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Everything posted by AntiMatter001

  1. thanks. now the only thing keeping me back is my lack of programming knowlagde
  2. not too sure if anyone would want something like this but it's a good idea to pass around incase kerbals get guns/ rockets http://imgur.com/a/tde7X#0 it shows a cargo plane i made for duna restocked to fit kerbal paratroopers for future attack. contains pics of plane, set up and also pre- and post deployment. all in all 5 out of 20 kerbals made it so it's ok for what it is. also that tank isn't going that fast and judging by that i'm guessing speed is it's weakness... also range... (also by quick glances a well timed propelled bomb down the back would make it slightly less... portected.) but then again i'm not a good shot with tanks perfering to outnumber a person rather than out gun them.
  3. can someone help me out? i'm trying to get my afterglow xbox 360 wired controller to work with my linux computer (ubuntu latest build) and i've installed xboxdrv... but it's not working with anything... including KSP... just as a side note i've never played any computergame with an xbox controller so this is the first time i've tried messing around with it so any help would be apericiated. EDIT results: i typed "xboxdrv" into my terminal and it pops up with "error no xbox or xbox360 controllers found" so now what do i do o.o
  4. did uhh anyone else get a really vivid dream where this was already released and ksp just became beautiful again... well even more beautiful than it already is i mean...
  5. ah... i removed plugindata folder altogether... ah... *blush* well i'll uhhh... i'll be putting that up to test now... uhhh... ops...
  6. uhm i'm just gonna put this here for people who arn't that good at maths and whare a bit stuck with the engine ratio being 1.1:0.9 (or is it 0.9:1.1? idk) divide it by two to get 0.55:0.45 (or 0.45:0.55) and divide the total resources from the given tank you want to edit/modify and you'll get the total units of the tank without much trouble. e.g: you have a tank of 400 liquid fuel but you want to make it suitable for a rocket. so you open up the .cfg and peek in... you see that it's total units of LF are 400. the ratio for the engine is 1.1:0.9 (which it was for me) so you divide the ratio by 2 to get 0.45:0.55 which is more managable and at the end when you get the amount of LF and oxydizer if you add the two together you get the total which was as it is before you mkodded it (400) if anyone knows what i mean and can explain it better please do... i didn't find this out for a week
  7. roll over! roll over! there's a good boy! who's a good boy? yes you are! yes yesh you are you adorable thing! XD sorry i have a dog at home but when he begs and doesn't get what he wants he just looks down and keeps just looking at us with this very sad look every few mintues and if we walk away he follows us. but when he does get what he wants he jumps about the place
  8. check out infnidices mod. if you already have it then idk but i'm not sure DYJ is really doing this mod anymore.
  9. lack the skid and the small landing gear don't sync too well when you put em on a craft. i tried making this: http://imgur.com/Ea1Fvd4 but it didn't work as you can see... help? i've tried action groups with the same problem...
  10. ... what about cortanna?... (Halo games for those of you who don't know)
  11. and modern day robotics. we can make em walk... just not very fast... and even then only with four+ legs. bipedidal robotics is a lil hard and still under reaserch. oh also i hit 1715 m/s but that's during reentry of a craft that i made specificly for high speed reentry (so i could lose minimal thrust, it's a plane) but to be honest i don't count that a win because under the circumstances it was measured just before i hit the ground... hard...
  12. don't worry, by the time these tracks are released they'll be good and fixed. now on to dev!: textures: they don't appear right... in the VAB/SPH they do but if i launch em they come out looking like they're stretched out and the mark 5s just sink through the ground now :/ i'll try get my log up and some pictures but being a freelance photography on the sidelines is pretty rough on my muscles and my nerves... i only got to play KSP for about half an hour today (damn...) anyway i'll try and see if i can narrow it down so i get back with more well informed info.
  13. i wish i could think of a snitty remark to make about that but i gotta admit that was funny. anyway release? HELL YES! i want so badly this mod my words no sound good more no.
  14. .... (EDIT: nevermind it was a stupid joke) (i was joking about the comment above so please ignore it.) yeah i'm getting the same problem and i've (EDIT) un-installed (almost) all my mods to try and fix it to no avail... i was so looking forward to using the docking port parachutes too...
  15. ok i'm back after applying your fix and it does work with stock KSP but if i add all my mods and this it just replaces the plugindata and screws up again. i did manage to get it working in the end to "dockingport1" (sheilded docking port) by selecting bits of your code from the .cfg and putting it into the dockport1.cfg folder and it works fine (idk why) so thanks anyway for your help but i got it working my own way in the end oh just a question but would it be posible to run your mod but remove select .dlls and .cfgs (like if i wanted to remove the tweakable docking port part of the mod) would it break the mod or would it work but i'm responsible for my own game afterward?
  16. oh so it's AA? i didn't know that... anyway uhm there was a post a few posts back about not being able to undock two craft if you placed em docked in the VAB/SPH. just wanna say i get the same problem.
  17. tygoo7 i can't download your part... (i'm frustrated sorry) could you posibly put it somewhere else? (mediafire or whatever?)
  18. just want to know but since this has come so far... do you have any ETA? or could i posibly just uhm get it to mess around with?... maybe... (was thinking of cargo box inside B9 cargobay with parachute so i could air drop supplies to my mineing base on eve.... (i have 3 bases one of which is in dire need of food)
  19. hate to be the one to ask this but starvision i actually would like your probe body... not as in in the votes but to have... (sorry i like starvisions probe too ) if you could pm me it or whatever that would be great ^.^
  20. sorry if this has been answered before but novapunch does not like this mod.... both the 2m pod and 3.5m pods which come with trunks clip through them when you put them onto the launch pad and you get a bunch of null execptions in the log when you try to revert it. i know it's this mod because i added a mod at a time until this was the only one remaining and it had no sideeffects until i added this mod... if you need any more info just ask i'll happily break my saves millions of times over just so you guys can try get this problem fixed. my thoughts is that maybe it's the inbuilt decoupler in the trunk config but i could be wrong. anyway i gotta hit the hay... blender and beer don't play nice with eachother at all. Antimatter001 signing off
  21. uhm... great now i'm a resident necromancer... me thinkies this is dead... also is there a license for this mod? if so what is it? (i was working on some decouplers and seperators for this mod... got the models and meshes done in blender so i just wanted to know if i could post them)
  22. that looks like the models (and meshes) are done so all they need is importing... i don't know why people don't just, if they don't have time, hand them out as open source and say "hey do what you will but you know, say you got the models from me" but then again i'd wouldn't want that so meh.
  23. ... i'm amased at how... compact... you guys can come up with things... i just dipped into blender and i came out with a sore throat and a head ache
  24. love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it sorry for spam but i just wanna say it a million time now. great parts
  25. there are some extenable bocking ports in tyberdynes shuttle mod which work ok... but then again i've never used them with this shuttle... (to be honest since it first came out i've only ever flown this 10 times then just went on to constructing my own shuttles)
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