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Everything posted by AntiMatter001

  1. "-Blender, Gimp and Unity are all free but you can use any software you like." sorry for double posting but... i'm screwed... i don't think unity is on linux yet and if it is please show me... i'd really like to get modding and i think this "open mod" weeks will help me alot... my textures may be crap and my models high in tris but my soul and heart will bleed before i truly give this up... ok i give up... JK
  2. -jaw falls off- hats off to the people making this and the werid and simple and sometimes similar ideas your coming up with! EDIT: nvm i re-read the first post. what's the next challange gonna be and are you going to keep the links up for download?
  3. hmmm in futture maybe copy the code that the nasa pack uses for logos and ****... kinda nice for those who don't want to be tagged on (like in ksp now on the pack there is a lil flag logo (of your flag) on the pack.)
  4. i've been dipping in and out of this mod for quite some time and would like to ask what would i have to do to just remove the cog smbol on the steampunk pack? (i like it but i dislike being seen with a symbol that is someone elses so i usually stay blank)
  5. ah so it's "throw it at the wall and see what sticks" eh? ok ok i'll be back with my findings to let other people know. EDIT: got it working! thanks! but i'm encountering the same problem as the other guys perivously stated. if you have multiple rotatrons (or rotahubs in this case) instead of rotating at their joint they rotate as if the joint is in the middle of the two rotatrons (i'll get pics up tomorrow but thanks alot for what you've done and what your continuing to do!)
  6. i'm not trying to be mean here but if you find a bug please post pictures and or craft files (like sirkut has already said) if you do this then the bugs will be ironed out very quickly (or at least quicker to find) please don't post "this doesn't work cuz i putted it here and it goes there" it's not very helpful :/ if you go back a few posts you'll see lots of people have posted pictures (explaining what is wrong with one sentence) and also included craft files... i thought this was a great idea and would like to see it used instead of half a million people posting "this bugs out" or "this is buggy... is this really fixed?" it's a beta... B.E.T.A. sorry for that lil rant also how do i get the dromoman parts working? i got them ingame now do i just install your plugin or is there a .cfg edit i have to download too?
  7. uhm quick question. the beta build and fix for dromoman... do the dromoman parts work flawlessly or not? if not i guess i could give testing them a bash.
  8. ok i knew you were gonna do a beta but do a beta AND a fix for dromomans parts? now your just being god-like!
  9. i've posted this before with no replys so i'm posting it again (it's been a few weeks) so any help?
  10. huh i thought within the month i gave this it would be a little more "alpha ready" than it is. oh well it still looks good!
  11. "We're giving all that she's got Captain!" i finally got it working... but it has two of everything in the VAB menu? WTF i'm an idiot for not getting this to work properly!
  12. DAMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNN~~~ yeah those look real good and are also slightly what i expected them to look like O.o oddly enough
  13. i would very much like to see this released... i was just thinking about fizz's "let's pretend it works with hyperedit" and wanted to ask: what would we need to do to get it to work like MassEffects warpgate? couldn't we somehow use interstellor to replicate that "warp" effect with ships from one gate to another?... i'm just asking here because i read all the posts (and saw some stargate and Masseffect references) and was thinking about how intersteller did warps n stuff. i'd like to be able to warp like in intersteller but don't want all those nasty parts...
  14. i'm really glad this mod is getting so much attetion and that it's getting fixed so fast O.O i'd love to help but i have no clue how robotics work irl (yet... i'm doing a course on it) also i have my hands full (testing RBI Tracks and also some mods from "RimWorld")
  15. i didn't see that... now i can't stop seeing it :/ damn. also love what your doing i'm glad the old parts aren't forgotten about
  16. CRAP the weld tool/plugin doesn't work for me (some odd reason) but yeah that would be awesome also don't worry about sounding pissed off. it's a very common mistake cuz we're not talking in real life.
  17. Whoops sorry i didn't mean to be an ass... as i'm saying this i'm being more of an ass sorry... anyway i'm still using 0.23 (i NEED IR) i just thought you were in 0.23.5 sorry but anyway your tanks are awesome. i wish i could do something like that. it must of taken time and alot of in and out of pictures to get it like that (except the VTOL part. i gotta admit that part is awesome)
  18. uhm i'm just asking but couldf i use the already avalible tanks and just re-configure them to use rocket fuel etc? also an idea: decouplers on the nodes on the parts/containers so you can pop em off if need be
  19. @Taniwha: uhm just a heads up NP (novapunch) doesn't work well with this... all the comand pods keep cliping through the trunks of, say, the thor lander etc. any help? i've already posted on the NP thread but i may as well post here incase there was a fix.
  20. ok Tiberion (wait is this name from C&C tiberion wars?) it's EPL that's doing it not KJR i just installed all mods and as soon as i removed EPL it didn't clip through the trunk so ya... sorry for misleading there
  21. sorry Tiberion i was wrong and you were right... during my testing i've installed most of my previous mods with no trouble... now i fear that installing KJR will make the pod go bad and just clip through the bottom "trunk" part...
  22. wait the pegasus was and is broken? it seems to work fine for me... albeit i use B9 landing wheels and just use it as a shuttle but still...
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