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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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I got some testing time in with the new KSPI RCS modules. I really enjoy the ability to use different fuel types and the powered on/off idea is fantastic. Would it be possible to have the 'Power' toggle mapped to an action group? Thanks again for all the hard work!

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I got some testing time in with the new KSPI RCS modules. I really enjoy the ability to use different fuel types and the powered on/off idea is fantastic. Would it be possible to have the 'Power' toggle mapped to an action group? Thanks again for all the hard work!

Yes, I'm working on improving the RCS even further, I also had some help from silversilver which has made some fantastic textures which will set them apart from the stock RCS.


They are more than just cool looks ..

Edited by FreeThinker
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I made few tests with the Orbital Supercollider. It seems that's not a matter or TimeWarping, but randomly, it resets the Particle Accellerator bar and re-start to collect from 0. It happens in a incremental way, but randomly. For examples, it reset at 0.37, the 1.45, then 4.38, 7.51 and so on.

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I made few tests with the Orbital Supercollider. It seems that's not a matter or TimeWarping, but randomly, it resets the Particle Accellerator bar and re-start to collect from 0. It happens in a incremental way, but randomly. For examples, it reset at 0.37, the 1.45, then 4.38, 7.51 and so on.

Can confirm, I noticed it too.

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The new RCS texture made by silversilver

Version 1.4.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.0.4

Released on 2015-08-23

  • Improved textures for all RCS parts (Artistic credits go to silversilver)
  • Unleashed all features of NathanKell ModuleRCSFX in control of buttons and actiongroups in the VAB and flight mode
  • Folding radiator use folding automation by default
  • Fixed Engines Water mode when TAC is installed

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Congratulation for the new version, this mod is going better and better!

Thanks, we are defiantly making progress, but we are still very lacking in the graphics department. KSPI deserves some better models for it's engines, reactors, radiators, science and ISRU. I cannot make models myself so I can only use where I can get my hands on.

After KSP 1.1 Update, I hope to have KSPI-E mature enough to release it.

Edited by FreeThinker
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Well, I've got a really puzzling support request.


I've replaced every folder that comes with KSPI-E with fresh ones other than 000_Toolbar and ModuleRCSFX (which I'm fairly certain aren't the problem). I have confirmed that WarpPlugin is directly in my GameData folder. My Player.log has the following line a few thousand times:

Cannot find config in file : WarpPluginSettings

(Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/MacStandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

The only thing that I did between a startup where KSPI-E worked and when the problem started was I edited Texture Replacer's list of bodies with breathable atmosphere and minimum atmospheric pressure for helmet removal, and I highly doubt this would cause anything of the sort.

Here's my WarpPluginSettings.cfg file:

name = WarpPluginSettings

AluminiumResourceName = Aluminium
AmmoniaResourceName = LqdAmmonia
ArgonResourceName = ArgonGas
CarbonDioxideResourceName = LqdCO2
CarbonMonoxideResourceName= LqdCO
HeliumResourceName = LqdHelium
Helium3ResourceName = LqdHe3
HydrazineResourceName = Hydrazine
HydrogenResourceName = LqdHydrogen
HydrogenPeroxideResourceName = HTP
MethaneResourceName = LqdMethane
NitrogenResourceName = LqdNitrogen
OxygenResourceName = LqdOxygen
TritiumResourceName = LqdTritium
UraniumTetraflourideName = EnrichedUranium
WaterResourceName = Water

RadiationMechanicsDisabled = True
ThermalMechanicsDisabled = False
SolarPanelClampedHeating = False
LimitedWarpTravel = False
RecieverTempTweak = True
MatchDemandWithSupply = False
MaxThermalNozzleIsp = 10000
GravityConstant = 9.80665
IspCoreTempMult = 22.371670613
ElectricEngineIspMult = 1
BasePowerConsumption = 5
PowerConsumptionMultiplier = 1
MaxPowerDrawForExoticMatterMult = 1
GlobalThermalNozzlePowerMaxTrustMult = 1
GlobalMagneticNozzlePowerMaxTrustMult = 1
GlobalElectricEnginePowerMaxTrustMult = 1
MaxAtmosphericAltitudeMult = 3.61912
MinAtmosphericAirDensity = 0.000001
ElectricEnginePowerPropellantIspMultLimiter = 1
ElectricEngineAtmosphericDensityTrustLimiter = 0
OrsResourceMappings = LiquidFuel, LqdHydrogen, Hydrogen, LqdHydrogen, Oxidizer, LqdOxygen, Oxygen, LqdOxygen, Helium, LqdHelium, Nitrogen, LqdNitrogen, Methane, LqdMethane, CarbonDioxide, LqdCO2, CarbonMonoxide, LqdCO

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Did you change any crew or change situation. I did also a test in high orbit, warped at maxed time warp and the experiment complete without problems

Same for me....for the first two times. (600 km)

Then, with the same craft (no pilots, unmanned) it stopped. (400 km)

Next time was working again. (400 km)

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Minor thing I noticed on the RCS blocks. Throttle is misspelled on the UI elements. It should be 'Throttle' not 'Throtle' And what does Use Lever do? I don't understand what a lever would be for on an RCS thruster.

