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Everything posted by Castille7

  1. I had a look at it and I would suggest making the hitch with the ability to decouple and drop them as separate pieces. I can show you an idea on how to do that if you decide to give that a try. btw I like how well the Cargo Plane handles, glad I took it for a spin it was fun!
  2. I would call that Raptor done! trying to get it any better to me is entirely too critical, looks great!
  3. Thank you MJ, I am not sure of the details of my framerate but it's not as bad as it use to be before this version. 1.2.2 has been impressive with framerate.
  4. Omega 7 Phase II I just woke my majestic beast Omega 7 I've never really did anything with it because it had so many parts and it was lagging the game. Now with this latest version the lagging isn't bad and I've also reduced its parts after I achieved Orbit. I released half of the fuel tanks and engines and also half of the Nerv Engines (Atomic Motors). Starting to refuel it and not sure where to go with it. This one is going to be a long term project, plans are to touch on this once in a while during other projects. Best title I could think of sense the craft has already been released. SpaceTech Docking With Omega 7 to began refueling
  5. The Camelback Bridge There are so many things I've been wanting to get done in KSP and a Camelback Bridge is one of them. These type bridges are so fascinating, the engineering involved is so amazing it often baffles me. I have always admired the structural strength and designs of bridges and the feature that seems to impress me most is their impressive look. For those interested I found a book titled "How To Read Bridges" A crash course in engineering and architecture at the local book store, if you like bridges you will like this book, keep in mind it's a small paperback book but full of good information. This project I have to say has been the most trying of all, let me just say I've gone many rounds with the Kraken on this one. I started this Bridge with only a small section and it was planned to be just a show piece and had no intentions of it growing so big. Then the idea came to me about putting it over water. I built a Bridge Construction Set before and thought maybe I could bridge a gap somewhere on Kerbin. One thing lead to another and I found myself needing other craft to make this happen (in this case did not happen). I was hoping this would have been a more majestic looking bridge over water crossing to a small island but the Kraken would not allow that! I do plan to give it another try in the future and with a much stronger structure. I wanted to give everyone a view of this 423.3 meter bridge that took literally months to build and over 200 hours of building testing even with the Kraken destroying and even once ate my entire bridge leaving zero crumbs on the water, but I did manage to take a ride to it's unconnected end for your viewing. Lets just say Bridges are not recommended in a KSP yet...if ever....not sure what Squad will have for the future of this spectacular game. Bridges are lots of fun but not withstanding the physics of the game as of now. Special Note: It is not recommended to build Bridges in KSP, I do this because I enjoy building stuff in KSP if it works or don't work it's all fun for me. The Mobile Bridge is not going to work when setting it over the Pool, the Bridge was modified for the Video. Also Bridges that are constructed will require a low profile vehicle, the Convertible Jeep only works with the Mobile Bridge Unit. If you use it on a constructed Bridge do not use a Kerbal, cross the Bridge by Remote Control as seen in the Video. Connecting more than a totally of 7 sections including the Entrance and Exit is not recommended. After all testing the Bridge works best if constructed on land. Other links of information during the Project Convertible Jeep Parts: 81 Mass: 3.572t Height: 2.1m Width: 2.6m Length: 5.7m Craft File: Convertible Jeep Bridge Center Section Parts: 283 Mass: 59.673t Height: 8.3m Width: 9.4m Length: 31.9m Craft File: Bridge Center Section Bridge Exit Parts: 329 Mass: 69.631t Height: 8.5m Width: 9.4m Length: 47.7m Craft File: Bridge Exit Bridge Entrance Parts: 333 Mass: 69.733t Height: 8.4m Width: 9.4m Length: 46.1m Craft File: Bridge Entrance Mobile Bridge Parts: 377 Mass: 95.059t Height: 12.9m Width: 11.1m Length: 61.2m Craft File: Mobile Bridge
  6. Maybe try some whiplash engines on the first boat design. They have more power and still easy on fuel. Also I've been using Thuds for control, these could be used for reverse.
  7. I love the sleekness of this one (77 Industries Azi26 Lelantos) looks amazing!
  8. Yes and I have many photos similar! That's only the beginning of my experiences.
  9. Wow thank you! Also I seriously don't recommend building Bridges on the water and only little ones on land. The structure has to be very strong for physics right now. This is something I've been fighting for a long time, and why it's taking me so long to release the ones I am working on.
  10. Thank you, that bridge is becoming a smaller looking project every day, the structure is not handling reenrty from a game save, fighting with it daily. Not a recommended thing to do on the water.
  11. If you place EAS-4 struts where needed, keeping them close to the ceiling it wouldn't look bad and you will still have room to walk around.....just an idea if you want to keep it stock.
  12. Give me a week or two and I might have my head wrapped around this by then.........Very impressive work!!
  13. Thanks man! That maze you are working on is really creative, I owe you a Rep on that, today I ran out....
  14. There is a first for everything including running out of likes! Haha now I know the limit is 25 a day. I'll catch you up on this one tomorrow.
  15. I pm'd you on this, also when working on these large projects I get burned out and start other smaller ones to get away from them for a while, so this has been an off and on project that just got worked on periodically as some others like the Rail Car and Cantilever Bridge, plans are to complete these next. Thank you!
  16. Just an fyi here, I don't mean to mislead anyone with my smooth looking gaming on videos, with that said nearly all of my videos have been sped up. My computer does run some smooth gaming in KSP with medium size craft.
  17. The Camelback Bridge Update 4.7.17 With the patience of a Slug and the persistence of Rocky Balboa this project is finally coming to a close. I can't believe it started in February! Also as I said before we know this game is for Space not Watercraft but I have a love for Bridge Building in KSP. I want to mention this type of game play is not for everyone that's for sure and I don't recommend building Bridges on the Water in KSP unless you are someone who can sit and watch Paint dry! More details will be given when the project is released. This was intended to be a 14 Section Bridge but reentry from a saved game was causing damages so it's 13 Sections with the Entrance and Exit Length 423.3 M Video is complete, craft and details will be released soon on the spacecraft exchange and on KerbalX
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