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Program Names?


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For my first sub-orbital and orbital flights I used Kerbery. Then for my Munar flyby missions I used Kerbemini. For my Mun and Minmus I used Kerpollo. My asteroid rendezvous and planetary landing program is called Kerbodyssey. My Munar base is called Neil deGrasse Kerman Base. My 7-Kerbal station transport is called Kerboyuz.

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The beers program was especially ill-fated.

Perhaps you should build a 'Corona' Kerbolar Explorer

I did use the phonetic system when running through the early stages of a career once: Alpha rocket, Bravo, etc...

Reading this thread I came up with the name "Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang" for a design that insists on becoming a firework no matter what you do to it.

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Perhaps you should build a 'Corona' Kerbolar Explorer

I did use the phonetic system when running through the early stages of a career once: Alpha rocket, Bravo, etc...

Reading this thread I came up with the name "Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang" for a design that insists on becoming a firework no matter what you do to it.

Kerdies and Gentlebals, we invite you to watch the launch of the Zulu-Foxtrot-Brazo, piloted by the great Jebediah VXXI.

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The names of my spacecraft usually depend on where they're going and are named after Greek deities. Artemis for Mün, Adephagia for Minmus, Ares for Duna, Aphrodite for Eve and so on. I need to get creative with bodies without a real life equivalent, for example Minmus, to which I send ships named after the goddess of gluttony (unless my source is wrong).

My SCANsat probes are named "SCANsat [deity]", for example "SCANsat Artemis".

My planes get names like "Daedalus" or "Icarus" or "Pegasus".

Orbital telescopes from the CactEye mod are named "Delphi".

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I once tried to create a spacestation called "Spustation"

At the time I thought "well, if 'Moon' is 'Mün', then 'Space' must be 'Spüs' in Kerbish"

Never even got it out of the hangar.

Feel free to use it.

Edited by Las-pen
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i have a system where anything i design gets a project code name, if the design works it gets a official name.

for example my organization is called ESSM (endl spacial standards manufacturing), then i have a general purpose designation, OS,MS,VS which is just a classification for orbital series, mission series, vehicles series. this really helps when im jumping through designs so i remember what something was built for instead of giving it a random name i cant recall later. afterwhich then the part gets a name for its application. so for my space station its called "ESSM-OS-station core" since its not meant to be a lander/base or rover it wont get a VS or MS in the name. but since i have other parts in the OS line such as station dock and dock expansion it doesnt make sense to call the station itself ESSM blah blah so once i got the stuff up there and assembled i gave it an official name of ESSM-OS-ODIN since its a science station with a bunch of other parts for expanded operations flying high overhead watching you while your in the shower and all that jazz.

concequentally i named my SSTO crew ship ESSM-VS-Valkyrie the actual save file is called ESSM-VS-spaceplane

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I try to name my craft for what they do. For example, for a first orbital craft "Boomerang" or for a Mun lander "Squash" (as in you hit it against a hard surface and it hopefully bounces back to you!).

I also tend to name all my unmanned missions after types of insects, with the exception of one solar probe, built to satisfy a LV-N test mission while also getting use from a part I hadn't yet reached in the tech tree, which I called "Los Alamos".

The one mission with an insectoid name that was manned was the "Apis" program, which was a biome-hopping expedition to get all the science from Minmus; it was a lot more complicated than it needed to be, but it was fun! Involving "Hive", the orbital supply dump for the whole operation, which included my TAC supplies and spare fuel, Drone-1 and Drone-2, which where two small manned sats in polar orbits getting Gravioli data from near and high over Minmus, and "Bumblebee," the big, fat surface-hopping craft powered by a KW rocketry monopropellant engine.

When it comes to re-usable, "permanent" interplanetary craft, I'm trying to use longer, more "poetic" names. "Dawn at the VAB," "Sands at the Desert Temple" etc.

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My current three-kerbal orbiter is named the Jool I (since there isn't a Saturn equivalent in the Kerbol system yet). I've been trying to construct a Jool V for a while without success.

My initial career attempt had simple, basic names:

Hop: Suborbital

Circle: Orbital

Beeper: Unmanned

Touchdown: Manned landers

I really wish there were a way to save ship types and craft names. Real space missions can be referred to by many names - one for the launcher class, one for the payload class, one for the mission series, and so on.

Saturn V - Apollo 11 - CSM/LM - Columbia/Eagle

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Hmmm.. I have the Cluttersat series of satellites - no purpose, just something to have in orbit, maybe to practice satellite retrieval later.

Kerbalab 1 through 3 are pretty self-evident in purpose.

Interplanetron 1 through 3 were the names of my first missions to Eve, Duna and Jool respectively using similar spacecraft.

Then there's the ongoing Minmion project - a line of ion-propelled minmus landers, both manned and robotic.

