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Everything posted by AntiMatter001

  1. hmmm ok i'll mess around some more and see if i can't get this thing working. (<- by this i mean just uninstalling this mod and putting the money in by hand thanks for your help though)
  2. ok i'll complain to squad. lol sorry i don't think i made it clear. it's the big BACC rokomax boster(RT-20, costs 700). it gives me -320 when i recover it...
  3. hmm intresting. but in the KSC++ you can't collide with the runway lights o.O unless your talking about the ones at the very corners of the runway but those are default lights.
  4. one thing i dislike aout this mod is that if you have kethane or EPL and your in career you can fill up your tanks with kethane or rocketparts just by pressing "refill resources" even if you haden't mined that resource in the game yet...
  5. pretty sure it was supposed to be put into GameData but if you have the original tracks.dll then it's supposed to overwrite it. (where ever that .dll is)
  6. i have a problem of my own. just skimming through the text i've seen that the big solid fuel booster is giving me -3200 rather than plus...
  7. uhm is there a way to not compress the new flags and contract pictures? i hate seeing those blurry things and want it clear. ok i just turned the squad .cfg file in boulder.co to "false" so ATM shouldn't affect it... but... the agencies are still blurry. what the frig? *grumbles* ok after putting my resolution to "full res" and turning ATM off on the squad folder now the flags and agencies appear clear.... maybe make this a tweakable in the .cfg for the future?
  8. uhm also there still is TouhouTorpedos Mk3 IVA which works well with the stock Mk3 and also the B9 Mk5. i'm not sure if TT is still doing his mods or if he's still doing the "no curseforge" thing. EDIT: nevermind. TT still doesn't want to release his mods because of squads decision on deleting spaceport. sorry
  9. hmmm i saw this and was thinking if there was a way to get kerbtown to somehow put objects... IN SPACE! so you could have this orbiting kerbin as a static object (then again just hyperediting it up is also good...)
  10. i'm happy about this... but also scared that this WILL be better than kethane and majir will just give up on it then i'll be without a mod that i practicly grew up (in KSP) with... oh well all worries aside i wish you all the luck and hope one day i'll find this good enough to download right now i think it's still undergoing alot of part additions and implementations to it so i'll hang back and see what this turns into. hopefully it turns into something grand... i don't like to see mods going down the drain but, judging from your D.E.R.P. pod i think it's safe to say this mod is in the right hands. so once again good work so far and keep cracking on! (i don't mean any disrespect if i offened anyone with this post. i'm not a ver good conversationalist)
  11. but... you ARE allowed to PM it. or so i think o.O
  12. sirkut sorry to be a pain but the toolbar images for IR are small/fuzzy. do you mind checking them out to see what the problem is?
  13. oh yeah didn't think of that. well looks like a long day of .cfg editing for me to get it working... (damn...) oh just because this little guy is so damn cute (and deadly) here's: The Critter Killer it has a parachute,a mechjeb module, a box of ammo and some RTGs inside the cone.(it's head) and it looks like an egg! woot! i'll be keeping them as secruity around the complex.
  14. BahamutoD: uhm are you thinking of making these tweakscale compatible? also does anyone have a quick guide on how to make a MM tweakscale.cfg for this? i ask because i love this mod and thought the small turrets that look like blocks (forgot the name ) could be tweakscaled up and the firerate lengthed so it would be like some HW(HomeWorld) and HW2 dradnaughts/battle cruisers main guns. thanks!
  15. hmmm... you might want to check the folders Mr.wizard and make sure the SXT tweakscale config is there and also the LLL tweakscale configs. i'm not sure if i did something wrong or if they weren't there because i had to re download them (the LLL tweak.cfgs) and rename the SXT one (it was named Tweakscale.backup)
  16. and @ lo-fi: good arguments/answers both of you. it must be my craft designs. anyway thanks but no thanks i won't mess with torque curves otherwise i'll kill lots of kerbals. i'll just have to re-configure my rovers to either have 8 wheels or settle for stock great mod and keep up the good work (should put this as my sig, i say it too often )
  17. OPENSOURCE IT! i love opensource because it means the mod doesn't die and it means we can just hack at it the way we want to good job!
  18. if it has no lience then shouldn't it be ok to at least put a media fire link up with the authors name given in the modfile just to make it safe? if not could anyone PM me the parts?
  19. thanks alot! this is what i wanted and yes it took my a comple of attepts but i would highly suggest a target on the model because i repeatedly just destroyed my craft when i tried telelporting to it. @OrbitusII: thanks that'll get me into modding. i need a new hobby since my RL modeling has had a shocking stop (due to the shop burning down) so thanks!
  20. i would very much like that. i tired making an invisable object as a spwanpoint which i could place anywhere but that just didn't work for me. @ AlphaAsh: thanks for that i tested it out but i only want something that i can freely place anywhere on kerbin to act as a spawn point for my crafts. great mod though. keep it up.
  21. just a heads up but uhh the LLL 12.2 folder doesn't have the tweakscale .cfg files. i had to go back a few posts to get them.
  22. ah i see what you mean, thanks. (sorry for double posting. it won't let me edit my previous post for some reason.
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