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Everything posted by Frank_G

  1. I still want a simple two directional motor to build ramps, rotors and robotic arms... and the planet surfaces could use a little love, with some more stuff to find and a cloud system...
  2. I started playing shortly before .21 was released and joined the forums around version .23 if i recall that right.
  3. Dont step on the antennas, they hurt like hell
  4. The funny thing is, the Saturn V was actually capable of launching stuff to Mars... Von Braun was already one step ahead, but politics hit the brake again... We would have seen manned Mars landings in our early childhood, as Von Brauns Mars-Project was proposed in the 1950s...
  5. Some productive days... today, i tested a construction rover, that will assemble a base on Mun and Minmus. The baseparts were under construction for quite some time, but everything works fine now. All modules are pure stock as usual, but i used editor extensions to create those fuel line connectors (you can´t get them so far apart in the stock game, but you can load the finished pieces in an unmodded install - it would be really nice, if those unnecessary restrains would be removed by default). ...and what it will construct in the end:
  6. It´s been a very long time, since i posted some new craft here on the forums, but today i am finally back with some new stuff. Today, i´ve built an SSTO spaceplane that can reach 110 km orbit with a 32 ton payload and 1.000 m/s of ∆V of spare oomph left, close to 2.000 m/s when the 32 ton payload is delivered. It runs on 7 R.A.P.I.E.R engines and 2 NERVs. I use a visual mod, that slightly alters the appearance of some parts, but it is completely stock. Here are some pics and the craftfile. Enjoy. Edit: Keep a little oxidizer in the tank or RCS wont work in orbit. To do so, just finish the last bit of the ascent with the NERVs. Any info if the visual mod will interfere with Stock KSP would be appreciated. Thank you Edit 2: I have tested loading the craftfile into a stock install, after upgrading to 1.7. You will get a warning, but the craft loads fine. However the action groups did not move over completely, so good bye ReStock mod. I will upload a pure stock craftfile tomorrow. Edit 3: Craftfile now clean of any errors due to ReStock visual mod. Starlon Mk. II-2 craftfile
  7. Totally off topic, but i couldn´t stop laughing for minutes... such epic sentences are only possible here and they totally make sense. Thank you
  8. Developers who care about delivering a solid product are good developers. Take your time - your effort is really appreciated.
  9. The first thing? I failed miserably but with a loud laugh... ( that parachute staging thing, we all did )
  10. Getting back from Eve... like in the olde days, when we needed 12 - 15km/s of deltaV... Just get your stuff together and do it man... https://imgur.com/a/ZZXfD
  11. My best / worst mission failure? This here: After assembling this thing in orbit, which took a dozen launches, all that was left was the heatshield... and then the Kraken struck... I spent seconds, if not minutes staring at the screen, before i started laughing. I never repeated the mission. Instead i got back to the drawing board and designed something new. Which resulted in the Duna Trek mission, which is still my favorite mission to date.
  12. Good luck on your future endeavors . Full speed ahead and enjoy whatever you do!
  13. After so many years, this is still my most favorite thread. Thank you Raptor9 for your inspiring work
  14. Thank you @valens! Designing compact stuff is so much fun! Your glider looks very nice, both packed and assembled. Good luck on Duna! I´d still love to see a simple configurable rotation motor part for KSP, so we can build electric propellers (and ramps, robotic arms, artificial gravity systems and and and...) without the need of spending dozens of parts on creating a custom one.
  15. That sounds pretty awesome. Enjoying 1.4.x and the DLC a lot these days!
  16. PC means PC and Mac, or really only PC? (which would be no problem for me, but good to know).
  17. Hmm... i played KSP for years straight and will return to it, once the Update is released... the price is absolutely okay for the bang you get out of the game (and out of your rockets).
  18. They are given to the kraken, so they can be reborn and return to the flight roster. It is an ongoing cycle.
  19. I play with stock parts, but use Kerbal Engineer Redux and Editor Extensions, because it offers me more freedom in my creations. I like to compare my creations with others though, so i have to stay with the stock part catalogue. I really wish for a stock controllable rotational electric motor though, for creating ramps, rotors, deployment mechanisms, robotic arms and such things, without having to refer to mods.
  20. Do not tempt me... i am playing Elite Dangerous at the moment :D... This looks really great. I especially like, how you designed the connection trusses, made from fuel lines only. Have you used an offset tool to create them or are the build on the fly using KAS or so? Regardless, its incredible work. Keep it goin´.
  21. Well, you can easily exchange the tanks (specs are identical), because that is everything i used and then get rid of the mod.
  22. I used Porkjets legacy parts. They are stock value, but use different models which look a lot better, but i didn´t thought of such problems when i used them. Two posts above i posted a link where you can get the models. I will stop using them in upcoming craft.
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