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Everything posted by Cerberus738

  1. I'm working at finding all the anomolies on the mun. So far i've found 4 markers using scansat but haven't been down to visit any. currently have a fuel depot on route to the mun with the lander standing by to launch once the station is set up. land plant flags. decide what to do with the site and return to the station for fuel... repeat! after that... on to minmus!!!
  2. I never thought of using RCS. If i just put a couple of ports on the underside of the nose. i wonder if that would be enough.
  3. Ha ha.. yeah an oversight until i got to the landing part. it launched fine... ha ha ha ha. didn't even think about it until i couldn't tell where my vector was coming down. but success! So i just built the Hamster Mk II. 4.56t at launch. 37 parts. took some inspiration from your design barenwaste. do i get in trouble for highjacking my own thread???
  4. So i got rid of the rover wheels and just used cubic octagonals to hold it in place. its oddly stable lol. i took it into the hills west of ksc and took a really sharp turn after doing some jumps and it jackknifed.... sadly the legs broke off so i can't get under it again. i switched to empty rcs tanks because they have a higher crash tolerance. should probably move the hitch forward so its more in the center of the 2 axles. it tends to flip the nose up the way it is now. also need stronger legs to lift it clear when unhitching. another problem is controlling the trailer brakes. the trailer doesn't slow down when you hit the brakes so it gets all flippy ha ha ha. i might try something with KAS to give me control of the trailer brakes.
  5. i'm not sure how to send you the craft file..... give me a few minutes k i think i figured it out http://www./view/r3whxzipm7gwm36/DT_Truck_&_Trailer.craft let me know if that works. it was created in the SPH http://www./view/hphztc8sjvkli23/PT_Trailer_Hitch.craft there is the hitch subassembly originally made in the VAB
  6. as you can see from the last picture the trailer doesn't stay in the center of the hitch... some redesign is in order. however it did stay attached to that one wheel and i drove it around for a long time.
  7. there's a bulky bearing. the top part spins freely against the bottom part after they separate. might be able to make it smaller.
  8. What if you had the truck and trailer as separate vehicles and just rested the trailer inside a bearing of some sort. you could have it fully articulate that way. i might try and build that..... i'll post a pic if i come up with anything
  9. I've used KAS for a while now. The cables are nice but i don't use them in DOCKED mode. they get reeeeaaally wonky and explode stuff lots. For fuel transfer i always use the pipes. you have to have a pipe end point on each craft. use your kerbal right click an endpoint and select link. then right click the other end point and link again. it connects the 2 ships together. if your kerbal is in the way of where the pipe will be once the ends are connected (or any other parts) you will get an explosion. once you are done use your kerbal and right click the endpoint and unlink. bingo!!! as for towing... like Geschosskopf said... parking your towing vehicle and winching the payload closer is the best way to go. i expect your plane is flipping backwards because you are pulling from the bottom. it gives it a bit of upward force and its probably enough to tip it back on the landing gear. i prefer the electromagnet. i always have problems getting the grapple to detach. then once its detached i can't get it locked back on the winch to eject it again. just annoying so i never use them. they are very nice for anchoring stuff to the ground though!! also the electromagnet you can set to a action group to have it turn off and release your payload. remember you need power for it... also for the winched to work.
  10. Hey Claw!!! I made a fun little "plane". it has no wings.... so i dunno if its still a plane ha ha ha. I set up a powered orbit at 53km. Just enough air to get 1kn of thrust from the engine. Made 1 full orbit and on the second orbit attempted a landing at KSC. Totally botched the landing sequence and ended up waaaaay east of KSC.... no save to go back to... hopefully we make it to land?! Uh... Nedming? Please sit up straight in your chair.... It's going to be a bumpy landing... Jeeez. lazy kerbals. So Nedming just stayed relaxed in his lazy boy command chair the whole way to the ground! It was actually pretty tricky. I use the navball a lot and for this landing it was pretty much useless. you should all be proud of me!!!
