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Everything posted by Alewx

  1. Thanks, I will take a look at it, but my first guess would be the BDArmory parts, that they are not weldingcompatible. KAS well, should work partially. Update Found the cause of your Problem, the CoP and CoL Offsets are nor formated properly so I Need to change that. Updated Update What is the absolut most basic and important rule for welding?! NO engines. Solution for your Problem: remove every BDArmory part from the vessel, remove the engines, remove struts and fuel lines(really you don't need them after welding), remove the launchclamps, otherwise it would like quite strange for a boat. And use the fresh updated version I just upload in this minute. (no version change because it's dev version)
  2. If you found your Workaround, it is ok, but the rotation of the parts is always tricky. Sadly Girka2k is not around he would now better than me how to fix this. If it happens again you can send the the craft.
  3. Then provide please a craft file and the mods that are required.
  4. Sounds like rotated parts in the MODEL module, that is so far unfixable, Girka2k made it able to be useful at all. Did you weld in VAB or SPH?
  5. That might take some time, and UbioWeldLtd, is my priority. Also I would need to check the license if it is even allowed to release a modified version of it.
  6. I played around with it a bit, but I develop UbioWeldLtd so it is not tooooooooo difficult for me to understand what snjo wrote. With a bit experience in programming in c# and your own github fork you can get it to work.
  7. It was discusses just the page before, it is a strict game limitation that only one docking port per part is allowed. Yep that the NFT panels do not work did I notice also but that seems to be dedicated to Neartea's Solarpanel Module code. A logfile please.
  8. Please try the newest dev release, it is able to handle fuelswitch better.
  9. It is always better to ask before, in the thread where you are going to release it you will need to provide the license in this case also an CC one.
  10. Caution You will need the permission of the mod creators to release the welded parts you make, watch at the licenses that the different mods have.
  11. One Question, which Version of UbioWeldingLtd do you use? I use FT+; Fuelswitch and don't have problems.
  12. Nope it does not work. Only one docking port per part allowed, that is something deep in the game logic.
  13. FE works similar to MM, it uses cfg files where you can define specific modfolders which than get filtered into subcategories of your choise. CATEGORY:NEEDS[UbioWeldingLtd] { name = UbioWeldingLtd icon = UbioWeldingLtd colour = #FFF0F0F0 all = true FILTER { CHECK { type = folder value = UbioWeldingLtd } } SUBCATEGORIES { list = 0,Pods list = 1,Fuel Tanks list = 2,Engines list = 3,Command and Control list = 4,Structural list = 5,Aerodynamics list = 6,Utility list = 7,Science } } That is a typcial config for a specific mod in this case the weldingtool. The way you modify parts for Oddysey makes me think you figure out how this works quite quick.
  14. Development PRE-RELEASE Made up a dev version for public testing in 1.0.4 (should work in 1.0.2 too) Download and please report back for any problems you may find. ExperimentalStuff: New weldedMeshSwitch works like an interstellarMeshSwitch is currently limited to InterstellarMeshSwitch FSMeshSwitch is ignored Added some modules and attributes for the moduleAttributeList config Fixed a major bug that could cause freeze of UI and welding added experimental nodes in the weldment file for: stackSymmetry CoLOffset CoPOffset explosionPotential thermalMassModifier heatConductivity emissiveConstant radiatorHeadroom bulkheadProfiles
  15. That is due to the way animations are located and assigned in the game code, I explained it one or two pages back.
  16. That and still with a fulltime job? Man I feel with you, but what you do is really awesome. You deserved the Oscar-B.
  17. Sounds just like a day has not enough hours for what you plan to do
  18. Hey, sorry for missing your post, No it is nothing wrong, it is just that the truss parts do get a NAN for the position in the part and that makes the part invisible as it has no position, sorry. About docking ports and welding in general, it is a game limitation to have only one docking port per part. More and only the last one in the file is beeing used.
  19. Ok I see now that the welding of docking ports is slighly broken, I will see what I can do. But in the end it might be possible that it will not work due to game limitations.
  20. But where can we find the correct angle for an reentry or aero capture maneuver? Does MechJeb provide this angle; Engineer does not.
  21. They will be welded but their function will be broken or removed. I made once a part with 14 docking ports and the part action menu was unusable. so I never managed to dock something to it. but in theory they should work, because they get the node assigned. I can take a look at it, but not as a priority.
  22. Hi 1: Depends on the size of your screen, the action menu increases with each docking port until you can't use it anymore. but no technical limitation. 2: Same parts with animation will not work only last in the list will be animated. With the current configuration will the welder combine every antenna and dish to work like a single one. 3: I always weld probecores, so should work flawless. 4: Same rules as for animations, lights will not work if welded.
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