SpaceM Munar Products is a comparable line of mun landers, from one-way compact things to ones with built-in return/re-entry pods to large mobile habitation modules.

SpaceM Launch Systems is for developing efficient, well, launch systems. (learned a lot by experimenting, actually! It's the reason I love the Skipper)

The Angrybird series of spacecraft is a silly, one-kerbal 2-stage craft meant to rendezvous with stuff in orbit and re-enter. It uses the inline spaceplane cockpit, primarily for looks.

I'm sure I've got more, but that's what comes to mind so far.

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I name all my rockets and lifting assemblies in the sub-assemblies tab, and my payloads all have their own cute names. All my space planes are x# and sometimes a nickname, such as the X3MkII or the X5-Raven. I tend to name space planes after flying insects or birds. The payloads are named whatever cool name I think of at the time, most un-inventive like refueller II or Space Probe I. I have a series of similar ships that all have slightly different purposes but look the same (two 18t tanks with a ASAS in the middle) named SkyWolf I, SkyWolf II, etc. My newest rocket series is lovingly the SLS I and the SLS II. The I carries 50t payloads and the SLS II is for future 100t payloads. I haven't played .24.2 much but I usually follow all of this with starships that are sort of SSTO and eject their bigger engines before circularizing. They get star trek names. :)

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Here's mine:

All names start with the abbreviation KSV, which stands for Kerbal Space Vehicle


Globemaster/Globetrotter/Spacemaster: Long-range (Mun/Minmus)joyride

Falcon: Low orbital

Vulture: Orbital transfer

Eagle: Munar/Minmus range

Other Spacecraft

Athena: Low orbital/Orbital transfer

Aurora: Mun/Minmus range

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Wow.. such creativity. I feel bad~

I usually use a simple prefix (Rx for manned rockets, where x is the tech level(counting from one), Px for probes, Sx for orbital stations and SBx for ground bases), and combine with the following incredibly unimaginative names:

<place>Exp - Orbital-ONLY explorer vessel (R6 DunaExp, R7 JoolExp, R8 MohoExp).

<place>Land / <place>LandX - Lander vessel (X is the one-shot version, without the X, a refuel-able / re-usable lander)

<place>Stat / <place>Base - Stations and bases (S6 MunStat, SB7 MinBase)

Rescue - A kerbal rescue vessel for contracts

<place>Taxi - A small semi-automated vessel for moving kerbals around in <place> orbit.

Stations traditionally get renamed to a short form of <place> x, where x is the iteration of that station (Min 1, Mun 2)

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Plane Names:

Phoenix, X-Wing, Scatterblast, Big Bird, Mini-plane, Small Bird, That's a Bomber, Sky Fly

Rocket Names:

Atmos, Avalon, Blast Off, Pryo, Whee!, Ohh God, Mun Impactor, Mun Lander, Mun Rescue Craft, Interstellar

My best series is the Interstellar, which for the individual rockets, I give them galaxies.Example, Interstellar Andromeda. Or I name them, Interstellar Jool or something

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Any craft that is just testing out an idea or a part and isn't really going anywhere is X-1, X-1A, X-2, etc.

Satellites, Stations, or Bases get relevant names. My box-formation of LKO communication satellites are KSAT M1, KSAT M2, KSAT MM1, KSAT MM2. M1 & M2 have dishes targeting Mun, MM1 & MM2 have dishes targeting Minmus.

Mission craft get named after US Navy Destroyers. It's a pretty long list so it will take me a long time to use it up, and even if I do I'll probably go through the list again with Fletcher II, Radford II, etc.

I'm not very creative.

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Everything in my spaceprogram is named after creatures or people or other things from ancient Greece or Greek mythology.

Complete rockets are cataloged with a letter from the geek alphabet (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta...)

Upper stages are named after Greek philosophers (Plato, Aristotle, Socrates)

Probe programe's are named after creatures an deities from Greek mythology (Eos, Selene, Asbolus)

Maned space programs are named after Greek Hero's (Ajax, Achilles, Heracles)

Except my Mun program, which i dubbed Olympia (and each of the individual missions named after one of the Olympians Zeus,Rhea, Aphrodite)

The orbiters from my spaceshuttle fleet are named after Greek kings from the Iliad (Odysseus, Agamemnon, Menelaus ,Nestor)

I'm about to start an interplanetary maned space program, not sure what i will name it though. Might name it after the Titans.

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I'm just looking for ideas to name my rockets that have different objectives, for example I named my program that dealt with orbiting and collecting science from Kerbin the Renegade Program. And for Minmus I named the program Discovery. I'm just looking for some names to use to christen my new programs that are going to be heading to new and uncharted areas for me at least. Any ideas? :huh:

I use greek/roman/norse pantheons for names.

For example my mun missions - Zeus booster, Athena command module, Aegis lander.

My Laythe mission - Slepnir booster, Thor command module, Gungnir lander.

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