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Everything posted by Castille7

  1. Have no FEAR Katateochi is here!!! ....... A little motivation for ya!
  2. Nice SR-71, there are lots of the same Aircraft on the forum but it's always nice to see someone else's ideas too.
  3. I like these ideas, I did start with the struts first and will continue and I have to agree starting from scratch would be harder.
  4. Just came across a cool one like this! It's a really old project that I was struggling with ......and still gonna need more Rocket power to Orbit this one.
  5. Kerbal Submarine Update 06.20.17 Learning something new everyday! I have some projects sitting on the back burner and do a little work on them from time to time, for some craft this is okay no matter if you drag it into the next version, aaaaaannnd for some this is not okay . Now I am stuck between a rock and a hard place with this one. I am returning to this project that I started in a previous version of KSP to find this, an explodie craft that's not an easy fix. Some of us use Auto Strut but I am an all stock all default kinda guy, reason being I think most players that are downloading my craft are most likely new to KSP and won't consider the settings to keep a craft from destruction. Back to the rock and a hard place, do I want to rebuild this Sub for this version and all the hours of work involved or spend a few hours fixing this one?
  6. Tried to land on the Diving Vessel but the Kraken would not allow it!
  7. Omega 7 Phase III This project is Phasing into Phase III, the Station now has about 104,000 LF and Ox is about 57,000. This was accomplished with some help from fellow players joining in the fun. Mr. @Thor Wotansen with the Borr that can be seen here. Mr. PointySideUp @PointySideUp with the SSTO Tanker, see it here, and Mr. @Scarecrow with his Triumvirate Class LKO Refueler, see it here. Also I would like to thank them once again for joining in and helping. The plan for Phase III of the Project will be to Dock a select few craft that will tag along for this journey, I first requested a Shuttle Craft from Thor Wotansen and once again he was able to deliver another wonderful craft named Baldr, The craft design was requested for fueling the Station with Ore while in Orbit at a Mun or Planet, see it here This was the first craft chosen to go on the Mission, second will my craft named OS Recovery see it below. Not sure where or how far we will get when it comes to space travel, and as we know things don't always go as planned, let's keep that in mind After all craft are chosen we will began our interplanetary journey giving updates when there is enough to announce. Omega 7 Fueled ......enough? Refueling Craft Craft going on the Mission (More to be added)
  8. What I mean is when the first picture is uploaded the frame's default size might be 350 width and 40 height and my picture could be 400 x 600 so I am grabbing the corner of the frame to size 400 x 600 to fit my picture rather than the default frame size already being set at 400 x 600. The pictures and video does not have to go full width of the table, a little border looks nice to.
  9. Jack up and lower it sounds like a good idea, this could be an idea to try, thank you I will consider it. *cough mods makes things easy, I do things because they are hard, fun and challenging cough* John F. Kennedy — 'We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. Sarcasm can be funny too
  10. The Cantilever Bridge Project(Land Based) Update 06.12.17 The last attempts at Bridge building have been much the same VERY CHALLENGING! All the complications are all in the fun, I will explain what's been going on lately in the captions. This is the most accomplishment we've gotten so far, although these are not connected (We..... as in help from my construction partner Klond) While building Bridges on the water I was using Thud Engines on watercraft for control and noticed if I got close to an object it was heating it up fairly quick and destroying the item. This gave me an idea, after placing the center of the Bridge on the Building I was planning to connect each end leaving and leave the legs but it would look so cool if the Center Section of the Bridge were suspended. So now we have legs without a way to decouple them and I really did not want to make this change because the Bridge placement was so difficult. This is where my idea comes in play, I asked Klond if he could make something that we could use to burn the legs off using Thud Engines and I had no doubt he could come up with something to make this happen. With directions on how to use this suffocated machine I was able to test it and burn off one leg. This Animation shows his Plasma Torch in action, at first I wasn't positioned correctly but after adjusting the Boom it worked swiftly. (Bam! works beautifully) See more update here The next game plan we talked about is building the Bridge and sliding it over the Building, this could be the best way to accomplish this task. More to come at a later date.
  11. I like it, a sleek design has a very nice look..........I think The Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation would approve!
