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Posts posted by komodo

  1. 16 minutes ago, Jso said:

    Is that from the released version or the latest from github?

    Edit: Just updated git to get rid of those old files - we could really use some 6.4x flight tests.

    Haven't had any troubles in 6.4x yet, barring atlas vega not having enough umph to make a Mun shot (should it?), but yeah, kill/comment out the Saturn rescale configs for the moment, they certainly aren't up to speed with the new system.

    (testing resumes tomorrow night for me, unfortunately, silly work and such... *grumble)

  2. 32 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:


    @Jso may have placed a moratorium on new parts,


    For good reason... We're going to wear out our saluting muscles, cause the surprise will be worth it :D 


    It'd be pretty cool too if the shrou---

    32 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

    I'd like to also include switchable engine shrouds using some other new stuff @Angel-125 is working on

    Aha. Well played. *clap*

    No really, it looks spiffy, and would be much more utilitarian ultimately. It's the little engine that could!

  3. Chiming in here: it doesn't get enough praise at all, but Throttle Controlled Avionics would be fantastic for doing Falcon 9 style fly backs. It has gotten *really* advanced since the last time I looked at it, such that most people don't realize it has a very sophisticated autopilot nowadays, doing somethings even mechjeb can't.

    In particular, if you wheel a craft up onto the launchpad (or a probe on a clamp... Hmm!), and tell it "go land next to/on top of that"... The magic begins :) 

    Could someone not on a phone toss up a link? 

  4. I can confidently say ( :wink: ) that your earlier assertion about being overworked is the case, not the lack of effort or thought. The one about the fuel density, also is at hand.

    i can also confidentiality say ( :wink: ) that for the larger 6.4x rescale, there is something pretty cool in the works. Depending how cool, it may happen in 3.2x, but I've only realigned myself to that scale as of... ~11 last night, so the testing has been... Well, nonexistent :P

    this post has been sponsored by the tongue out emote committee.

  5. 2 hours ago, Sandworm said:

    I'm still struggling with null reference exceptions.  Can those of you who have gotten SigmaDimensions working please share which versions and which OS you are using?  I've tried every branch of SigmaDimensions and Kopernicus I can get my hands upon and all create the same issues.  I suspect it has to do with a capitalization error, a question which could be put to rest if someone else has managed to get it running on mac/linux.

    I don't have it on linux at the moment, but it does run on osx 10.10.5 for me. Although I don't think I have case sensitive HFS+ on this machine. NewDemensions branch of SigDim, latest release of Kopernicus. (Was it today, a new one came out?) (Also the newest release of MFI as well.)


    I looked over the log you posted in the kopernicus thread, and only one thing jumped out at me: 

    [LOG 11:51:01.567] [ModuleManager] Applying node Sigma/Dimensions/Configs/ReDimension/resizePQSMods/@Kopernicus:FOR[SigDim2] to Kopernicus/Config/System/Kerbol System
    [LOG 11:51:01.599] [ModuleManager] Applying node Sigma/Dimensions/Configs/ReDimension/setAsteroids/@Kopernicus:FOR[SigDim2] to Kopernicus/Config/System/Kerbol System
    [LOG 11:51:01.602] [ModuleManager] Applying node Sigma/Dimensions/Configs/ReDimension/setDimensions/@Kopernicus:FOR[SigDim2] to Kopernicus/Config/System/Kerbol System
    [LOG 11:51:01.618] [ModuleManager] Applying node Sigma/Dimensions/Configs/ReDimension/setPQSlevels/@Kopernicus:FOR[SigDim2] to Kopernicus/Config/System/Kerbol System

    I don't have that path in my kopernicus folder. Under Config, is only System.cfg. If that is a path that exists on your machine, it almost certainly is freaking out about a path with an unescaped space in it. (Needs to be one word, ideally, as i'm not sure how to escape it in ksp/MM)

    No, never mind, that apparently is normal. I have it in my own log, so it must be a MM path, not a file system one. Although, check that you have a System.cfg file in your kopernicus? That could be a simple thing to overlook.

  6. iz picture time? IZ PICTURE TIME!

    I needed a test station to dock with. I also needed to get it to orbit. Titan wasn't doing the trick. Lo, the Titanic Model S2 was born. Payload: ~15 tons. (Pardon the hour of the snapshot, the LH2 was boiling.)


