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[1.12.x] TRP-Hire (formerly KSI Hiring)


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@TheReadPanda asked me to take over the mod, so I've done so.  Original thread is here:  http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/111412-121-trp-hire-formerly-ksi-hiring/&

This mod used to be formerly known as KSI-Hiring.

So right now it has the following features:

  • You can select the gender of your kerbal hires or make them random (male/female/random)
  • You can select the career of your kerbal.
  • You can select a number of kerbals to hire (1 to 10) but this is limited to what you can afford or what the Astronaut complex can hold in career mode.
  • You can set the kerbal Courage Stat (Higher is better!)
  • You can set the kerbal Stupidity Stat (Lower is better!)
  • You can set the kerbal Fearless attribute (On/Off - Game code calls this BadAss)
  • You can hire said kerbals with a hire button. If you are in career mode the various options you pick will change your cost.
  • In career mode you can hire level 0 kerbals without upgrading the complex, level 0&1 if you upgrade it once and 0, 1, and 2 if you have fully upgraded the complex. Note it costs more to hire more experienced kerbals.
  • If you are in career mode each kerbal that is MIA in a profession raises the cost of that profession by 5%. If you are in a mode that results in KIAeach kerbal of that profession that is killed raises costs for that profession type by 10%.
  • Additional traits are now supported

Note the cost increases are cumulative, so two dead kerbals results in a 20% increase if they were both pilots. If you have a bunch of dead pilots but not a single dead scientist it should not effect the scientist costs.

New feature:  The Community Trait Icons mod is now supported, if installed an icon will be displayed next to the trait.


newAC.png <---New // Old --> oldAC.png

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Oh, there was a recompile? I didn't even get that. I had assumed there wasn't one for whatever reason based on a lack of posts here, so I was just using the version that i last downloaded like.... several months ago? So 0.6.2. Aside from the AVC popup, nothing was actually out of the ordinary. I should probably download that recompile, though lol

Edited by Lupi
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  On 10/23/2017 at 12:00 PM, Lupi said:

Oh, there was a recompile? I didn't even get that. I had assumed there wasn't one for whatever reason based on a lack of posts here, so I was just using the version that i last downloaded like.... several months ago? So 0.6.2. Aside from the AVC popup, nothing was actually out of the ordinary. I should probably download that recompile, though lol


Well, when AVC tells you it's out of date, did you even think to check to see if it was updated?  AVC is a tool, if you don't use it, it won't do anything for you

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@linuxgurugamer  The formula for stock hiring cost is 150n2+12350n (wiki/Astronaut_Complex), so maybe it should be more stock alike?

For example, "normal" kerbal (KCourage = 50, KStupidity =50) hiring cost equals to stock, then it go up and down. Something like that:

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Edited by flart
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  On 10/25/2017 at 11:28 AM, flart said:

@linuxgurugamer  The formula for stock hiring cost is 150n2+12350n (wiki/Astronaut_Complex), so maybe it should be more stock alike?

For example, "normal" kerbal (KCourage = 50, KStupidity =50) hiring cost equal stock hiring, then it go up and down. Something like that

private int costMath()
  float basecost = <STOCK,  150*n*n+12350*n>;
  float couragecost = basecost * ( KCourage  /200.0 - 0.25); // if 0<KCourage<100,  -0.25*basecost < couragecost < 0.25*basecost
  float stupidcost =  basecost * (-KStupidity/200.0 + 0.25);
  float cost =   basecost + couragecost + stupidcost;

  if (KFearless == true)    { cost *= 2;    }                // badass gets x2
  if (<gender> != <random>) { cost *= 1.25; }                // pay for choosing gender
  DCost = 1 + (KDead * 0.1f);                                // don't know what it is.

  float diffcost = HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.Career.FundsLossMultiplier; // don't know what it is.
  double currentcost = cost * (KLevel + 1) * DCost * diffcost * KBulki; // Is "KBulki" counter of purchased kerbals? 
                                                                        // Maybe some discount for buying many kerbals?
  return Convert.ToInt32(currentcost);




The mod as written does a pretty good job of having a reasonable cost to hire.  Yes, the base cost is higher, but with what you propose, the 150*n*n+12350*n where n = number of kerbals already hired,  makes it very exponentially more expensive to hire more kerbals, which doesn't make sense.  The mod eliminates that by establishing a base cost of 25000 to hire, which is more than it costs to hire your first kerbal, but after the second kerbal is hired, the cost just gets unrealistic.  I also don't understand what you mean by  the entire expression, commas are not part of any  mathematical expression that I know of.

If you like the stock way, then use stock.  This is a well balanced alternative which I did not write, am just maintaining.  Why not contact @TheReadPanda and discuss this with him, since he is the original author, and is still around.

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  On 10/25/2017 at 12:31 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

base cost is higher, but with what you propose, the 150*n*n+12350*n


It's just wiki info, possibly outdated, I talk about stock formula, whatever it is.


  On 10/25/2017 at 12:31 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

commas are not part of any  mathematical expression


It was just ill-formed pseudo code, edited for clarify (and let's not talk about dark side :))


Also (and at least), some config-file for users with these or those values would be helpful

And it can be checkboxed, for something like that

float basecost;
if (is_checkbox_constant)
 basecost = 25000 ;
 basecost = _STOCK_ ; //  150*n*n+12350*n or whatever it is


Edited by flart
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  On 10/25/2017 at 3:44 PM, flart said:

@linuxgurugamer Are you forget to add Issues tab to your repo?

@TheReadPanda  There is proposal (pseudocoded _IS_CHECKBOX_CONSTANT_ and _STOCK_):

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Issues now there

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New beta release: 0.6.4-beta:

Only available by direct download on Github:  https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/PHS/releases/tag/0.6.4-beta

  •     Following changes submitted by @yalov:
    •         checkbox for stock cost system
    •         bulk purchase discounts (≥5 kerbals is 15% and 10 kerbals is 30%),
    •         BlackMunday discount (day when eclipse occurs),
    •         New Year discount;
    •         pay x1.25 for choosing gender (male of female),
    •         change default gender to random;
    •         pay x2 for badass (they pretty unique and should be expensive);
    •         low quality kerbal (Stupidity = 100, Courage = 0) gets x0.5,
    •         high quality kerbal (Stupidity = 0, Courage = 100) gets x2.
  •     Following changes by LGG:
    •         Added settings page
    •             Settings page includes:
    •                 KStockCost = false;
    •                 const_cost = 25000;
    •                 fearless_coef = 2f;
    •                 gender_coef = 1.25f;
    •                 bulk_discount1 = 15f;
    •                 bulk_discount2 = 30f;
    •                 black_discount = 10f;
    •                 new_year_discount = 50f;
    •         Removed the Stock Center button and put it into the Settings page
    •         Made all new settings fully configurable
    •         Added Disable All Modifiers
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