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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. Zero. It's only a model xP
  2. problemecium


    Yes, RAM for a game is only consumed while the game is running. Also, many games do not load all of their files in at once (for example, they may only load the level on which you're playing, then unload it when you go back to the menu). So you can stuff as many games on your hard drive as will fit, and as long as you don't run them all at once you'll be fine on RAM.
  3. Now that's a good theory! Much more original than the oft-cited "Kerbals live underground" explanation. I myself thought they lived underwater, but the addition of submarine travel in 1.0.5 makes that seem less likely (we can now go underwater and verify that there are no cities there).
  4. 22 Jan. 2014, per my profile, but I think I started playing KSP regularly and lurking on the forum sometime in the middle of 2013. I first played the game in 2012 at the latest, but dropped it for a while because it was comparatively feature-poor back then and thus a lot less addictive.
  5. While this is true, it's not necessarily that simple. For some time now I've also been following the development of Yandere Simulator, and the developer for that has also received complaints that the Easter eggs he adds to the game now and then are wasting time he could be spending on important gameplay features. His response basically boils down to this: - Easter eggs are relatively easy to program. In a single day of coding, he can either work exclusively on a new mechanic all day and still only finish part of it, or add an Easter egg in just a few minutes. SQUAD is probably in a similar situation - adding IVA cutaways as they appear to be implemented here is easy for an experienced Unity developer, whereas adding life support would be complicated and take forever to implement and debug. - Easter eggs are fun, and once you lose your enthusiasm for a project you become unproductive really fast. SQUAD employees are humans too, and even though they all love KSP, slogging through hours upon hours of coding backend mechanics for days gets really boring, especially when the software fights you every step of the way. They should be forgiven for taking a short break and throwing in some eye candy to motivate themselves. I do concur that there are other components the game has been needing for a long time, e.g. the dV readout. I also hope that if they do extend this feature to make clear windows, they keep it as a toggleable option so that we can save precious framerate when flying around the 5000-part uberships a lot of us are going to build.
  6. I liked it too. There's better films out there, and it doesn't win any originality awards, but it was still good. It could have been much, much worse, after all. What bothers me about there now being three planned sequels is that they're pushing back the next film on Cameron's to-do list: Battle Angel. It's based on one of the top five best manga I've ever read, and I was really excited when I heard a movie adaptation was to be made by James Cameron in 2014 - then disheartened when it got pushed to 2016... then 2019... No seriously, you guys have to read this. Here's some pictures because I can't say enough in just one forum post:
  7. Your post has too many sunglasses in it.
  8. I can't say I like the tone of the OP, but yes, good question. We can rattle off lots of technical, historical, and political reasons it hasn't happened, but none of them really count as an excuse. At least we haven't had a 1000-year dark age intervene again... yet.
  9. For me it's usually a new KSP patch that ends it. Even if it remains possible to just port the save file from one version to the next, every time some part gets changed or something changes in the physics engine so that lots of my ships get outmoded, so I start a new Career pretty much every time. It makes it a really big pain to do long-term interplanetary missions :\
  10. Looking at that inline cockpit makes me wonder why there isn't just a surface-mounted cockpit o_O
  11. This thread got stickied instead of getting locked - it must be soon*! (*As in actual "soon," not "soonTM.")
  12. I too am getting log spam as mentioned above. It may not be seriously affecting gameplay, but it does horribly abuse our hard drives. I'll be glad to reinstall this once you get that problem ironed out, but for now I'm not willing to risk it.
  13. I remember the old trick of putting metal plates between Mainsails and Jumbo-64 tanks to prevent the Mainsails from exploding due to overheating.
  14. Isn't that what happened in A Series of Unfortunate Events?
  15. I haven't watched the video yet (will amend post afterward), but one time I replied to spam I got after doing a school project. We had been assigned to look up car insurance, apartments, etc. so as to predict our standard of living with a typical job, and the car insurance place ended up sending me mail afterward thinking I actually wanted to buy a car. I sent a reply saying it was for a school project, so I wasn't actually car shopping and they should remove me from their list. I never received any more emails from them, so I assume it worked xD 'Course this was about 8 years ago. I'm sure if I tried that today they'd just sign me up to also get emails about Ugg boots and one simple trick to lose 37 pounds. xP
  16. ^ This. What's wrong with two counter-rotating segments now?
  17. Here's the scary part: Either the universe is infinite, or it's not. If the universe is not infinite, then after warping past the event horizon at the edge of the visible universe, you'd find more galaxies for a while... and then eventually either A: loop back to where you started, or B: the universe would just stop. Personally I suspect the galaxies would come to a gradual end and empty space would just extend forever. But if the universe IS infinite... It's been known and thoroughly studied that the universe has a minimum possible distance, and that particles' energy states come in discrete and limited values. Thus any given finite volume of space can only contain a finite number of possible configurations of matter and energy - a huge number, but finite nonetheless. So there's only a finite number of unique cubic meters of space, for example. So if the universe goes forever, you'd inevitably start finding the same cubic meters of space over and over again. Eventually, you'll run into an exact duplicate of yourself - and then an exact duplicate of Earth. In fact there'd be an infinite number of these. There'd even be another you busy warping through space trying to find the edge of the universe. Every possible version of you, Earth, etc. would exist - effectively, all parallel universes, and even fantasy worlds, that are not specifically prohibited by the laws of physics would exist out there in our own universe, separated from us by nothing other than vast tracts of space. This is both wonderful and horrifying - sure, there's versions just like The Lord of the Rings, for instance, but also an Earth where Hitler won World War II and exterminated all the Jews; an Earth where the Black Plague never ended and Western civilization was wiped out; an Earth that never suffered the K-T extinction and thus birds rule the world instead of mammals, so humans never came to exist... even now, if the universe is infinite there are infinite alternate copies of you, me, and everyone else suffering in horrible ways.
  18. I think if I'm ever the first person to land somewhere significant, I'll remain completely silent for as long as I possibly can just to troll all the people back home who are waiting with bated breath... "He hasn't said anything..." "Do you think his radio's down?" "I dunno, maybe it is! Houston to Vulcan-I, this is Mission Control, do you have anything to say to the folks back home?" "Houston to Vulcan-I, do you copy?" "He's not responding. Everything looks find on the feed though. Flag planted and everything." "Why won't he respond?!?" "I don't know~!" Ten minutes later I'll probably be giggling too hard for it not to be picked up on the microphone... xD
  19. ...pointless thread is pointl-THREAD LOCKED
  20. I so very much don't understand this thread. What's OP trying to say? I can't see anything unusual in the picture whatsoever o_O
  21. Looks alright so far, but I have questions: - What's it actually about? The video explains the backstory, but not a lot of gameplay. I got an impression it was about being a lonely ore miner gathering ore from planets and selling it. But why? What's the goal in the game? - Is mining and selling ore the primary game mechanic, or will there be others, for example space combat? - Why are you using the old Unity GUI system? Did you start the game before Unity 4.6 came out? Also, the video seems kind of slow, even at 2x speed. For future videos, I recommend speeding things up so as to not lose the audience's attention.
  22. Today I started easing back into KSP after a few weeks of break. No updates on the voyage of Kidonia yet, as it's still a few Kerbal weeks away from its next maneuver node, but I did do some roving around near my Minmus base in this adorable tiny rover:
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