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    Rocketry Enthusiast

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  1. Not sure it could explain things any better!! Simple is always best!!!! Great job!!!
  2. Same here. Found it yesterday. I'm so glad parts are starting to show up for KSP2. Loved all the engines, tanks, etc. for KSP1!!!
  3. I installed this last night and it causes KSP2 to hang when trying to load any of my save games. Anyone else see this? Have latest of everything (loaders, mods, etc.). If I remove it, KSP2 works fine again. Thanks!
  4. Is there any way to turn off the Workspace auto saving in the VAB? I don't need 50 copies of the same craft. It is a nightmare to deal with because it is impossible to find the last craft edited. Maybe if the sort worked for something other then name, wouldn't be a big deal, but honestly, I don't need auto saving of my craft.
  5. We'll give this a shot.......link to the logs for the issue. For whatever reason, haven't experienced it since these logs were grabbed. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/dk6omv69aw9sja3bm2xfn/h?rlkey=pidz7dg9oio03fqrzwajpvsg9&dl=0
  6. Got it. Forgive my ignorance, been years since I had to do this.....where/how do I send the Zip file of the logs?
  7. I assume you mean the KSP log in the main KSP folder, correct?
  8. Well, it did. I started a new game and was able to drop a capsule on the launch pad. Great it worked. Built out the lander I wanted to mess with and back to hanging when going to the pad. Even tried the original test parts that started working and even that causes the transfer to the pad to hang. I think I have an idea what it might be. It might be something to do with the anchor that lets you pick up the entire craft and move it in the VAB. I replaced the copula capsule with another capsule and when I did, I can now load the craft on the pad. I swapped the capsule back to the original copula, but it still worked, but the anchor isn't associated with copula like it was before. If it happens again, I at least have something to check more so then previously. More to come.
  9. Well, scrap that. no clue why, but it is now working. I may have wiped out all mods and re-did them, so maybe something was hosed up there. Sorry about that. Well, scrap that. no clue why, but it is now working. I may have wiped out all mods and re-did them, so maybe something was hosed up there. Sorry about that.
  10. Same here. I have so many hours in KSP, that I lived and died by MechJeb. Picked up KSP2 because the new update. Still seriously flawed but better then the original release. Saw K2-D2 and looked like a decent replacement for MJJ to get me started again. Only thing I can't get to work is landing. It seems to do the descent okay, but never brakes and slams in to the surface to become one with the everlasting duct of the Mun!!
  11. II added this on an existing save, and didn't seem to have any issues. However, if I build a new rocket in the VAB with life support and the greenhouse and composter, when you go to launch, KSP2 just freezes and never comes back or gets to the launch pad. It doesn't seem to be any particular part, just anything with life support. KLSS is the latest version as is KSP2. Have you ever heard of this? Thanks and life support has always been #2 on my mods list with KSP only beat out by MechJeb!!
  12. Is it just me or is the stock inventory system pretty much junk? It can't hold a candle to KIS. Maybe it is because I can't find anything on how the new stock system works, but no default jetpack, not able to carry anything, weird logic of how it works (maybe because I can't figure out how it actually works), etc. What a pain. At this point, I'd prefer a way to turn off the stock system and use KIS exclusively. Just my 1.9983654877648746367 cent rant for the holidays!!!
  13. First, AWESOME mods!!! Love KIS, KAS, etc. Second.....I can get any part to be stackable (StackableItemOverride) within the Inventory except KAS parts (i.e. JS1, pylons, etc.). Is this a known issue or maybe cannot be done any more under the latest version? Thanks!
  14. I've had the same issue due to the textures. However, I have started using the deprecated Fuel Tanks Plus tanks since they don't have textures associated with them and have several tanks with color. They resize with Tweakscale, so I get some of the splash of color I desire. I have tried it yet, but there are a couple of other mods that have a bunch of tanks in different colors. As long as they don't have the texture switching, should work too.
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