some problem in my construction? Megabomber.craft
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