    That is a S2 first stage with four 5 segment SRBs (~75% thrust) to get it in the air. S-IV-A (Stretched) second stage. Final insertion to be done by station OMS.


    Station on orbit, with first visitors. (Christened: "MoleHole")

    The Rescale configs are moving along nicely, if slowly, if the launcher didn't give it away. (It was barely enough to make a 180x180 orbit ><) 

  7. 6 hours ago, TimothyC said:

    @Jso One issue I have with Vejur is the mass. Right now, the dry mass for Vejur is in excess of that of the Muo-D at burnout. I'd lower that down from the three-and-change tonnes it is now to the one and a half to two ton range. Remember, the real thing would have only massed a tonne or so, and had a mass fraction in the 90% range (balloon tanks for the win). While the Inon stage has a similar mass fraction as Vejur (~.64-.70), it is also only one third of the dry mass. I know that hitting the balance point is hard, but I'm pretty sure that she's not there yet.

    The race isn't close to being finished, it haven't even started :wink: I don't think any balance has been aimed at the new parts beyond their initial commits. See the advice about your computer + blaze of glory above :P

    @CobaltWolf, I sleep sometimes! I'm a tiny bit under the weather at the moment, but of course just enough to make sleep annoying, but not much effect beyond that. Well. Aside from config files getting written. :P 

    realplumes, got it, good thought! I'll tuck that one away for future reference. 

  8. Option B besides a bad install, is some conflict with another mod. Engine effects issues are often indicative of a plugin being funny, but the plugin BDB uses is fairly robust... I'm struggling to think of what would conflict, but there is always a chance... If you could see if you can reproduce the issue with only BDB + dependencies installed, that would be another thing to check as well.

  9. The problem is that velocity doesn't go up linearly, nor does energy, kinetic or otherwise. 

    You probably want/need SMURFF, if you don't have it already. Amongst other things, it should help greatly with reentry. (A lot of useful information in their thread besides, on why reentry is so harsh to begin with, namely, parts being smaller than their real world counterparts.)

  10. 1 minute ago, JediRangerkendor said:

    Before i go into anything, maybe i have a bad copy. what is the link to the most recent version of the game? I currently have KSP 1.2, and the BDB i got is BDB 101. I'd post pics of some of the bugs i have come across, I am not sure how to post images on this website. 

    No problem. KSP 1.2 is the current version, there haven't been any patches yet, for better or worse. Of BDB, the current release is found Here, latest one at the top.

    Another thought is you may have a bad install, in that it could be gamedata-in-gamedata syndrome: check that in your (KSP)/Gamedata folder, the Bluedog-Design-Bureau and DMagicAnimate (I forget the correct name off memory) folders are at that level, along with a modulemanager.dll, and that the folders didn't end up nested in another folder inadvertently. That can cause all kinds of mayhem as relative path references in the configs get very confused.

    Screenshots, the typical method is to upload them to imgur and link to it in a post here. 

  11. 1 hour ago, JediRangerkendor said:

    Ok, I can confirm bugs in the latest version. Numberous engines do not have exhaust or engine noise, and the launch escape towers HAVE engine exhaust and the effect never turns off. 

    This is pretty disappointing, as its a pretty effective FASA knock-off but all the bugs make it hard to play

    Welcome! Now, the following is blunt, not crass, mind...

    we will need a much more thorough report than this unfortunately, to make any headway. First off, what version of (everything) are you running? KSP, etc. The latest version is not precise enough unfortunately.

    If it is the release version of BDB on 1.2, I'd be very interested to know the details, as what you describe shouldn't happen. It is fair to say though, that something is amiss with your setup, as of all the things in this suite, engine effects are probably the most carefully curated item, along side the artistry. Thus, it should be possible to find out what is up, so you can enjoy a more bug free edition, but a few additional details are needed :) 

    On the other hand, If you refer to the development version as present on github, well... To say that no warranty is implied would be putting it too nicely. If it works at all, it is a event to be celebrated. (If your computer doesn't salute and go out in a blaze of glory, it is an event to be celebrated. ... Ok, i exaggerate slightly...) The dev copy is available as a matter of convenience to testers and other assorted masochists, not as a product intended for stable gameplay.

