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Everything posted by Cerberus738

  1. I've done a horizontal landing on the Mun.... first coupe attempts were a disaster. I ended up having to land backwards and fire the main engine on touchdown to slow down. Trying to brake just caused my plane to flip one side or the other and then the low gravity caused it to bounce away... Then boom lol. Velocity would be more forgiving on minmus but Jack of traction would probably be a big problem. You might need a braking engine on the front. It wouldn't need to be that big I don't think.
  2. My first game i had debris on and actually ended up smashing into some garbage and destroying a mission to minmus... I actually laughed a little... since then i've taken care to leave as little as possible in space. In my current game i've had to turn debris off cause i need all the processing power i can get. If a ship crashes and ends up unflyable i just terminate it (i have a few kerbals floating around that need rescuing... ha ha ha)
  3. I launched a new test design using the 24-77 engine. it takes a lot of the little buggers.... but we had great success rescuing Philly Kerman from ~100km orbit Now headed for Kerbin station to wait for more passengers!
  4. sounds like the grappling hook from KAS....
  5. Ok just for fun i played with some numbers and flew some test flights.... Using the BACC srb as the starting point.... It has a mass of 7.875t and thrust rating of 315. 850 units of fuel. (not using the isp because i don't understand it completely) i calculate a burn time of 45.7s To get a comparable burn time with the mainsail you would need 2243 units of fuel (i'm only using liquid for calculations... just assume oxidizer is included With 12 FL-T400 and 2 FL-T100 i can have 2250 units of fuel and calculated burn time of 45.8s mass.....34.125t On to the launch test. (going straight up. gimbals locked. full throttle) First the SRB.. after adding a reaction wheel and probe core final launch mass 8.22t. after launch the srb burned for 48s final AP of 63km. Thrust to mass of 38.3 Mainsail... launch mass of 34.47t. burned for 50s. final AP of 253km. Thrust to mass of 43.5 I would say smaller rockets are better off using SRB to launch with no? Larger lifting rockets could absorb the weight needed to fuel a mainsail....
  6. My Hercules lift vehicle (70 ton payload to 100km orbit) uses 40 Solid boosters as the first stage. I use them just to lift off the pad and get up out of the thicker part of the atmosphere. It feels like i'm wasting less fuel that way. they are meant to be expendable anyways so i don't feel bad. except when i forget to start my turn early and they bomb KSC.... ha ha ha whoops.
  7. Are you talking about the one inside the crater? It's slightly underground and on the side of the crater wall. You can see just a corner of it sticking out. I have a pic of it but I'm not at home right now. The first time I went to the ufo on Kerbin it was underground too. After chasing the terrain detail settings it is back above ground.....
  8. Just wanted to say thanks for the info! I'd built a couple of planes but I think they flew purely by accident ha ha. With this I can consistently build planes that take off! High speed, high altitude still gives me trouble. Not for space planes but for planes that would just cruise through the atmosphere. Meh. After playing with wings for a while I've decided they are over rated.... none of my ssto designs have wings anymore lol
  9. K so here it is successfully landed and working on the mun. i've loaded it at least once since then. i think twice but can't remember for sure. anyways. i went to show my friend and when i loaded it the kraken was taking a ride! destruction follows. this is after the edits and a lot less of it falls apart. all the reaction wheels are disabled even though SAS still shows on and all the rover wheels have the brakes unlocked. luckily it was empty! while testing it at kerbin i had 16 kerbels on it and they all perished
  10. Hey Taki117. i Tried your suggestion. Making that line false makes the torque permanently disabled. you can't toggle it back on after. not with the mouse menu or with actionkeys. i found the 2 lines under it disable the wheel and make it so you can toggle it back on. Also at the very end of the parts list for the current craft there is a section labeled ACTIONGROUPS. I found that toggling SAS false in there turns SAS off in game. at least the light is back off. it doesn't seem to apply torque when its toggled false. There are some numbers after true/false toggles for some of the lines but i have no idea what they reference. MODULE { name = ModuleReactionWheel isEnabled = True stateString = Disabled WheelState = Disabled EVENTS { OnToggle { active = True guiActive = True guiIcon = Toggle Torque guiName = Toggle Torque category = Toggle Torque guiActiveUnfocused = False unfocusedRange = 2 externalToEVAOnly = True } } ACTIONS { Activate { actionGroup = Custom02 } Deactivate { actionGroup = Custom01, Custom10 } Toggle { actionGroup = None } } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIONGROUPS { Stage = False, 52434.3096341781 Gear = True, 54916.0886185439 Light = True, 52484.2096341701 RCS = False, 0 SAS = True, 373054.141885609 Brakes = False, 0 Abort = False, 0 Custom01 = False, 0 Custom02 = False, 0 Custom03 = False, 0 Custom04 = False, 0 Custom05 = False, 0 Custom06 = False, 0 Custom07 = False, 0 Custom08 = False, 0 Custom09 = False, 0 Custom10 = False, 0 } Just as a followup i cannot get this thing to load without flying apart. it's very upsetting. i've edited all the reaction wheels to be disabled and also edited all the rover wheels to have the brakes unlocked. It does help a little. less parts fall off. I've also changed the physics delta in the settings menu. setting it at 0.12 doesn't seem to cause any time slow down and it the construction holds together better. setting it down at 0.03 causes time dilation and also causes the construction to wobble and flip around everywhere. after messing around with everything it still breaks apart and is unusable. i'm thinking it's time for a redesign and relaunch ha ha ha. any other insight???