Edit: Maybe those are all from the ModuleRCSFX huh?

Edited by Trolllception
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Minor thing I noticed on the RCS blocks. Throttle is misspelled on the UI elements. It should be 'Throttle' not 'Throtle' And what does Use Lever do? I don't understand what a lever would be for on an RCS thruster.

Edit: Maybe those are all from the ModuleRCSFX huh?

Yes, most of them are. From my understanding the lever method is the Stock method of applying RCS which is more crude then ModuleRCSFX which applies more precise usage of RCS

- - - Updated - - -

Same for me....for the first two times. (600 km)

Then, with the same craft (no pilots, unmanned) it stopped. (400 km)

Next time was working again. (400 km)

In the new version I added some debugging information. Notice that if you can orbit height or type (suborbit to full orbit) it will reset. Check you log I will add some additional field in the part to make this clear.

Edited by FreeThinker
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So I just updated to the latest version... thermal turbojets no longer show their fuel source (right-click in flight), they flame out due to intakeAtm deprivation, and they don't show up at all on the staging area in flight... and I can't change the fuel source with my action buttons anymore, either.

this is on a craft that was working swimmingly well before the latest patch. Update: In the same batch of updates for KSPIE I also updated to the latest FAR - that may have something to do with it as well as I noticed IntakeAtm is no longer being produced by my structural intakes on this craft. Not sure if it's a bug in KSPIE or an incompatibility with the latest FAR, at this point ><

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I had an accelerator in orbit with a pebble bed reactor, thermal generator, and 8 fold-able radiators.

It was running nicely and had accumulated 150 points worth of data when I logged out.

Then the update hit.

When I came back the radiators were all folded up, ec was zero. Seeing I'm using Remote Tech,

my satellite was dead. I went and checked a couple other unmanned reactors I had around the

system and they're all shut down. I figure I have about 3 million kerbucks worth of dead metal

floating around the system at the moment.

Reactors that had alternate power sources seemed to be working ok, Clicking on one

brought up the little status display, but the green buttons for shutdown and toggle info

were missing. Also, the mega joule button was missing from my tool bar. (heat button

in the VAB was missing also)

Anybody else seeing any issues???

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tmbomber, wonder if there's some kind of general resource handling issue in the update that's affecting you, me, and raxo222?

Update: I completely removed and replaced FAR. No change in behavior; in fact even in SPH/VAB you can't seem to change fuel sources or even *see* them.

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I had an accelerator in orbit with a pebble bed reactor, thermal generator, and 8 fold-able radiators.

It was running nicely and had accumulated 150 points worth of data when I logged out.

Then the update hit.

When I came back the radiators were all folded up, ec was zero. Seeing I'm using Remote Tech,

my satellite was dead. I went and checked a couple other unmanned reactors I had around the

system and they're all shut down. I figure I have about 3 million kerbucks worth of dead metal

floating around the system at the moment.

Reactors that had alternate power sources seemed to be working ok, Clicking on one

brought up the little status display, but the green buttons for shutdown and toggle info

were missing. Also, the mega joule button was missing from my tool bar. (heat button

in the VAB was missing also)

Anybody else seeing any issues???

Yes, I have the same thing. Nothing works.

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My VASMIR SSTO broke :(


Vasmir engine keeps firing as it was on, it defaulted to hydrogen and can't switch fuel.

Also RCS doesn't have menu

I updated FAR too... hmmm

Alright, I think I know what the problem it, it's the dependency on ModuleRCSFX. Have you actually installed it? IF not, nothing will work in KSPI

An other explanation might be if the version is different. I guess I'm forced to remove the dependency on ModuleRCSFX altogther

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I made a new test, 10 times, from 100km to 1000km.(kerbin orbit,unmanned)

Worked without defects. (Luck or now it works?)

This research differs in that it monitors both your vessel orbit and crew. If there is any change it will reset itself. It's to prevent you from going to a moon orbit, start research and travel back to earth orbit and complete the research. The research needs to complete in one stable orbit.

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There are a couple thing I can think of that would really put some polish on this mod. Is it possible to give any sort of indication of what a reactors expected life should be using specific fuel types? A reactor control window in the vab with predicted lifetime at 30% usage and 100% usage would make life easier. I think this one was already mentioned but making the mechjet/engineer numbers for thermal turbojet/Attila accurate in the vab/sph would also save me from using hyperedit/kct to put myself in orbit to check the d/v. Which gets super annoying.

The reason I mention the reactor is because I've sent a few probes up to explore other planets but when I switch to them a year later the molten salt reactor is out of fuel and switched to 'Uranium Burnup'. Maybe I didn't put enough fuel in the reactor when I built the probe but since there's no way of estimating it's sorta a shot in the dark as to if you will have enough power or not.

Keep up the good work as always FreeThinker.

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Alright, I think I know what the problem it, it's the dependency on ModuleRCSFX. Have you actually installed it? IF not, nothing will work in KSPI

An other explanation might be if the version is different. I guess I'm forced to remove the dependency on ModuleRCSFX altogther

I had that mod instelled, CKAN updated it to 4.2

Maybe this was what broke it?

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