    As far as the last part goes, well... FASA wishes it had half these parts, I'm thinking. :wink: 

  12. 16 minutes ago, VenomousRequiem said:

    Oh, whoops, I misread! We already have the LFO balance, just need to stuff it into a WBT config, yeah?

    Right. The code JSO did for the "generics" works well, but only catches "only LFO/LH2O" tanks. Since the service modules have MP as well, I had to do a new config node for them, which didn't need to account for the generic volume. Through that method, it is easy to set them to w/e is needed. It's just brutally tedious for many parts, thus the "generics".

    There are a couple features I would like to find, although they may be not possible. Setting a non-full default for a tank in the generic sense would be handy. I also don't know yet why the switching isn't working in the editor only: the only thing I can think of is that the config field is case sensitive. I made that change, but haven't tested it yet. (2 AM-itus disease :P )

  13. @steedcrugeon, Not quite. Those are the vector components of the node attach orientation. As mentioned above, a little bit of trig is needed to aim them precisely. 45 degree angles are "easy", as they are a mix of whole integer vectors in any two axes, as you found. Some Google-fu on Ksp node attach orientation should lead you to some helpful hints. The NodeHelper plugin is also a godsend in these cases, as you can just edit it in game until it "fits". Saves hours of reloading :) 

  14. On October 22, 2016 at 2:00 PM, Daelkyr said:

    Since Kopernicus has been updated I've been testing out Saturn and Titan rockets in 3.2x and 2x solar systems. The Saturn 1B and Titan II GLV both come in around 5000 m/s delta v. The problem is that this won't reach orbit in a 3.2x system rescale because of the increase in delta v required. The rescale puts the requirement at 5724 m/s, leaving both launch vehicles short of the goal. The x2 scale works for them, although both are squeakers at 4525 m/s. I did end up restoring the Saturn 1B to pre-lessening fuel amounts to have it top out at 5000 m/s.

    I don't think this is a bug, just the way things are balanced.

      Hide contents

    Using KSP Delta-V maps show that an 80km LKO altitude needs 3400 m/s dv.

    Caculating an increase in dv by multiplying the base by the square root of the rescale 

    LKO (80km)  x1 Scale 3200 m/s dv
    LKO (80km)  x2 Scale 4525 m/s dv
    LKO (80km)  x3.2 Scale 5724 m/s dv


    You are correct that things are a bit iffy for the moment. The folks doing the rescale balancing are being drowned in RL for the next bit or so. It is entirely on the radar, however.

    Other factors you may or may not find are that the atmosphere isn't being rescaled quite right, if using Sigma Dimensions. We also don't have FAR yet, either, which I have always run with rescales, and it's throwing me off during testing.

    At the current moment, saturn balance for 6.4x is close to working. It's not ready for prime time, but once that one is nailed down, the smaller rescales should be more approachable. Best bet for the mean time is to check the rescale folder in the compatibility folder for hints. GLV in particular has some goodies you may find quite useful... (Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain in the saturn.cfg though ><) Additionally, for saturn in particular, check engine mounts for excess ballast, and feel free to trim from them fairly safely if dV is an issue. Just know that that is all in mega-flux at the moment :) 

    tldr, yep, you're right. It's loud and clear on the radar, but time is a factor.

  15. 4 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

    Oh aren't you just adorable. I could just eat you up.

    Like... A wolf?

    ... Ok, I'll shut up.


    @MrMeeb, sounds good! I wasn't asking for the inline airlock to have a top node, I entirely understand its purpose, I just was highlighting a gameplay difference between it and the part from Pak. (The new one looks pretty spiffy too.) I'll try to hop on the githubz in a moment. I probably completely missed the airlock experiment... That would make a lot of sense :)

  16. Congrats on the release, the parts look really nice!

    Question though, on the airlock + tunnel parts: Is the mass intended? I'm balking a little at a 7 ton airlock, to be honest. I am hoping it is a typo of some sort, but all of the (structural) parts seem quite massive for what they do, on an already weighty by necessity craft. (That and it doesn't have a top node for docking also is a snag, but I understand from a gameplay perspective.) Come to think of it, what does one do with the top port on a spacelab? I can't think of a quick use, but it's also pretty late here. :P 

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