  11. 72 units of fuel seems impressively small! I think I need to try that. I have a vtol with 300 units and it can only make it half way around. Me thinks lack of intakes are to blame. It can only run engines up to 25000 but gets up to 1800m/s
  12. Ha ha yeah the one I'm talking about is supposed to be somewhere near the southern peak of the mountain range directly west of ksc. I've been using Scansat to find anomalies and it marks one there but I can't find it. I read somewhere that it's floating way up in the sky around there .lol
  13. There's one a couple km north of the ksc runway... it's that the one you are talking about?
  14. I've found the pyramids and the ufo in 0.23. First time for me! The UFO is underground if you don't have the terrain detail on default. Thought that was odd. I've left my setting in default and the pyramids are sitting properly. The crater monolith is below ground. Just a corner sticks up. The only one I can't find is the monolith due west of ksc. My understandingsis that it's floating way up but I haven't been able to find it.
  15. Just out of curiosity... why do you have the air intakes in your design? just for aesthetics? If so.. you should toggle them closed to reduce the drag they produce. Just a suggestion. it looks wobbly... ha ha. was it fun to launch?
  16. It seems that a secret division of the government did not follow orders..... I had to redesign from the ground up... BUT after reading the suggestions from everyone and that page on spaceplane design I had a successful test flight!!! It's stable at 27000. goes sufficiently fast and it can land with no power!! its very exciting. I think a major problem with the other design is that the center of thrust was above the center of lift and center of mass. as the air got thin it just kept pushing it over. also it seems that having wings too far forward causes problems at high altitude. It still has a large amount of wing area... i'm happy with it the way it is but if anyone has any suggestions on making it sleeker and possibly faster?? i'm open to suggestions! Also... its not meant to go into space.
  17. ah patience. I will go back to it. Its just sooooooooo frustrating!!!
  18. Well this project is officially abandoned. I've messed around with it and now i'm at the point where i can't even get it off the ground. Rage quit. Just gonna drop the stupid thing from space. i did just read that page. and i tried all of the suggestions on it. having lost my original design i'm too angry to continue. back to rockets
  19. Hey guys! I didn't abandon this thread! The girlfriend figured I could go at least one day without crashing something into another planet.... i disagreed with her but she won That plane is not meant to go into space. I've just started building planes and have been doing a lot of messing around on Kerbin. This particular plane is meant to deliver that orange tank to various airbases around the world. After reading all the posts I think my goal of a high altitude cruise, high speed delivery vehicle is unrealistic.... and disappointing i would like to understand the wing dynamics better. i just assumed more lift would help. It had trouble getting off the ground with 1 set of wings so i added another layer. it still didn't lift very well so i added the third layer. it performs well at low altitude but is way to slow to get around the planet. Claw. Thanks for all the suggestions! I'm about to load the game and do some messing around. It does not lift off the runway on its own. i have to pull up on the stick to get the nose up. does angling the wings up and down help this? I'm not entirely sure what you mean by my pitch trim state at take off? You mean do i have to have hold the pitch up or down to make it fly level? All engines are at full power.
  20. so i need more wing area? the wings are ridiculous already!!! it is 70t at take off so maybe that will fix the problem
  21. i have a feeling it just needs more control surfaces but maybe you peoples out there have some better insight. it controls fairly well at low altitude. as soon as i get above 13000 it starts to fall and pitch eventually locks all the way up and the only option i have is going back down. it keeps falling towards to prograde marker until at 23000 vertical velocity is going down. once it reaches 19000 it starts to climb back up again. pitch is locked the whole time. in a way its nice cause i can just point the plane in the direction i want to go and it just cruises up and down between 23000 and 1900.... but i would like to have control. also i would like it to have a cruising altitude of 30000 but i just can't get it that high.
  22. for anyone that cares here it is successfully deployed on the Mun!! "that's one small step for man, one giant line for admission"
  23. aaah! Great success! where would we be without KAS Thanks for the suggestions!
  24. i always forget about their jetpacks on planets ha ha ha. what about on kerbin... i was gonna scrap it after but its kinda cool and i want to keep it now. it works with the wheel broken but it jitters and i don't want it to break anymore!!
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