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Everything posted by Alewx

  1. Wow you can handle 5k part shps? The problem is just that welding reduces a part of the things that hit the performance but not limit it to the bare required minimum. Nope there is a partmodule that is called WeldedMeshSwitch, which is a partmodule but everything else from welding is just new parts.
  2. Welded parts are only combination of the models of the different part packs, so you only have to care about the mods packs which are included in the welded parts.
  3. Welding builds the part file directly from the parts in the scene not from a craft file, but it could be possible to generate a part combination from the models of the weldment. But that is something completly different that what it does right now.
  4. That is pretty new, thanks for the info. Before we only had the problem of NAN with small structural parts as root.
  5. Sadly nope, so far no solution for this, there is currently only a way to handle welding weldments or welding regular parts. But both at the same time just does not work, sorry.
  6. Ha now I got it, thanks to your explantation. You try to weld already welded parts, that is always getting you wrong results, you need to do the weldment in just one go, as sad as it is. You can modifiy the freescaleing of Tweakscale for more flexibility in your parts, but that is all you can do. after a few times you get the hang out of it how to prepare the carfs best for weldment but it takes some time.
  7. Sorry that I didn't answer earlier. Spent half yesterday evening and night in hospital due to some massive hearing loss on the right side. @mAAAd, that is something really strange, the rescaleFactor is something that is made by KSP and should always work. I have never read of anything similar to that. In Github I also got an Report about wrong mass and resource amounts related to Tweakscale, so maybe these things are related, but that is liekly to be just wishful thinking.
  8. Thanks for the info, may I ask before I start searching in it, did you try to weld procedural parts? Also which mods are KerbalTek(Hyperedit, ok forgot it.) and KipEng(totally new to me)? So far I can only see two fings that are possibly breaking your weldments, the use of kerbalpaint, and procedural parts. Procedural parts do not contain any models, so there is nothing that can be welded.
  9. It refers to tweakscale that gave me some trouble due to the different configuration offensichtlich parts that are possible. Thanks mate. Well I don't know what Girka2k is doing but he is watching the forum from time to time, but not saying anything, so I can't update the thread.
  10. Pre Final 2.2.0 dev release So if you guys report any bugs in this version I will get them done and then it will be the official release of it, so please tell me here or in the github with issues about it.
  11. Something tells me that welding that would not really give the result he is looking for^^
  12. How is it, how is it???? Does KSP work, bugs, errors, problems? hype!!!!
  13. that is a nice idea, I might try this out, just need to write to mod for it No it is really extreme with 7000t wetmass, the orange tanks are not even the Jumbos but Fueltanks+, the torque I have in that section is somewhere at about 2000KN, so very likely not enough.
  14. Thanks, yeah not easy, I know but if it is easy it must be broken . This might already help me. But mostly I was thinking too oversimplified, more of something like 20KN torque per 5 tons of mass or something, but sure that is something totally non measureable.
  15. Oh ok didn't know that it will be made to a rpm; well then a rpm of 0,5 would be awesome compared to the size and mass, the acceleration should not be too high. But as you can see it's shape is more of a rocket than the of sphere.
  16. It is a welded Craft so the source of torque is located at the CoM.
  17. Aloa everyone, my latest spacecraft has something at about 2000t in orbit, and the torque from reaction wheels are barley able to keep it stable. So my question is quite simple, is there a formula which enables you to calculate the toque you need compared to the mass of the craft?
  18. Hmm still think one or better both teams deserve credits now as this gets stock. Reinvention of the wheel does not count
  19. oh,Ok my fault, I'm not so involved with CKAN.
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