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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. It'd be neat if in later editions of this, it would draw a temporary hose (no collider needed, just a visual effect) during the transfer operation, and possibly require at least one Kerbal present to "hook things up" (although, again, no need to actually animate anything).
  2. Oops. I better go fix that xD I just realized I didn't double-check after they changed the stock tree in 1.0. In the meantime, do what xfrankie said.
  3. - Finish my Jool-5 mission - Make an SSTO with 100% payload fraction - Make an SSTO with 150% payload fraction - Colonize Jool - Make an ascent vehicle for the Sun - Make an SSTO with zero launch mass and infinite payload fraction - Send a boat to Eve and then go back and get it - Make a parts pack for interstellar colony ships ;P
  4. TBH everything you've cited sounds like a spacecraft design problem. I used to bump into those issues, but I don't any more. Mind posting a few pictures of your stuff so we can see specifically what's up?
  5. Yes, Dres has an asteroid belt... now. Only recently. Prior to that it really had nothing the other places didn't. Canyons? Duna, Kerbin, and the Mun all have those. So back then it really was boring.
  6. See, next time you should just do what I do and send one ship that's as big as 30 regular ships ;P
  7. Part Twelve: Accessory Fitting Phase 2 Three more components were sent to Kidonia during this phase, the first two of which were the second portable station and the Tylo lander. Despite their markedly different sizes, they weighed nearly the same, hence the identical launch vehicle. While the station core contains comparatively light habitation modules, the Tylo lander consists almost entirely of full fuel tanks. The Tylo lander was actually an even tighter fit than the portable station, and in fact was unable to fit within the cargo bay completely straight - it had to be rotated a few degrees around its axis so that its landing gear nestled into the corners of the bay. It also added nearly 100 more parts to the mothership, dramatically worsening the framerate during the docking maneuver. Lastly, the habitation ring was adjusted to resolve the issue mentioned earlier (though I got tired and haven't closed it up quite yet) and the Laythe plane was launched. Since the diagram was posted, the planned Laythe plane has been replaced with a superior version, which while somewhat heavier, is cheaper, sleeker, and able to reach orbit with a larger delta-V margin. It also is able to stow within a Mk3 cargo bay, but as mentioned in the diagram, since there is no cargo space left it will ride attached to the side of the mothership for most of the journey. It may later be moved to one of the main cargo bays after one of the portable stations has been dropped off.
  8. I remember when I was literally just starting the full version of KSP that I had serious trouble figuring out EVA controls for several minutes. Now it's easy though ^^
  9. There remains one flaw, which I cited in an earlier thread about a 5-way RCS block: When moving up, down, or backward on the demo craft in the OP, each axis has two thrusters pointing along it. When moving left or right, however, there is only one. In order to have equal thrust in each direction, your thruster would need an additional "sideways" port. Here's the diagram I posted for the five-way block - hopefully you can see how it relates here: Yours would of course simply do away with one of the original four thrusters. Alternately, you could scale up the sideways port and make it twice as powerful instead of having two.
  10. There really isn't. SQUAD uses Unity, and they've made KSP capable of reading and using Unity scripts and assets, effectively unlocking a door to Unity's full power. A modder with enough time could theoretically make a mod that replaces KSP with a completely different game like a Minecraft clone (although the memory footprint may be massive).
  11. Tungsten would be nice. It's strong like steel and extremely heat-resistant, but of course very expensive.
  12. I sure hope it doesn't come in the next two weeks. I'm all for updates, but I know this one will break saves and I have a big complicated Jool mission in progress. ._.
  13. 135: Kerbal engineering takes its first steps as a group of tinkerers at the 3rd annual Kerbal bike show unveil a super-bike consisting of six bicykles chained together into a single large vehicle, creating what is eventually recorded as the first train. 135: The wheel having been perfected, Kerbalkind deems it safe to invent the aerosol deodorant.
  14. 8/10 Shiny but it looks like it was designed for low-gravity atmospheric flight and it has a major weak point at the top.
  15. Y u no press F3 at the end to see what happened?
  16. Let us record this statement for posterity that he may one day come back and reflect on how things have changed xD
  17. Land on the Sun. The hardest thing that I've actually been trying to do lately is an Eve ascent vehicle. I can get to space from 2km if I HyperEdit a rocket there, but I have yet to figure out how to get up from sea level or how to get a ship down there.
  18. Yes - by all means feel free to get a better computer, but by all means for the love of Kod don't buy a Mac!
  19. Sooner or later someone was bound to post a picture of a cannon. Alas, it would have been funnier if OP had misspelled "canon". Well spelled, OP, well spelled.
  20. I finally got some funding from the return of an earlier Minmus mission, which completed a rather lucrative contract, so I launched two more components for Kidonia:
  21. I can't say, which is why A: I always accept rescue contracts (I have no evidence anyone else is going to save the poor thing), and B: I never send Kerbals on long missions in a tiny Mk1 pod. For a quick run to the Mun I might make do with a lander can or a Mk1 cockpit in a pinch, but for anything longer than that I always send them in a nice cushy Hitchhiker container or equivalent.
  22. I like spiders! D: Also vinegaroons aren't spiders but a type of whipscorpion. Harvestmen aren't spiders either.
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