  12. I apologize, this is comments that you made and other made on your own craft. Maybe give us a brief description of the craft and about when it was posted and we can try and help you find it
  13. SSTO - Galaxy Cruiser I will be the first to tell you I am not an Ace when it comes to the TWR Factor..... I am starting with two Vectors just for testing the structure and I see the fuselage is splitting in the center, after the first test flight both fuselage were kicking like swimming legs so I added struts on the stern thinking that would be efficient and now we see that it will require a few more struts to make it a solid craft. I plan to build some custom engine packages so the craft can officially be an SSTO because at the moment we have not yet achieved Orbit. Plan B will be to add drills and storage to refuel at a near by Mun like Minmus maybe? In Flight Now 06.10.17 / 8:25 AM Central
  14. All your hard work on your site is definitely appreciated and it shows! I've been wanting to give a suggestion for a while now and now seems to be a good time. I've notice you have some formats to choose from but the default format is not set to a default frame size for the first picture and first video up loaded. If you could you look at my recent post with the RC Boat for an example to see the format size that I am asking for when you have a chance? In short this would be the default frame size and position for the first picture uploaded, first video uploaded, Description and Details. None have to be exactly this size this is just to get the jest of it. Thanks for you time and consideration of the suggestion!
  15. My preference is all stock, adding only struts was not a problem, this eliminated the wobble. Why Squad would allow craft to be built in KSP that wobble so badly? My guess would be that Squad is sticking closer to reality in the game. With the Rocket top heavy and the movement of liquid in the fuel tanks I think this would cause some wobble if not structured properly. I had a chance to make some tweaks to the craft and will make another trip soon.
  16. So much work and details, another impressive work man, thanks for the mention it's always a pleasure to be a part of your projects!!
  17. @Scarecrow Sorry I've taken so long to get back to this. When I made my first attempt to launch I'm guessing you are using auto strut. I added struts because I use the KSP default settings with very little custom adjustments. This is my first trip to the station with your Triumvirate Class LKO Station Refueler and as usual I find a few things that can be improved and one for sure is my pilot skills! I made a terrible trajectory and will need to make a few practice runs to have a little fuel to transfer......haha I will add an adapter to connect to the Station, I thought I had a large docking port at the center and when I arrived I found out my memory didn't serve me well that time. Also I arrived during an eclipse, this added some nice background for a few photos. It's nice to arrive so quickly at the Station, Rocketry does have it's advantages. I hope to improve my trajectories and arrive with a large amount of fuel to report on my next post. I will make another trip soon and give some updates LKO Station Refueler
  18. Thank you! and I didn't realize just how many I had until I decided to create this post
  19. Sector 7 Space Laboratories Watercraft Repository Here you will find many Watercraft builds I've posted in the past. You can find the original links, craft files, videos and pictures. As craft are posted in the future I will periodically update the Thread. I would also like to thank everyone that have downloaded any of my builds and hope that you have enjoyed them as much as I have enjoyed building, flying, driving, launching, diving, steering and crashing them with you. Today's Featured Craft With 2 Fuel Tanks and 2 Juno's I think there's enough here to out last you during any outing. This project started out to be just the RC Boat then the idea of adding the Boat Dock came along and humor runs in the family so that's how some of my video's become comical. If you get the Throttle setting right the Boat handles fairly well. Craft File: RC Boat Parts: 29 Mass: 1.581t Height: 2.6m Width: 1.9m Length: 4.0m RC Boat RC Boat Versatile https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Versatile Pony Express https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Pony-Express Seahorse Exploration https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Seahorse-Exploration Watson https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Watson Boat Dock https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Boat-Dock RC Boat Dock https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/RC-Boat-Dock Diving Vessel https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Diving-Vessel Sea Storm WT https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Sea-Storm-WT Rage Runner WC (With Cargo) https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Rage-Runner-WC Rage Runner https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Rage-Runner Icon https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Icon WSH-500 WingShip https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/WSH-500-WingShip Water Spider https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Water-Spider Speedboat K.A.K. https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Speedboat-KAK Kerman Krazy River https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Kerman-Krazy-River Kerman Krazy River Too! https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Kerman-Krazy-River-Too Beech Model S7-MJW https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Beech-Model-S7-MJW Crawfish Queen https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Crawfish-Queen Sentinel https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Sentinel Sentinel with AirCraft https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Sentinel-with-AirCraft RipTide https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/RipTide Island Express Ferry https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Island-Express-Ferry Aqua Tram https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Aqua-Tram Aqua Tram II https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Aqua-Tram-II V-Copter Water Craft https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/V-Copter-Water-Craft SeaDog & Jet Ski 105 https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/SeaDog--Jet-Ski-105 Sea Warrior https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Sea-Warrior Scuba Do https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Scuba-Do Mini Sub Squirt https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Mini-Sub-Squirt Island Venture II https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Island-Venture-II Island Venture I https://kerbalx.com/Castille7/Island-Venture-I
  20. My thumb will not accept the change on my recent post RC Boat, can you please change my thumb image to the Picture and not the Video Thumb when you have a chance? Thanks! Not sure if this is happening just to this post or if others may be doing it also.
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