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Everything posted by Buzzou

  1. The best thing you could do is delete the Squad parts, NASA mission and Spaceplane Plus parts, and install B9, KW rocketry and a few other mods to replace the parts. seriously. The squad folder alone is 763Mb on disk, i deleted almost all of the parts and now it's 91.9Mb. I deleted all of the ugly stock fuel tanks and engines, + the NASA mission folder and replaced them with KW rocketry (only 200Mb on disk). Deleted all of the stock wings, landing gear and the Spaceplane Plus folder, and replaced them with B9 Aerospace (only 105Mb on disk). Deleted all of the lander cans & capsules (and their ugly, large Mb internals) and replaced it with the ALCOR pod (only 26.5Mb on disk) KW and B9 also have batteries, lights, structural panels, ladders, seperatrons, decouplers, SAS, RCS etc that can replace the stock versions. Procedural parts is also excellent to replace stock and save space on disk. Keep doing this for other parts - delete the stock parachutes and install realchutes, change the stock launch clamp for FASA launch clamps etc. also cherry-pick parts from different mods to replace the stock ones - AIES for probe cores and experiments, Near future for solar panels, batteries, ions, RTG's etc etc. You will almost always find that the mod parts look better and have a smaller file size. In the end you can free up a lot of space in your GameData folder, or at least have double the amount of better looking parts for the same memory footprint. Oh and delete Mechjeb and replace it with Engineer - you will learn how to play the game
  2. Literally 10 seconds in google http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91721-Rocket-r7 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79797 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47765 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88045 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76241-8K82K-aka-PROTON-(OLDD-in-USSR)-v-0-5-(12-05-14) The Proton and N1 are by the same guy that contributed to FASA, so yeah, same quality. I don't think they work in 0.25 though...
  3. why don't you just design your rover to fit the gap in the ramp, rather than tweaking the ramp to work with your rover?
  4. This Luna-17 pack has one http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47765-Space-Factory and i'm pretty sure one of the H.O.M.E packs has an inline garage for base building, i think it's the first (legacy) pack.. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81754
  5. ahh i'm an idiot, i attached a fuel tank directly to it instead of a decoupler... yeah it works perfectly now. nice work btw, it looks great
  6. i can't seem to jettison the shroud, using action groups or right-clicking the heatshield and clicking 'jettison' doesn't work. Decouple works, but the heatshield is still stuck to the shroud... what am i doing wrong?
  7. oh, and Dmagic has a pretty good surface sample drill...
  8. This mod has a Philae inspired probe klaw that works on asteroids, the rest you can make out of cores and static solar panels... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79675
  9. awesome, the new engines are great, but i prefer the look of the old ones, especially that heat tint on the large engine... can you give the old engines the new FX and sounds? they are a big improvement.
  10. Just use procedural fairings, and exercise some self restraint - use appropriate fairing base sizes relative to the payload. In other words, don't use a 1.25m fairing base for a 20m diameter payload. Use procedural parts if you want fuel tanks that will match fairing bases larger than 5m.
  11. here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94638
  12. i always follow this set up, works perfectly. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/1497-List-of-places-biomes-hights-Kerbal-planetary-geology-and-geography)?goto=prev
  13. Near Future propulsion has a 2.5m cluster of 12 ion engines http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52042
  14. look what popped up today... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99066-Extraplanetary-Quadcopter
  15. so basically you just want to cheat and give every part a ridiculously high impact tolerance? just go and edit all the .cfg's for the parts.
  16. Near Future Electrical has a slightly bigger RTG that may suit your needs. if not at least it looks better than the stock one... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52042
  17. every mining part i've seen (Kethane, karbonite, Baha EPL) was a drill/auger. I'd love to see something different like in those pics though.
  18. Porkjet's inflatable habs has a 2.5m base mount that has retractable landing legs
  19. you should send a PM to Ippo, maybe he can code some of your ideas into his Dang it! mod http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81794-0-25-Alpha-4-4-Dang-It!-Now-with-perks!-(23-october)
  20. This mod tinkered with ZZZ's greenhouse to make it work with TAC. not sure if it still works though... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79603-dead-CELSS-Greenhouse-(TAC-Life-Support-Add-On-Version-0-1-beta)
  21. well that depends on the mod you want to make, is it a plugin? a parts mod? This thread should point you in the right direction... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94638
  22. a long time ago a modder actually made the destination moon rocket, not sure it it still works... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/12928-WIP-Destination-Mun
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