  11. Hi! So i have this ferris wheel that uses a lot of reaction wheels to spin. i've accidentally left SAS toggled on and now when i load it the reaction wheels tear it to peices. i need a way of turning the reaction wheels off until it loads properly and then i can turn them back on. i have tried loading it and quickly pressing T to turn off SAS but it breaks apart to fast. I know it loads fine because i've done it a few times. its only because i've left SAS on. I've thought of editing the persistent file and disabling all the torque wheels but after looking in it i'm at a loss as to which lines i need to change. any help would be appreciated!!!
  12. I just need a really nice helmet and i should be fine right? weeeeee!
  13. Dunno if you know this but you have to move the ports away from each other after undocking to get the magnets to reset. I think minimum is 20m not sure exactly. If you've saved and reloaded already I assume it would save it in it's inactive state and you will have to edit your save file.
  14. The symmetry gets wonky if you have parts horizontal in the vab and vertical in the sph. It should be fine if you turn the rover root part to default orientation (spacebar). Course that might screw with the way you want to launch it. I found it much easier to build the rover as a sub assembly and then build a lift vehicle and mount the rover to it. It's a lot of work to rebuild though. One mod I really like is the 'root select' one. You can build any vehicle and then attach some throw away part. Set it as the root and then you can easily save your vehicle as a sub assemblyrready to be lifted!
  15. Here is a crane i sent to the mun. i believe it's around 50ton at least 40 ha ha ha. the engines on the front and back fall off after landing and then i have a crane!! it uses the fuel in the tank which would need to be refilled before using it as a crane as that's the counterweight.
  16. I've encountered this too. i don't remember what my terrain settings were on. i've switched between high and low so many times (just messing with settings to see different effects). but yes. the first time i found it one of my kerbals died right beside the monument. but after a second attempt and going really really slow i got close enough to plant a flag. i've found it other places on kerbin too. haven't really noticed it on other bodies. except the sink holes. the wheels/legs just disappear below the ground and attempting to move causes explosion. lol it seems anywhere the terrain has a seam in it causes crazy things to happen with rover wheels.
  17. I don't understand why the controls aren't the same as ships. just make wsad rotation and ikjl translation. It seems like extra programming to have all the controls the same except for a Kerbal on Eva. The mouse? Seriously.... It makes no sense
  18. I've seen this too. i've also switched craft and come back and the craft was dead but started charging immediately.
  19. I've often wondered this too. As in your example 2 its easy to do around kerbin. but once you get to the mun there's nothing you can target that gives any inclination! (as far as i'm aware?) i try and set my prograde marker exactly level with the equator on the navball. It seems to be close anyways.
  20. ha ha... yeah. remembering to save is hard for me. i have a lot of missions going on and i hop back and forth between them. so a reload would require me to go back through all the ships again and that seems like waaaaay to much work for one dead kerbal. as for eva.... well... lots of random events happen in eva which send your kerbal flying off in a fun direction. then they come crashing back down and go splat. try eva when you're flying through the atmosphere. it's funny. boats are pretty deadly for kerbals as well. my games aren't really about collecting science.
  21. you should look at some of the other creations done by wackjob. as for not having any kerbals die... well that impressive... i'm going for most kerbals killed i'm pretty close to 50 already. Jebediah perished when a giant shockwave ripped through kerbin and blasted his space station out to infinity. i suppose he could be alive out there somewhere. kerbin command decided that, due to processing limitations, all communications with said space station be severed. I lost 16 in one horrible bus accident. i was moving a pile of the little buggers to a base close to ksc when i hit a carelessly discarded land mine and my bus exploded killing all passengers..... that was a sad day. i support the use of the 3 man command pod. its durable and i always need more than 1 kerbal on a mission..... i just wish the darned hatch wasn't off at weird angle. humbug!
  22. Just my 2 cents. I had that on one of my space stations. I ended up destroying it (on purpose) because docking to it was so tedious. Dunno what the problem ever was. If I remember correctly I think it was only the radially mounted ports that it wouldn't line up to properly. It had ports snapped to the ends of a fuel tank and those worked fine. After redesign and relaunch I haven't seen the problem since. Not helpful I know but at least you aren't alone!
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