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Make science matter in a more significant manner than collecting science credits. Telescopes for discovery of systems, soil samplers to find mining potential, temp/atmosphere sensors to find habitability, etc... This could help refine missions so they seem less arbitrary and create a more intuitive progression structure.

Have rare minerals/elements required for using certain techs that would incentivize colonization

Down the line, not necessarily at launch, add procedural generation outside of the local, hand crafted, group This will allow similar starts so there is a stable/predictable neighborhood we can all share but allow for genuine per game discovery helping to keep new games from being repetitive and allow for a galaxy sized gaming environment full of unique and possibly hilarious  systems

GPU physics acceleration capability

A host of galactic phenomenon like stellar/planetary nebulae, globular clusters, exotic star types, black holes, rouge planets and all of the sort


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My suggestion would be to get on the forums already.  I certainly am not going to provide suggestions and feedback into the void on the off chance that maybe someone from ST is reading them.

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I would like to strongly urge Star Theory to read the forum but not personally post anything other than "info nuggets" until near the launch of KSP2.

The reason for this is simple, and has become a globally known rule among those who frequent forums of all kinds: LURK MOAR. There is never a shortage of opinions on forums, many of which are based on insufficient and/or incorrect information and/or logic. In addition to this an opinion that has been expressed doesn't need to represent a significant number of people. Thankfully this forum has a "like" system so that very well thought out (or sometimes amusing) comments can easily show their popularity - though unfortunately the system also tends to generate a lot of likes for comments that basically border on being plain nasty rebuts to other things posted but no system is perfect. There is a huge wealth of knowledge in this forum, and it's gravely fragmented and drenched in a sea of harmful misinformation and extreme opinions from members representing abysmal fractions of the playerbase.

Star Theory should of course join the forum in full at any time if they feel confident they can clear all of the following criteria:

  • Strong "6th sense" for knowing when a forumite does or doesn't know what they're talking about.
  • Fully ingrained understanding that forumites are NOT average players; selection bias is very pronounced.
  • Ability to calmly select what to reply to and leave as little room as possible for faulty interpretations when replying.
  • Have a good eye for which types of forumites agree or disagree with an opinion, the like-system is often helpful but far from perfect.
  • Not lose a single minute of sleep no matter what is posted, devs are people too but on their own forums they don't have the luxury of everyone remembering this fact.

Until then I once again urge the "lurk moar" approach, and hopefully I have just wasted my time telling them something they already decided to do since it's the only approach that doesn't result in disaster when dealing with a forum of this size. Keeping interaction with the playerbase at a manageable level and not listen too much or too little or to the wrong forumites is something many studios have failed spectacularly at and in the end the games suffer.

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1. I want more engineering based option. Especially finer controls over parts physics and other characteristics. The ability to build parts out of parts and have them act in an accurate manner to a real world counterpart. Even proper flexing and other things if possible. Anything to add more depth for those who want it. Maybe default ability to weld and control those characteristics and control with a gui tool which things act upon air and whatnot. A separate building could be made for engineering things that uses the custom parts saver thing in game to bring them to the VAB/SPH afterwords. It could be oriented on having those different controls. Also an air testing area for those parts. Possibly in the engineering area(for convenience sake). Or just a separate air tunnel building. It should have the ability to load ships for testing as well as parts.


2. Fuel controls in VAB/SPH. The one thing with big planes is how annoying it is to potentially empty 100's of parts of fuel to watch COM/COL. We need a bar, like the other green bars, that can both drain full and empty and partially between at minimum. The new value also helps. It should have the option to drain based on no priority setting and based on given priority. And potentially staging logic if needed. This is easier for SSTO's. Not sure how to do rockets properly. Maybe a way to designate staging in VAB/SPH manually. And some auto logic to do it for you. Maybe use the tree logic to state the start and end parts of a stage. Then it auto clumps into it along the tree.

Another option would be to also have something like a video player allowing rewind and play and pause controls for finer tuning. This on top of a bar with value inputs.


These are all things needed in KSP 1 also.

Edited by Arugela
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13 hours ago, Arugela said:

2. Fuel controls in VAB/SPH. The one thing with big planes is how annoying it is to potentially empty 100's of parts of fuel to watch COM/COL. We need a bar, like the other green bars, that can both drain full and empty and partially between at minimum. The new value also helps. It should have the option to drain based on no priority setting and based on given priority. And potentially staging logic if needed. This is easier for SSTO's. Not sure how to do rockets properly. Maybe a way to designate staging in VAB/SPH manually. And some auto logic to do it for you. Maybe use the tree logic to state the start and end parts of a stage. Then it auto clumps into it along the tree.

Another option would be to also have something like a video player allowing rewind and play and pause controls for finer tuning. This on top of a bar with value inputs.


These are all things needed in KSP 1 also.


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On 10/5/2019 at 11:22 PM, Robonoise said:

I think terraforming planets like Duna would be cool.

that would be cool but it should not be possible to terraform tiny moons like gilly, pol, bop, or minmus. honestly this should not be possible with anything with less gravity than moho

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1 hour ago, kspnerd122 said:

that would be cool but it should not be possible to terraform tiny moons like gilly, pol, bop, or minmus. honestly this should not be possible with anything with less gravity than moho

I meant just the planets. No moons. I’m with you on that one.

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6 hours ago, kspnerd122 said:

that would be cool but it should not be possible to terraform tiny moons like gilly, pol, bop, or minmus. honestly this should not be possible with anything with less gravity than moho


5 hours ago, Robonoise said:

I meant just the planets. No moons. I’m with you on that one.

you guys realise, if youre making these restrictions to preserve realism, that terraforming planets takes on the order of ~ 100,000 years

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  • 2 weeks later...

Modifiable/replaceable explosions. I just want the modability there.

From what I've read of this specific thread: 


On 10/22/2017 at 1:53 AM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi all the stock explosion FX  you see in game are all  packaged in an uneditable asset bundle , along with 90% of the non part textures .

There is a snag with explosions in general,  realistic explosions take a lot of particles to pull off nicely, and the more particles the more it will take of the game to create them  

  Cartoon FX you can have easily and it's fairly low resource use . I'm sure we've all had a game lock up because of a world sized explosion KSP.

  If you've a beast of a machine no problem, but if you're running a laptop/notebooks thing you'd run into trouble with lags, hanging and stuttering pretty quickly. One good boom OK , maybe, but multiple good booms,  even good GFX cards slow down in KSP when that happens

There are a couple of mods that do feature custom explosions, some of them very well done, and  almost all are contained within weapon mods.



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